Wow...I am teary. I so needed your absolution. Dealing with wildfires here in NorCal locally again and PTSD re-kicking in (lost all home, businesses, vehicles, income, friends,etc. in Paradise Firestorm) here we go again. With COVID and a broken foot last week🤪...enough already, hard to beat away that Debbie-Downer! Thanks for the lift. Member Faith Lutheran Church, Chico, CA.

Thanks so much Pastor Nadia,

Wendy Pine

Chico, CA

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Have always felt the place we truly understand who Jesus is - is on our knees. It is in the act of saying our sin, we know our need of him, it is in the act of saying our sin that we truly know in at least a small part the enormity of his love because on our knees we already know we have been forgiven, and being on our knees says that that He is true and real to ourselves and one another.

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have always felt like Peter. have not found it easy to say why. you have helped.

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My greatest lesson on forgiveness was from someone very dear to me who was grievously harmed by sexual abuse from a trusted member of the clergy (non-Catholic...) over a 5-10 year period many years ago. Decades of therapy after that. Her forgiveness of him translated itself into my mind as "what makes you think think that YOU deserve forgiveness any more than he does?", and that gets into Jesus' parable of the workers; some of which worked for half a day and some of which worked the entire day; all got the same pay. Forgiveness brings tears to me eyes every time I think about it or see it in practice.

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Absolutely true and beautifully expressed. Understanding that God loves me despite my faults..........

It's mind blowing.... Love and forgiveness seem to be different perspectives of the same thing....

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Thank you. 18 years ago I would rather cover mirrors than look at my reflection because it represented the condemnation I placed on myself through bad choices. Then I got arrested which had a sudden and profound impact on my life. The experience of unconditional love and hearing a voice inside me tell me there was a purpose for my life seemed crazy except I wasn’t crazy. I watched the room in the police station fill with clouds and saw a huge hand come through them when I heard this voice for God in my heart and immediately felt all encompassing love that still remains inadequate to describe. I changed my life Now I help others. I have been given grace and have continued to extended forgiveness. It changed my life and if I repay the grace till the day my life is finished then I will continue to feel the power of forgiveness flow in and through me. Now I feel the extension of God when I look in the mirror at my earthly self. You are a gift 💝 thank you for your life. May God continue to bless your path.

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Thank you!

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excellent, thank you for this, I do ponder what the Presbyterian response was, (probably form a forgiveness committee) (sorry couldn't resist. )

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Thank you. xo

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Thank you❤️

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Thanks for your Sunday messages!

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thank you.

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This entire message isn't new to me, but I heard it in a new way and I say thank God this is the truth. I'm so glad God is there to love me in all my messiness.

I also think this society is all screwed up about the difference between demeaning yourself and honestly confessing and placing yourself in God's merciful hands. Some people don't kneel because of it, some don't say any prayer that has "worthiness" or a synonym in it. We have a lovely old prayer in the Episcopal BCP meant to be said right before communion, the prayer of Humble Access. It's gone by the wayside because of this and I wish it were back.

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