Being Human

Now on
  • Free
  • Permanent exhibition
Photograph of an exhibition gallery space. In the background to the right is a blue stained wood wall and to the left a light green painted wall containing windows. To the front of the frame is a display case table, divided close to the middle by a vertical wooden wall. On the right side a woman is looking at objects in a glass case whilst touching an info panel with her right hand. On the left side a man is holding a single headphone to his left ear, listening to an audio commentary. In front o

At every turn the visitor will find something to fascinate.

The Times

This permanent gallery explores trust, identity and health in a changing world.

Being Human explores what it means to be human in the 21st century. It reflects our hopes and fears about new forms of medical knowledge, and our changing relationships with ourselves, each other and the world.

Featuring 50 artworks and objects, the gallery is divided into four sections: Genetics, Minds & Bodies, Infection, and Environmental Breakdown. Discover a refugee astronaut carrying their belongings to an unknown destination, sniff a perfumed bronze sculpture that smells of breast milk and listen to an epidemic jukebox.

In addition, this visual story explains how to get to Wellcome Collection, and what to expect from our ‘Being Human’ exhibition.

Visit us

Free admission

Galleries open Tuesday–Sunday, Opening times

Being Human gallery, level 1

Step-free access is available to all floors of the building

Large-print guides, transcripts and magnifiers are available in the gallery

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