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Kian Mintz-Woo

Senior Lecturer in Philosophy, Environmental Research Institute, University College Cork

I am a senior lecturer (Associate Professor) at University College Cork (Ireland) and am a Guest Researcher at the Equity and Justice Group at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (Austria). I work primarily on moral philosophy, both theoretical and applied to climate policy. Before taking up this lectureship, I did a postdoctorate at Princeton University's Center for Human Values.

I have written for several outlets, such as Project Syndicate (co-authored with Peter Singer, ) and the Irish RTÉ ( ).

I have also been interviewed for the Wall Street Journal ( and for local newspapers in Ireland ( ).

Since the beginning of 2023, I have been advising the Irish Environmental Protection Agency with respect to setting national carbon budgets ( ).


  • 2020–present
    Guest Researcher, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis
  • 2024–present
    Senior Lecturer in Philosophy and Researcher at Environmental Research Institute, University College Cork
  • 2020–2024
    Lecturer in Philosophy and Researcher at Environmental Research Institute, University College Cork
  • 2018–2020
    Postdoctoral research associate, Princeton University


  • 2018 
    University of Graz, PhD / Climate Ethics
  • 2014 
    Oxford University, BPhil
  • 2011 
    University of Reading, MA / Ethics and Political Theory
  • 2010 
    University of Amsterdam, MSc / Logic
  • 2008 
    University of British Columbia, BA


  • 2024
    Justice considerations in climate research, Nature Climate Change
  • 2023
    Carbon tax ethics, Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change
  • 2023
    Collapse, social tipping dynamics, and framing climate change, Politics, Philosophy & Economics
  • 2022
    Climate change and the threat to civilization, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
  • 2022
    The NET Effect: Negative Emissions Technologies and the Need-Efficiency Trade-off, Global Sustainability
  • 2022
    Carbon pricing ethics, Philosophy Compass
  • 2021
    What Do Climate Change Winners Owe, and to Whom?, Economics and Philosophy
  • 2021
    Carbon pricing and COVID-19, Climate Policy
  • 2021
    Why and Where to Fund Carbon Capture and Storage, Science and Engineering Ethics
  • 2021
    A Philosopher’s Guide to Discounting, Philosophy and Climate Change
  • 2021
    Will Carbon Taxes Help Address Climate Change?, Les ateliers de l'éthique/The Ethics Forum
  • 2020
    Public Values in the Right Context, Australasian Philosophical Review
  • 2019
    Science for loss and damage. Findings and propositions, Loss and Damage from Climate Change
  • 2019
    The Social Cost of Carbon: Valuing Inequality, Risk, and Population for Climate Policy, The Monist
  • 2019
    Principled utility discounting under risk, Moral Philosophy and Politics
  • 2019
    The ethical challenges in the context of climate loss and damage, Loss and Damage from Climate Change
  • 2018
    On Parfit’s ontology, Canadian Journal of Philosophy
  • 2018
    Security and Distribution, or Should You Care about Merely Possible Losses?, Ethics, Policy and Environment
  • 2018
    Two Moral Arguments for a Global Social Cost of Carbon, Ethics, Policy and Environment