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Annie Spratt
Hobbyist photographer from England, sharing my digital, film + vintage slide scans. Shooting a roll of film every day in 2024. See my collections for film stock examples 🎞️ anniespratt.com ✌️
A close up of a plant on a rock
A bird standing on a rock in a field
A bird is perched on a rock near some plants
A bird sitting on top of a grass covered hill
A giraffe standing on top of a grass covered hillside
A bird is perched on top of a rock
A close up of a bunch of flowers in a field
A large rock sitting on top of a grass covered hillside
A close up of some plants on a rock
There is a bird that is standing in the tall grass
A field with tall grass and blue flowers
A bird perched on top of a rock wall
A bird sitting on top of a large rock
A bird is perched on top of a bush
A bunch of flowers that are in the grass
A close up of a fern in a field
A bird is perched on top of a bush
A bush with white flowers and green leaves
A bunch of flowers that are in the grass
A bunch of flowers that are on a tree
A close up of a plant on a rock
A bird is perched on a rock near some plants
A close up of a bunch of flowers in a field
A close up of some plants on a rock
A field with tall grass and blue flowers
A bird sitting on top of a large rock
A bunch of flowers that are in the grass
A bird is perched on top of a bush
A bunch of flowers that are in the grass
A bird standing on a rock in a field
A bird sitting on top of a grass covered hill
A giraffe standing on top of a grass covered hillside
A bird is perched on top of a rock
A large rock sitting on top of a grass covered hillside
There is a bird that is standing in the tall grass
A bird perched on top of a rock wall
A bird is perched on top of a bush
A close up of a fern in a field
A bush with white flowers and green leaves
A bunch of flowers that are on a tree
A close up of a plant on a rock
A bird sitting on top of a grass covered hill
A close up of a bunch of flowers in a field
There is a bird that is standing in the tall grass
A bird sitting on top of a large rock
A bird is perched on top of a bush
A bird standing on a rock in a field
A giraffe standing on top of a grass covered hillside
A large rock sitting on top of a grass covered hillside
A field with tall grass and blue flowers
A bird is perched on top of a bush
A bush with white flowers and green leaves
A bunch of flowers that are in the grass
A bird is perched on a rock near some plants
A bird is perched on top of a rock
A close up of some plants on a rock
A bird perched on top of a rock wall
A bunch of flowers that are in the grass
A close up of a fern in a field
A bunch of flowers that are on a tree
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