Own your modernization journey

Tanzu Labs (formerly Pivotal Labs) partners with organizations worldwide to accelerate the delivery of software and modernize legacy apps, while reducing operating costs and risk.

Why Tanzu Labs
Co-workers collaborating in a room Woman sticking Post-It notes on a wall Man talking in front of whiteboard Hands typing on a computer keyboard

We don’t just drop in, deploy and leave—we’ll work side by side with your team to build capabilities, transfer skills and knowledge and instill a process that shows immediate and lasting impact. Empower your teams to deliver the products your customers need.

Hit the ground running

Let’s work on what matters first, starting on Day 1. We’ll partner with you to establish dedicated Platform Teams, assess your entire portfolio, and determine where to innovate, where to modernize and how to excel at both.

Make a habit of best practices

Learn by doing. Immerse your teams in the modern methodologies and technologies that help deliver the products customers want. So when you encounter similar problems in the future, you’ll have the tools and mindset to fix them.

Solve your toughest challenges

Some problems require more than tools. Engage with Tanzu Labs to start building the right thing for your users—and get it into production quickly.

Build apps
Portrait of a practitioner

“We need to build new apps our users will love.”

Common challenges
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Our innovation has slowed, and startups are winning market share.

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Our teams are focused on project tasks, not product backlogs.

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Our teams aren’t releasing software fast enough.

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Our teams aren’t certain they’re building the right apps for users.

How we can help

Build the right thing the first time. Learn how to use agile development to deliver the products your customers want. Refocus your teams around a new mindset and processes that quickly validate your concepts and get them from idea to production in days, not months.

Build apps
Modernize apps
Portrait of a practitioner

“We need to modernize our apps for the cloud.”

Common challenges
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Our applications have monolithic architectures that hinder velocity.

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We need to update our apps to take advantage of cloud elasticity.

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Our legacy apps are driving up tech debt and operations costs.

How we can help

Go beyond lift and shift. We can help you quickly assess business-critical applications so you can start migrating legacy software immediately. Make the applications that matter more reliable, accessible and scalable.

Modernize apps
Build a platform
Portrait of a practitioner

“We need a well-run platform that supports our devs.”

Common challenges
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We want to spur developer productivity using VMware Tanzu.

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Our operational burden is skyrocketing, and we can’t apply security patches fast enough.

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We need to scale usage of the platform to dozens of teams, not just a few early adopters.

How we can help

Run your platform at scale and make life better for your developers. Learn the new rules of cloud ops so you can ramp up your success with VMware Tanzu. Create a dedicated team that runs the platform like a product that continually evolves to meet the needs of your business.

Build a platform
“[Tanzu Labs] has proven to be a place where large enterprises can learn lean startup principles, and use them to build disruptive software products.”
Eric Ries

Eric Ries, author of The Lean Startup

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Tanzu Labs?

Tanzu Labs (formerly Pivotal Labs) is a service that partners side-by-side with organizations to accelerate the delivery of software and to modernize legacy apps, all while reducing operating costs and risk.

What are the key capabilities of Tanzu Labs?

Partner with our Tanzu Labs experts to help your organization build apps, modernize apps and/or build a platform.

What are common challenges of companies consulting with Tanzu Labs?

Common challenges include:

  • Innovation has slowed
  • Applications have a monolithic architecture
  • Legacy apps are driving up tech debt and costs
  • Desire to speed up developer productivity
  • Need to scale
  • Need to discover new ways of thinking that build up cloud native skills

What are the benefits of Tanzu Labs?

Enterprises that use Tanzu Labs work with a dedicated team that consults on where to innovate and modernize and how to excel at both. Tanzu Labs helps solve your toughest software challenges quickly and effectively.

What are the core principles of Tanzu Labs?

The core principles that form the foundation of Tanzu Labs are: empower teams, start simple, embrace change, deliver early and often, improve continuously and give back.

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