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Questions tagged [error-handling]

Use this tag for questions on how to handle errors generated in shell scripts.

0 votes
2 answers

How to execute command if previous command fails with return code 0

I have a script which logs in to a server. Regardless of the success (i.e. whether the password is valid or not) the script will exit with return code 0, and the text: Error login failed. I'd like it ...
Nickotine's user avatar
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bwrap: execvp com.github.tchx84.Flatseal: No such file or directory flatpak

Some background of what happened. I was playing with Flatseal to try few themes on my flatpak appliacations, and after some workarounds here and there, I accidently removed some file section in the ...
Bhaumik Tripathi's user avatar
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2 answers

tar: ./.tar.gz: file changed as we read it | "Flagged" files are unrelated to the file tar is supposed to operate on

I am trying to use tar to recursively compress all files with the .lammpstrj extension within the directory tree starting at the directory whose path is stored in the variable home. home contains the ...
Felipe Evaristo's user avatar
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bash: is it possible to make `errexit` work inside conditionals?

Consider the following script: #!/bin/bash set -o errexit -o xtrace qux() { false echo QUX } quux() { qux ||: echo QUUX } quux Running this script produces: + quux ...
Azat Khabibulin's user avatar
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Cannot capture a handshake when sniffing

I cannot find a way to get a Handshake from my own wireless network, which has a WPA2 encryption. Please, note that this is not the first time I do this at all. In fact, I've captured tons of ...
Mike Walter's user avatar
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How to deal with ALSA errors

Using some very simple example code to do speech-to-text in Python it works, but spews out a stream of the following errors and warnings: Cannot connect to server socket err = No such file or ...
AlphaCentauri's user avatar
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Bash parameter substitution with multi line error message

I'm using parameter substitution with an error message, such as ${var1:?'some message'}. I've incorporated a multi-line error message. Presently, it only functions properly when enclosed within single ...
programmer Erfan's user avatar
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Some GTk3 applications aborting with BadAccess when DISPLAY=:0 but not DISPLAY=hnam.local:0 or even DISPLAY=unix:0

I've had some issues with my XQuartz environment not starting due to a bit of a freak reason that was a rather hard to figure out. It's (mostly) working again but I must have caused another regression ...
RJVB's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

How to code defensively in Bash for unhandled runtime errors within logical expressions?

I just encountered an error where a function was missing in my script. I already trap and raise these exceptions to stop the script early, but I noticed that did not occur. Investigating this further, ...
Zhro's user avatar
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errexit and lists [duplicate]

set -eu sh -euc 'echo 1; false; echo 2' || echo fail f() { echo 1 false echo 2 } { echo 1; false; echo 2; } || echo fail ( echo 1; false; echo 2; ) || echo fail f || echo fail Output (at ...
x-yuri's user avatar
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-5 votes
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virtual machine stuck [closed]

My virtual machine stuck on this and just keep downloadin for hours please solve
muhammad wajahat ali khan's user avatar
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grep: /proc/cpuinfo: No such file or directory

I am using a Mac computer and I get this message when running mirdeep2 script: grep: /proc/cpuinfo: No such file or directory
gkarere's user avatar
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What's the equivalent of the apport-retrace (Ubuntu) command for Debian?

I have some freezing troubles I cannot find the cause for a long time on my Debian VM, and I'm interested in using a command apport-retrace that a Linux magazine I've bought promotes to do some ...
Marc Le Bihan's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

SSH session termination on script error when sourcing multiple sub-scripts

I'm facing an issue with SSH on a server. Running individual scripts (source, etc.) works fine, with errors displayed in the console. However, when using a master script to source these scripts,...
jay.sf's user avatar
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Error with kali linux win-dex-install

I just installed wsl kali Linux on Windows but this error came up while installing win-dex -y command. I need this for class and I can't figure it out. I'm new to Linux and need help, please. What ...
Keke V's user avatar
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