‘There are 3,50,000 types of flowers — the same blossom offers varied colours to diverse observers’

Beverly Glover, Professor of Plant Systematics and Evolution, is Director of the Botanic Garden at Cambridge University. Speaking to Srijana Mitra Das at Times Evoke, she discusses floral diversity — and its advertising:
What is the core of your research?
My work involves thinking about the development, evolution and function of different traits of flowers which make them attractive to animals. I seek to understand the enormous diversity of flower forms — there are around 3,50,000 different types of flowers. I research how plants generate all that diversity.

What explains the range in floral colours?


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The answer lies somewhere between two ends of a spectrum. At one end, there are hundreds of thousands of diverse flowers — but there are a million beetles. Similarly, there are many kinds of butterflies, bees, moths, birds, bats and wasps. All these pollinators have different morphologies, including the length of their tongue, beak and other feeding apparatus, the size of their body, cognitive processing abilities to handle complicated flower structures or nectar guides, different colour visions, etc. So, some people consider the great diversity of flowers as targeted advertising to attract different animals to pollinate. The other extreme is that all these colours aim to stand out against green vegetation, like a billboard. The truth is somewhere between these two ideas.

Can the same flower have different colours?
Colour is a product of two things — it depends on which wavelengths of light are reflected. This is always constant. It is also a product of which wavelengths of light an observer’s eyes are adapted to receive. The human colour vision has three photoreceptors which absorb red, green and blue — but a bee doesn’t have a red one. It has green, blue and ultraviolet. A blue flower which reflects ultraviolet, and a blue flower which absorbs this, will look the same to me — but, to a bee, they will look completely different.
Similarly, if you show a bee a red flower, that doesn’t mean much to it as it doesn’t have a red photoreceptor. It can only see red with the tail-end of its green receptor — so, colour is a combina tion of what wavelengths of light are reflected and who’s looking.
What is iridescence in flowers?
This is colour which looks different from different angles. Think of a soap bubble — when it moves, you see different colours, like in oil spilled on a puddle. You can produce iridescence not through pigments but a structure organised on the nanoscale in a way that interferes with light — the surface of a compact disc (CD) can be structured in the same scales, less than a micron, that the wavelengths of light are organised on. When those wavelengths hit the surface, they get broken into different colours which reflect in angles — that’s how we see iridescence.

We realised about 15 years ago that flowers do this — Heather Whitney, who’s now teaching at Bristol University, came to me with a hibiscus trionum which looked different from different angles. The surface of the petal, we found, has a regular pattern of ridges and grooves — when seen under a powerful microscope, it looked like a CD’s surface. That structure causes the iridescence effect.

What are flowers’ ‘insect-mimicking spots’?
I’m working with a very unusual species for this study, a daisy which grows in South Africa and Namibia, called Gorteria diffusa. On its surface, it makes spots with a black pigmented area, a white highlight, texture and positioning — they’re not on all petals but one or two. They make a convincing mimic of the pollinator fly of this species — male flies come to the flower thus, thinking they’re seeing female flies there, land and get dusted with pollen, then transferring this to other places. This is a very clever system flowers have come up with.

How fast does such evolution take place?
Evolution might not look rapid to us but floral forms evolved very fast indeed. These spotted daisies come in multiple versions and this diversity is one to million years old — that’s very young in evolutionary terms.
Example from colleagues working with other floral systems give us hints about the molecular changes involved — there are groups of genes which code for proteins we call ‘transcription factors’. You could think of them as switch proteins which turn on and off pathways. Often, flowers switch from red to blue or other colours, which is rapid evolution — one of the switch genes gets mutated. So, rapid evolution focuses on particular genes which can turn on and off. We also see changes in floral form associated with chromosomes — plants have an ability to double their chromosomes and survive that in a way that’s difficult for animals. That provides new material for evolution and swift diversity.
Do flowers communicate more than just the availability of nectar to animals?
There are all sorts of rewards flowers offer animals — some give nectar, some yield pollen or oil, others proffer warmth or a place to sleep. The communication is usually about something beneficial to an animal — some pigments signal the ability of a flower to heat up. So, the flower both enhances its temperature and tells a bee or bird, ‘Come here, this is a warm place for you to sit.’ Certain dark purple irises warm up thus — and insects use them to sleep in at night.

With climate change, are you seeing alterations in the world of flowers?
One of the big concerns of pollination biologists is that the relationships between pollinators and flowers are quite stable now — if you alter the temperature, rainfall or environment though, it’s likely one or the other will change its range. If they don’t change together, the relationship is uncoupled.

In the northern hemisphere, flowers are blossoming earlier due to cli mate change — plants are flowering before insects are available, which means pollination for plants and food for pollinators is reduced, affecting the populations of both. Changes in space and time from global warming can affect such interactions.

What is the most interesting flower you have seen so far?

I’ll give you three — the spotted daisy which features amazingly clever evolutionary biology. The Titan arum of Sumatra, the world’s largest flower, which heats up and smells intense to attract carrion flies. And the antirrhinum or snapdragon which evolved to attract bumblebees — it has a lovely scent, beautiful colour patterns and a very clever hinge mechanism to help the bees in.


● Charles Darwin is usually linked to Galapagos animals — but he was an avid botanist too. Returning from South America in 1836, Darwin focused on plants, famously terming floral diversity ‘an abominable mystery’. Studying orchids, Darwin discovered flowers’ thrust towards fertilisation and how natural selection ruled the plant world — he called this floral research his most satisfying work

● Jagadish Chandra Bose straddled both physics and botany. Born in 1858, the scientist once stepped on a Mimosa pudica — or ‘lajjabati’, the ‘shy plant’ in Bangla — which folded up, blossoms and all. Bose investigated why and unveiled plant behaviour and communication. He conducted studies on plant responses to stimuli and established biophysics, demonstrating electrical conduction

● EK Janaki Ammal was a 20th century Indian botanist who researched plant breeding. Her creation of a high-yielding sugarcane strain is iconic but Ammal also studied magnolias, researching their cytology and hybridisation, establishing the effects of colchicine as doubling chromosomes, creating stronger flowers — a variety of the lovely blossom is thus named ‘Magnolia Kobus Janaki Ammal’
Research: Smithsonian Magazine, Encyclopaedia Britannica, Scientific American, New Phytologist
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