this story is from April 13, 2024

‘Coffee caused deforestation and habitat loss — it now faces climate challenges and needs sustainability’

Jonathan Morris is professor of modern history at the University of Hertfordshire, UK. Conversing with Times Evoke, he outlines the past — and future — of coffee:
Jonathan Morris, author of ‘Coffee: A Global History’, speaks as crisply as someone downing a brisk espresso. Discussing his research, he says, ‘I look at the history of coffee and study the relationships and impacts that resonate across the coffee chain —this includes looking at how changes in production affect dynamics at the point of consumption and vice versa as well as the interlinkages between these. I also look at the major developments which took place across different eras of coffee, from when people began drinking it in the Middle East to the globalisation of coffee today. This drink,’ Morris emphasises, ‘is now grown in all the tropical continents of the world and consumed in every country on Earth. Learning its history is important to understand why the system is as it is.’



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That involves sifting the has-beens from the beans, as it were. Morris explains, ‘There are five eras of coffee which map onto distinct eras of economics as well — the first is from the 1500s to the 1700s, when coffee growing was confined to Arabia, particularly modern-day Yemen, while there was wild coffee foraging in East Africa.
TROUBLE BREWING: Coffee gardens can look richly serene with their greenery and striking berries — but they are now interwoven with the consequences of climate change as these impact both yields and growing locations (Photo: iStock)

That trade was controlled by the then-Ottoman empire. That meant a monopoly on coffee — this was broken by European merchant companies when they started growing it in other areas, like the Dutch in Java and the French in Martinique and modern-day Haiti. These forces began expanding the use of slave labour for this — it thus became possible to grow a lot more coffee than previously, using a lowered labour cost.’

Eventually, the use of enslaved labour became increasingly outlawed — but it was followed by the rise of indentured labour used to grow coffee. Morris explains, ‘The spread of coffee as an industrial product was deeply linked to its growth in Brazil where a lot of indentured workers from Europe and Asia were brought to the plantations. Importantly, there was also the rise of a mass market for coffee in America where its roasting became a business in itself — it was here that the first coffee brands and blends began becoming nationally recognised.’

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This industry became globalised in the 20th century — but that came with its own twist as it happened when many countries were just emerging from colonialism and were caught in a system where they needed to grow coffee to supply Western economies in order to raise foreign exchange. ‘Today,’ Morris remarks, ‘We see a much bigger global trade, with more economies like India, where coffee is both produced and consumed in the country itself.’

Coffee thus has a history steeped in colonialism and slavery. Morris explains, ‘From the point when it expanded out of its initial areas around the Indian Ocean and Red Sea, the European merchant trading companies used greatly unequal and often slave labour — that created a whole set of economic forces which lasted beyond the structure of enslaved labour itself, perpetuating into the current system today.’

While it enslaved many, it also seemed to have the opposite effect for others. ‘Coffee changed the way the modern world works,’ Morris says. ‘One of its attractions is that it wasn’t alcoholic — so, right from the beginning, it could be drunk in Islamic regions. This created the first coffeehouses in the Ottoman and Arabian empires. Then, travelling into Europe, this drink really transformed work practices and productivity through coffeehouses — these became networking places,’ he emphasises, adding, ‘London coffeehouses, for instance, held the early origins of the London Stock Exchange and Lloyds of London. Merchants were keen to do business in coffeehouses rather than the way this was done earlier, in a rowdy tavern. So, coffee increased the potential to socialise and network while working your job.’

It also raised productivity. ‘Coffee, while being a sobering drink, also affects our metabolism and it was widely believed to speed up our brain and energy levels. Many artists used it and as the world moved into an industrial era, consumption based on this belief grew. Coffee is very much an urban beverage,’ Morris mentions, ‘It’s become emblematic worldwide as something that gives a kickstart to a busy day and a boost to our brain and energy levels thereafter.’

Ubiquitous in workplaces and prominent in restaurants and homes, coffee has been fairly negative for the environment though. It is usually grown on large expanses — ‘In South America, huge swathes of rainforest were destroyed to produce land for this,’ says Morris. ‘In the 20 th century, coffee was grown in a very intense manner, using a great deal of chemical fertilisers, removing shade trees, etc.’ The beverage also doesn’t have a significant calorific benefit — instead, it produced emission impacts from deforestation, etc., and high effluent run-offs into ecosystems.

There is fulsome irony to environmental damage though. As Morris comments, ‘Today, coffee itself is very threatened by climate change. The key risk is the regions where it is grown are likely to become too warm for its cultivation. This means the locations cultivating coffee are likely to see a significant shift — we need to be mindful of how to assist the people who are currently farming coffee to either transition out of it Coffee’ or move with it to another more favourable location. We also need to encourage far more sustainable ways — many growers are in fact moving now to growing coffee under shade trees, using organic fertilisers, adopting methods which are bird-friendly, etc.’

Sustainably grown coffee also has its social dimensions. Morris explains, ‘We need a fair price for coffee which has fallen in recent years in the world market and doesn’t return much to farmers. The vast majority of coffee cultivators in the Global South are very small holders, almost subsistence farmers — when we talk about sustainability, this should also be about how they can sustain their presence and be rewarded, rather than finding themselves at the market’s worst end. Cooperatives are an important way in this effort.’

WHO-BREW? Coffee is ubiquitous but risks making its grower anonymous (Photo: iStock)

He laughs when asked what we should think when we confront our morning cup of coffee — then, he gives a bracing reply. ‘There are about 25 stages involved from a bean to a cup. We could think about all the effort that went into this, from the person far away growing a coffee tree and its red cherries, to the work of getting the seeds or beans out, processing these and roasting the coffee before it is transported over vast locations to us where someone then makes it into a refreshing drink — that’s a lot of work. When consuming coffee, we should imagine how we are all connected through this huge chain of labour, land, enterprise and nature — and what we can do to help improve this.’
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