Get out those running shoes, remember to breathe, and make sure to stay hydrated: We've got a sporty lesson for you in store today!

Salut and welcome back to Learn Luxembourgish with RTL Today! Learning a new language is a lot of fun but we can all agree that it is also quite a sedentary activity. So, to stay fit and keep those muscles busy, this lesson is all about sports!

Maybe you are someone who does sport for a hobby, perhaps you're even the kind of person who joins competitions from time to time. Or maybe, you just like watching and talking about sports. No matter what applies to you, you will learn some handy words and phrases in today's lesson.

Language Basics is also back with a lesson that's dedicated entirely to prepositions. So, if you feel like you might want to take an extra lap around the language running track after the main lesson, you know where to get your fix!

How to talk about doing sport as a hobby

Below are some useful phrases that you can use to tell others about your sporting activities:

After work, I like to go jogging.

No der Aarbecht ginn ech gäre lafen.

Lesson 17_01

Good to know: The word Jogging also exists in Luxembourgish and one of its meanings is the same as in English, i.e., to go for a jog. However, Jogging is also the Luxembourgish word for a tracksuit ("Have you seen my tracksuit?" -> Hues de mäin Jogging gesinn?). Note as well that the Luxembourgish word for "sweatpants" is Joggingsbox (Box = trousers).


He is a member of his local tennis club.

Hien ass ee Member a sengem lokalen Tennisveräin / Tennisclub

She used to play basketball in the past.

Hatt / Si huet fréier mol Basket(ball) gespillt.


Lesson 17_02

Remember: There are two translations for the English "she": Use Si if you want to be formal or respectful and hatt if you want to refer to someone in an informal way.


They usually play football on the weekends.

Weekends spille si normalerweis Fussball.

You (singular) play table tennis, right?

Du spills Dëschtennis / Pingpong, gell?

You guys are well prepared for the bicycle race.

Dir sidd gutt virbereet fir d'Vëloscourse.

Lesson 17_03


How to talk about sports

Are you someone who likes to watch professional sports? Well, you're in luck, we've also got some phrases for you!


I like to watch…

Ech kucke gär…

My favourite player is…

Mäi Liblingsspiller ass…


Did you see the game yesterday?

Hues du de Match gëschter Owend gesinn?


The team has had very bad luck this season.

D'Ekipp huet vill Pech gehat dës Saison.


When is the next European Cup / World Cup?

Wéini ass déi nächst Europameeschterschaft / Weltmeeschterschaft?

Lesson 17_04

Good to know: You could also use the French words Coupe d'Europe and Coupe du Monde.

Do you know where I can watch the quarter final / semi final / final tomorrow?

Weess du, wou ech muer kann d'Véierelsfinall / d'Halleffinall / d'Finall kucken?


They could actually win the championship this year.

Si kéinten dës Joer souguer d'Meeschterschaft / de Championnat gewannen.

Lesson 17_05

This lesson comes with a vocabulary list, which you can find at the end of the Language Basics article, but as always, you can also use to look up any additional words.