Operational Guide: The Early Warning and Response System (EWARS) for Dengue Outbreaks


This guide is a revised edition to the previous version published in 2017.

This updated publication provides programme managers with a user-friendly tool that can: (i) analyse and draw conclusions from historic dengue datasets; (ii) identify appropriate alarm indicators that can predict forthcoming outbreaks at smaller spatial scales; and (iii) use these results and analyses to build an early warning system to detect dengue outbreaks in real-time and respond accordingly. This web-based tool can ensure enhanced, fast and secured communication between national and subnational levels, and standardized utilization of surveillance data.

The guide was produced by TDR together with WHO’s Neglected Tropical Diseases department and regional offices in the context of a European Union-financed research programme, the International Research Consortium on Dengue Risk Assessment, Management and Surveillance (IDAMS), to develop an evidence-based, early warning system for outbreak detection and management of dengue fever outbreaks.

WHO Team
Special Programme for TDR SCI
Number of pages
Reference numbers
ISBN: 978 92 4 151435 4