
Getting a URL that contains /./ inside from a redirection.

I run a GET {{base}}/main-menu. The response is 302 with a redirect to ./menu

Postman is trying to GET {{base}}/./main (with the ./ inside) and fails with a 404.

But if try that in the navigator I get what I want.


Is there a setting or a way to make this works in Postman in an authomated way?

(with authomated way I ment to not touching by hand).

Reproduction steps

Set a GET to https://nodejs.org/./en in Postman fails. In the navigator works.

I'm using Postman 9.31.0

image description here

  • Did you try to use absolute path / full URL for the redirection ? - Based on : community.postman.com/t/redirects-for-relative-urls-not-working/…
    – hidigoudi
    Commented Jan 13 at 19:17
  • @hidigoudi, Yes, I try it, and works. But I don't want to edit by hand every URL redirect having a ./ from a server that I cannot change. It's a pity that Postman doesn’t do the change that the navigator is doing automatically. Long story short: If I don't have a /./ I don't have the problem. But, because I get a ./ I still having a problem. Commented Jan 15 at 2:02


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