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MongoDB is a scalable, cross-platform, high-performance, open source, document-oriented NoSQL database. It supports a large number of languages and application development platforms. Questions about server administration can be asked on

MongoDB is a widely used, general-purpose, document-oriented database with a multitude of features including replication for redundancy and high availability and sharding for horizontal scaling.

The MongoDB Community Edition database server and tools are source-available under Server Side Public License (all versions released after October 16, 2018) or open-source under AGPL v3.0 license (versions released prior to October 16, 2018). Commercial Licenses are also available from MongoDB, Inc.

MongoDB offers a powerful query language, MQL, and provides the Aggregation Framework and Map/Reduce for even more complex queries. MongoDB uses the BSON format for storing data and the MongoDB Wire Protocol for communication between client drivers and the MongoDB server. Officially supported Drivers and Client Libraries are available for most popular programming languages, and there are also Community Supported Drivers which offer alternative implementations and support for further programming languages.

The latest MongoDB server releases can be installed via common packaging systems or downloaded as binary archives from

The current production release series of MongoDB is 6.0. It is generally recommended to stay current with the latest minor release of a production release series (e.g. 6.0.1) to take advantage of bug fixes and backward-compatible improvements. For more information on the versioning scheme used by the server, see MongoDB Version Numbers.

MongoDB has a GUI called MongoDB Compass, which is a powerful GUI for querying, aggregating, and analyzing your MongoDB data in a visual environment. Compass is free to use and source available and can be run on macOS, Windows, and Linux.


MongoDB Community Forums are the official home for community discussion, product/driver announcements, and introductions.

For help with data modeling (schema design), check out the Data Models documentation page, the Building with Patterns blog series, and M320: Data Modeling course at MongoDB University.

For information on MongoDB Security, view the Security section of the MongoDB Manual which includes a MongoDB Security Checklist.

MongoDB, Inc. (the company behind MongoDB) provides archives of many presentations from their events such as conferences and webinars. They also develop a number of related tools and services including MongoDB Cloud Manager, MongoDB Ops Manager, MongoDB Atlas, and MongoDB Compass.

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Initial Release:

Feb 11, 2009

Latest Production Release Series:

6.0 (July 19, 2022 - Release notes)



Code Language (used for syntax highlighting): lang-js