Md. community surprises woman on her 104th birthday at the tea shop she's loved for years

Maryland community surprises Irene Blade on her 104 birthday at the tea shop she's loved for years. (7News)
Maryland community surprises Irene Blade on her 104 birthday at the tea shop she's loved for years. (7News)
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CHARLOTTE HALL, Md. (WJLA) — A Maryland community is celebrating the 104th birthday of Irene Blade by throwing a surprise party at her favorite tea shop, the Cottage Boutique and Tea Room in Charlotte Hall, Md.

Sherry Cheney, the owner, says Irene visits the shop often. When Irene's daughter asked if they could surprise her on her birthday, Sherry says they would plan it, without a doubt.

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Irene was born on February 9, 1918. She lives on her own and loves to crochet, read and get outside of the house.

"I met her four years ago when she came to my store with her daughter, Rhonda," said Cheney. "It means a lot for me to celebrate her 104th by giving her a surprise tea party at my tearoom."

Irene said Thursday was the happiest day of her life.

"She had no idea that I was doing this for her," Cheney explained. "She's my oldest customer and I just love her."

She married in 1948 to her husband of more than 52 years. He passed away in 2000.

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