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D3.js is a JavaScript library for creating interactive data-bound visualisations of documents using HTML, SVG, and Canvas. Questions should mention the version number of D3 you are using.

D3.js (or D3, for Data-Driven Documents) is a JavaScript library for creating interactive data-bound visualisations of documents using HTML, SVG, and Canvas.

The project is led by Mike Bostock. Additional information and examples can be found on the project home page.

Learning D3

A good source to get started is the Learn D3 tutorial. Scott Murray's tutorials on D3 are also an excellent source even if a bit outdated.

Afterward, learning D3 is best done by example. On Observable, you can find a lot of high-quality examples in the D3 Gallery. Bostock´s examples contains some examples for older versions that are still relevant today.

Looking to get inspired? Check out Fil's curated list of high-quality D3 work.




  • d3-carto-map - A mapping API that uses D3 geospatial functionality
  • d3-composite-projections - Projections for showing countries' distant lands together
  • datamaps - Customizable map visualizations in one file
  • d3-topogram - Continuous area cartograms based on TopoJSON
  • d3-exploder - Lets you easily move and resize geographic features
  • d3-geo-polygon - Clipping and geometric operations for spherical polygons
  • d3-geo-projection - Extended geographic projections
  • d3-delaunay - Voronoi diagrams and Delaunay triangulation for the sphere
  • d3-geomap - Library for creating geographic maps
  • d3.geo2rect - Morphing geojson polygons into rectangles
  • d3-inertia - An extension to d3-drag that continues the mouse movement with some inertia
  • earthjs - Building orthographic globe with SVG, Canvas & WebGL
  • mapmap.js - A data-driven API for interactive thematic maps
  • mapsense.js - Full resolution vector maps with D3
  • maptable - Convert datasets to a set of visual components (Map, Filters, Table)
  • simple-map-d3 - Easy choropleth style maps
  • spam - Create maps with D3 and Canvas, easily

Third Party

  • leaflet-d3 - Collection of plugins for using D3 with Leaflet [map, geo]
  • react-d3-basic - Library For Building Composable And Declarative Maps [map, geo]
  • Wikimaps-D3js Atlas - CLI to generate raster, topojson and svg maps [map, geo]
  • react-simple-maps - An SVG mapping component library for React, built on top of d3-geo [map, geo]

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Code Language (used for syntax highlighting): lang-js