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Renaud Joannes-Boyau

Professor in Geochronology and Geochemistry, Southern Cross University

Renaud Joannes-Boyau is a Professor in geochronology and a geochemistry applied to Human evolution. He is the Research leader of the Geoarchaeology and Archaeometry Research Group (GARG; at Southern Cross University in Australia and the Director of Biomics analytical Facility dedicated to archaeological science. His research focuses on the development and application of direct dating methods and micro-analytical techniques to key questions in archaeological sciences, such as the timing of human evolution, hominid ecological niche, diet and early life history. Specifically, Renaud’s research is concerned with the understanding of mobilization, incorporation, and diffusion of isotopes, trace elements and radionuclides into fossil remains. He has made a significant contribution in geochronology and geochemistry, with the dating of key fossils (e.g. early Homo sapiens from Jebel Irhoud, the age of Homo naledi, the arrival of Homo sapiens in Indonesia…) as well as the geochemical imaging of Neanderthals breastfeeding and other hominins early life reconstruction.


  • 2024–present
    Professor, Southern Cross University
  • 2019–2023
    Associate professor, Southern Cross University
  • 2012–2015
    Postdoctoral Research Fellow , Southern Cross University


  • 2010 
    Australian National University, PhD
  • 2006 
    University of Bordeaux, MSc

Grants and Contracts

  • 2013
    A new timeline for Human evolution using a pioneer non-destructive direct dating methodology
    Lead Investigator
    Funding Source:
    Australian Research Council Discovery Grant
  • 2012
    VC Postdoctoral Fellowship
    Lead Investigator
    Funding Source:
    Southern Cross University