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public LocationGreenwich, UK
Sunrise: 4:55 
Transit: 13:04 
Sunset: 21:12
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Andromeda (The Chained Maiden) Constellation

Above the horizon.  Circumpolar today
Altitude: 2.8°   Azimuth: 6.9°   Direction: North

Andromeda (pronounced ænˈdrɒmɪdə) is the Latin name of a large constellation (in fact it extends itself for about 45 degrees across the sky) situated north of the celestial equator. As such, it is more easily visible from the northern hemisphere.

In English language this constellation is also known as "The Chained maiden" while in astronomical texts and literature this constellation is often abbreviated as "And" (according to the standard of the International Astronomical Union - IAU) or as "Andr" (according to a naming convention used by NASA).

The Latin genitive of the constellation name is "Andromedae" (pronounced ænˈdrɒmɪdiː) and it is used to identify some of the brightest stars in this constellation based on the Bayer or Flamsteed star naming convention. For instance: α Andromedae (the brightest star of Andromeda based on the Bayer catalog); or 23 Andromedae (the 23th star in the constellation of Andromeda based on the Flamsteed catalog).

Andromeda is above the horizon from Greenwich, UK. Altitude: 3°.
Available Resources for Andromeda

Sky Chart of Andromeda Constellation

Here we provide a simplified sky chart of the Andromeda constellation. Alternatively it is possible to locate Andromeda in the night sky using our Online Interactive Planetarium.

Chart of  constellation
This constellation image is derivatve work based on original work by IAU and Sky & Telescope magazine (Roger Sinnott & Rick Fienberg) CC-BY-3.0.

Visibility of Andromeda Constellation

Location: Greenwich, UK
Latitude: 51° 28’ 47” N
Longitude: 0° 00’ 00” E
Timezone: Europe/London

Andromeda is circumpolar and transits at 05:28 UTC (altitude: 79.5°)

The rise and set times provided here are just directional indications and they refer to a point approximately placed at the center of the constellation. In case of very large constellations (like Andromeda actually is) these times can have little relevance.

Bright Stars in Andromeda Constellation

The table below lists the top 20 brightest stars in the Andromeda constellation. See also the complete list of 173 stars brighter than magnitude 6.5 (approximate) in the constellation of Andromeda. Click on each star to see more details about it.

HR Number(*) Star designation Proper name Visual magnitude Color Notes
HR15 α Andromedae Alpheratz 2.06 Variable; Double;
HR337 β Andromedae Mirach 2.06 Variable; Multiple;
HR603 γ1 Andromedae Almach 2.26 Multiple;
HR165 δ Andromedae 3.27 Multiple;
HR464 51 Andromedae Nembus 3.57
HR8762 ο Andromedae 3.62 Variable; Multiple;
HR8961 λ Andromedae 3.82 Variable; Multiple;
HR269 μ Andromedae 3.87 Multiple;
HR215 ζ Andromedae 4.06 Variable; Multiple;
HR458 υ Andromedae Titawin 4.09 Multiple;
HR8976 κ Andromedae 4.14 Multiple;
HR335 φ Andromedae 4.25 Variable; Double;
HR8965 ι Andromedae 4.29 Variable;
HR154 π Andromedae 4.36 Variable; Multiple;
HR163 ε Andromedae 4.37
HR271 η Andromedae 4.42 Double;
HR8830 7 Andromedae 4.52
HR68 σ Andromedae 4.52 Variable;
HR226 ν Andromedae 4.53
HR63 θ Andromedae 4.61 Variable;
...go to the complete list of 173 bright stars in the constellation of Andromeda

(*) HR stands for Harvard Revised Bright Star Catalogue, which is also known as the Yale Catalogue of Bright Stars.

Deep Sky Objects in Andromeda Constellation

The table below lists the 20 brightest deep sky objects in the Andromeda constellation. See also the complete list of 198 deep sky objects in the constellation of Andromeda. The list includes objects from the Messier, New General Catalogue (NGC) and Index Catalogue (IC).

Name Type Magnitude
Messier 31 (Andromeda Galaxy) Galaxy 3.44 (V)
NGC 7686 Open Cluster 5.6 (V)
NGC 752 Open Cluster 5.7 (V)
Messier 110 Galaxy 8.07 (V)
Messier 32 Galaxy 8.08 (V)
NGC 7662 (Copeland's Blue Snowball) Planetary Nebula 8.3 (V)
NGC 956 Open Cluster 8.9 (V)
NGC 891 Galaxy 9.93 (V)
NGC 7640 Galaxy 11.6 (B)
NGC 404 Galaxy 11.73 (V)
IC 239 Galaxy 12.1 (B)
NGC 252 Galaxy 12.49 (V)
NGC 23 Galaxy 12.5 (B)
NGC 753 Galaxy 12.6 (B)
NGC 304 Galaxy 12.67 (V)
NGC 818 Galaxy 12.7 (B)
NGC 841 Galaxy 12.8 (B)
NGC 812 Galaxy 12.8 (B)
NGC 906 Galaxy 12.88 (V)
NGC 669 Galaxy 12.9 (B)
...go to the complete list of 198 deep sky objects in the constellation of Andromeda