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public LocationGreenwich, UK
Sunrise: 5:21 
Transit: 13:06 
Sunset: 20:50
sleep   (Nighttime)   What's Visible Now?
Comets » Comet C/2021 G2 (Atlas)

When Does Comet C/2021 G2 (Atlas) Rise and Set?

Today's Comet C/2021 G2 (Atlas) rise, transit and set times from Greenwich, UK are the following (all times relative to the local timezone Europe/London):

Azimuth: 110.1°
Max altitude: 18.4°
Azimuth: 249.9°
Comet C/2021 G2 (Atlas) is below the horizon from Greenwich, UK

The rise and set times are defined as the time at which the upper limb of Comet C/2021 G2 (Atlas) touches the horizon, taking into account the effect of the atmospheric refraction. Since the atmosphere conditions cannot be modeled precisely, the times reported here should be considered correct with an approximation of a few minutes.

See Also

Available Resources for Comet C/2021 G2 (Atlas)