TDR and WHO launch ShORRT, an operational research package to assess all-oral shorter MDR/RR-TB treatment regimens

1 November 2019
News release
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TDR and the Global TB Programme (GTB) at the World Health Organization launched ShORRT (Short, all-Oral Regimens For Rifampicin-resistant Tuberculosis), an operational research package to assess the effectiveness, safety, feasibility, acceptability, cost and impact (including on health-related quality of life) of the use of all-oral shorter treatment regimens for adults and children with multidrug-resistant or rifampicin-resistant TB (MDR/RR-TB).

The launch, during a side-event at the 50th Union World Union Conference on Lung Health in Hyderabad, India, was attended by technical partners, including USAID, the Global Fund, MSF, Damien Foundation, the Union, and representatives from national TB control programmes.

image shows the social media card for ShORRT

By providing a standardized methodology, ShORRT aims to facilitate the conduct of operational research on all-oral shorter MDR/RR-TB regimens by countries, and to generate data that are harmonized across different implementation settings.

ShORRT includes a master protocol, data collection tools and key study procedures that investigators can adapt. The generic protocol is currently available in English, and will soon also be available in French and Spanish. Data collection tools and key study procedures are soon going to be released.

Evidence from this research can play a key role in informing programmatic implementation at the country level, and also provide important data to the global TB community to strengthen the evidence base and inform treatment guidelines.

For more information, contact Corinne Merle.