Feedback Intelligence Suite

Sentiment Analysis and Theme Detection across all your customer feedback

With Topic Detection, Theme Tracking, and  Sentiment and Trend Analysis, the UserVoice Feedback Intelligence Suite provides qualitative analysis of ALL of your customer feedback. Backed by powerful AI augmented analytics, UserVoice provides a set of novel features to help Product Managers easily digest, prioritize and action user feedback loops at scale.
Trusted by forward-thinking product teams
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Gain early access to Feedback Intelligence.

A Comprehensive Picture Simplified With Intelligent Feedback Analysis.

Improve your product planning with insightful analysis of your users’ most critical needs and aligning your product strategy with trending themes as they evolve over time.
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Theme Detection

Automatically Detect Themes Across Product Feedback

UserVoice Intelligence's theme detection sifts through user feedback, spotting recurring topics that matter to your business.

With natural language processing at the helm, UserVoice narrows down broad swaths of feedback into digestible themes. This means you can quickly identify and act on topics your customers really care about, and better align your product strategy with those needs.

Identify and Track Your Most Important Themes

Take the manual labor out of feedback triage.  Keep your product feedback magically organized by the themes that are important to you and your team. 

Whether you’re grouping your feedback by strategic goals, by customer segments, or by your own internal organization, UserVoice keeps your data clean for trustworthy analysis and action.
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Theme builder logic - UserVoice Images

Explore Trends in Feedback

Understanding the change in the voice of your customers has never been more important.  In what ways are jobs to be done evolving? Is a competitor driving your customers to ask for something important? How do they feel about recent updates?

The Trend Explorer is your window into these shifts over time. Whether you're focusing on a company goal or a newly found topic, easily see how desires are changing. Dive into specific feedback to understand the "why" behind the change.

Share these objective insights to help inform product roadmap discussions and make it easy for the rest of the company to understand your users.  Export executive summary results in easy-to-consume graphs and summaries.

Uncover sentiment and urgency in user feedback and themes

Customers express urgency in different ways, but they can all be indicators of churn.  That's where the Urgency Alert comes in. It helps you categorize ideas and comments by the intensity of  customer sentiment.

By interpreting natural language and tapping into customer’s emotions, you can pinpoint areas that need attention and make data-driven tweaks to prevent customer churn.
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