I use Edge on MS-Windows; I didn't change any advanced network configurations.

I tried to access local files in three ways:

  1. file://localhost/c:/ works
  2. file:// doesn't
  3. file://$/ does

Why the 2nd method doesn't work and the 3rd (weird format) does??

  • 1
    Try asking in SuperUser. Stack Overflow is for programming questions.
    – ewokx
    Commented Nov 22, 2023 at 4:38
  • @ewokx: OK, thx. I've voted to close to move it to superuser.se
    – shynur
    Commented Nov 22, 2023 at 4:38

1 Answer 1


The $ symbol following the drive letter indicates a hidden share that is active by default on all Windows systems. It is typically locked down only to admin access, but that's more applicable in an enterprise environment.

I cannot speak to why one work or the other, as I am not sure why, but the "weird format" is entirely normal, not weird.

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