I have a ufw firewall with the following rules:

Status: active Logging: on (low) Default: deny (incoming), allow (outgoing), deny (routed) New profiles: skip

To Action From

22/tcp LIMIT IN Anywhere

80 LIMIT IN Anywhere

443 LIMIT IN Anywhere

22/tcp (v6) LIMIT IN Anywhere (v6)

80 (v6) LIMIT IN Anywhere (v6)

443 (v6) LIMIT IN Anywhere (v6)

These rules set a limit to the number of requests on ports 22, 80 and 443. The rules are obeyed except when I use a vpn like ExpressVPN. Port 22 still has a limit but ports 80 and 443 are no longer limited from a vpn.

How can I set a limit to the number of requests in order to block a hacker that hides behind a vpn?


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