Diversion and Rapid Resolution

Diversion and Rapid Resolution are critical components to Coordinated Entry. They assist the Continuum of Care (CoC) in identifying those who are most vulnerable to be prioritized for housing, while providing lighter touch support where possible.

Diversion is a strategy at the front door of the homeless response system that prevents homelessness for people seeking shelter by helping them identify immediate alternate housing arrangements, and, if necessary, connecting them with services and financial assistance to help them return to permanent housing.

Households are connected to Diversion when they call the Entry Point Call Center. The Call Center does an initial screening for individuals who are currently experiencing homelessness or will become homeless within 48 hours and connects these households with a referral for one of the nine Diversion Partner Agencies within the Suburban Cook County Continuum of Care (CoC). Households who will not be experiencing homelessness within 48 hours are screened for eligibility for a homelessness prevention referral or provided information for 2-1-1. Households may also be provided a Diversion Assessment when they are first presenting at shelter, homeless day project (drop-in center), or during an initial conversation with Street Outreach staff.

Brief, one-time assistance provided through diversion can include:

  • Conflict mediation between a household and family, friends, or landlords to find stable housing arrangements
  • Connection to public benefits assistance
  • Support in goals related to education or employment
  • Limited financial support for transportation to out-of-town housing with family or friends
  • Limited financial support for car repairs or local transportation costs so that a household member can get to work and remain employed
  • Limited financial support for household expenses such as groceries or utilities so that a household can make rent payments or so that they can contribute to household costs if staying with family or friends
  • And more!

The creative solutions provided through Diversion draw on client strengths and resources to provide a quick response to allow the client to remain housed or find new housing before entering the shelter system.

When a client is not able to be diverted to safe and stable housing, the Diversion Case Manager will talk with the client about shelter options and availability or provide the client with the phone number for Street Outreach staff in their area if the client is experiencing unsheltered homelessness. Due to limited resource availability, a referral to Diversion does not guarantee connection to street outreach, shelter, or housing.

Implementing Diversion Partner Agencies, FY2023-2024

  • BEDS Plus
  • Connections for the Homeless
  • Cornerstone Community Development Corporation
  • Housing Forward
  • Journeys | The Road Home
  • Northwest Compass
  • Respond Now
  • South Suburban PADS
  • Together We Cope

Rapid Resolution is a continuation of the initial diversion conversation that occurs once clients are enrolled in shelter, street outreach, or a homeless day project (drop-in center). Rapid Resolution utilizes progressive engagement to continue having client-centered, housing-focused, and exploratory conversations with the household. The goal of this conversation is to explore creative, flexible, safe, and cost-effective solutions to quickly resolve a housing crisis with limited or no financial support so that households can achieve housing stabilization as quickly as possible, recognizing the limited availability of HUD CoC-funded housing such as Rapid Re-Housing and Permanent Supportive Housing. As the relationship with agency staff progresses and household strengths, goals, resources, and barriers are identified, supports are adjusted and plans shift to try to identify various pathways to permanent, stable housing.

During the Rapid Resolution phase, agency staff work with the client to pursue all possible options to quickly resolve a housing crisis, this can include:

  • Identifying all social & familial supports the client may have that they can stay with
  • Identifying all social safety net programs, the client should be applying for including SNAP, TANF, LINK, general assistance, etc. to support rapid resolution
  • Exploring all possible housing options outside of the CoC
  • Exploring all possible service options for community-based resources outside of the CoC (this is to be explored regardless of housing outcomes)
  • Exploring first month’s rent and security deposit options through various homeless prevention programs

If, after the client has completed the rapid resolution phase, they have no discernable options, then the agency may proceed with the remainder of the phased assessment. Rapid Resolution and housing problem solving conversations and activities are to continue regardless of the client’s progress through the phased assessment. This helps ensure that the most intensive resources are available to those with the highest needs.

The guidance for the time to allow Diversion and Rapid Resolution services before a client is assessed for housing is:

  • As soon as clinically appropriate for all transition aged youth (18-24) households
  • As soon as clinically appropriate for all households experiencing domestic violence
  • After 7 days for all households with minor children
  • After 5 encounters with Street Outreach for all unsheltered households without minor children
  • After 30 shelter nights for sheltered households without minor children