Statement of objective

ESSENCE members and partners’ main statement of objective is to strengthen research capacity for health within effective, accountable and sustainable health research systems in low- and middle-income countries.

Values and principles

ESSENCE is guided by the principle that good health is an essential foundation for social and economic development and that the attainment of self-reliance in research and development in low- and middle-income countries is key to sustainability.

Low- and middle-income countries should not have to rely on the purchase or import of technologies and skills, rather scientific and development cooperation should aim to empower them to develop their own educational systems and institutional frameworks in order to become self-sufficient in efforts to reduce health inequalities.


The focus is on low-and middle-income countries, especially those in sub-Saharan Africa.


The goal of ESSENCE on Health Research is to increase the impact of support provided for research capacity strengthening for health in low-and middle-income countries.

The Essentials of ESSENCE

ESSENCE is guided by the agreed upon principles outlined in The Essentials of ESSENCE document developed and approved by the members, and most recently revised in April 2020.

How does ESSENCE operate?

ESSENCE agencies interact with one another through meetings and workshops, as well as via interagency communications. Since its inception, the secretariat has been hosted at the Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases (TDR) at World Health Organization Geneva.

It operates through a broader group of funding partners who share the same objectives for health research capacity strengthening and who will work towards harmonization of support and alignment with countries’ priorities.

ESSENCE members and partners are advised by a Steering Committee (SC) which provides external technical input into the planning, implementation and review of the biennial workplan and individual activities. ESSENCE currently has seven SC members representing NIH/FIC, Wellcome, WHO/HRP, EDCTP and Sida who sit on the committee together with the Coordinator of the Secretariat.


ESSENCE on Heath Research Initiative came into being during a meeting focused on Research Capacity Strengthening organized by Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) in Stockholm in 2008. It embraces the principles of donor harmonization and country alignment expressed in the 2005 Paris Declaration and Accra and Busan Plans of action. In line with the principles of the declaration, donors strive to align and harmonize their activities and procedures with the priorities of the countries in which they work.

Since its inception in 2008, ESSENCE on Health Research initiative has achieved remarkable progress in facilitating dialogue among all partners and piloting a number of innovative approaches to achieve its goals. This progress was acknowledged by a review conducted in 2015, which motivated continuation of this unique initiative. The members have since continued to work together to support stronger research in low-and middle income countries (LMICs).


ESSENCE Steering Committee Members

Dr Garry Aslanyan

Manager, Partnerships and Global Engagement at TDR and also Head of Secretariat of the ESSENCE on Health Research initiative


As Manager of Partnerships and Global Engagement, Dr Garry Aslanyan is responsible for TDR's wide range of engagements with global health stakeholders, including mobilizing programme resources and TDR's governing bodies. TDR has a unique relationship with co-sponsors: UNICEF, World Bank, UNDP and WHO. This includes applying research evidence in global health programming of the co-sponsors and collaborating with six regional WHO offices which is overseen by Dr Aslanyan, including the highly successful impact grants tackling public health challenges in those regions. In addition, Dr Aslanyan is the Head of the ESSENCE on Health Research Secretariat that provides support to its Steering Committee and funding agencies which are members of ESSENCE to move forward on various activities.

Garry is also the host of the highly popular Global Health Matters podcast and leads its production team.

Dr Aslanyan is Canadian, with a background in dentistry, public health, research/innovation management, health policy/systems as well as global health diplomacy. Prior to joining TDR, Dr Aslanyan has taken on various roles that allowed him to lead various organizational and technical innovations and is a recognized leader in global public health. As well as holding senior executive positions within Canada’s federal government and as the past President of the Ontario Public Health Association, Dr Garry Aslanyan has experiences living and working across the world including in Brazil, South Africa, Armenia, Barbados and Vietnam.

Learn more about TDR projects and activities where Garry is involved:  




Dr Garry Aslanyan
Manager, Partnerships and Governance at TDR and also Head of Secretariat of the ESSENCE on Health Research initiative 
World health Organization/TDR
E-mail:  Dr Garry Aslanyan
Twitter: GarryAslanyan


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