
Take advantage of the search to browse through the World Heritage Convention information.

Multiple word search
+world +heritage

This example shows how to search having words "world" and "heritage" in it

Search with at least one word
+conservation threats project

This example shows how search for at least "conservation" OR (threats OR project)

Search for one word, but not the other
-document +conservation

This example shows how to search for "conservation" but not "document"

Wildcard ?

This example searches for "test", "text", "teat", and so on

Wildcard *

This example searches for "test", "text", "teeeeeext", and "texyzt"


You cannot use a * or question mark ? symbol as the first character of a search.

Search categories
Partners Tentative Lists Web Pages States Parties News Events World Heritage Properties Activities Publications Decisions Documents Documents (files) Committee Sessions Who's Who FAQ