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Questions tagged [visualization]

Visualization is any technique for creating images, diagrams, or animations to communicate a message.

0 votes
1 answer

Sheets swap on Tableau Dashboard using parameter

Can anyone help the issue I have with Tableau? I tried to swap sheets on Tableau dashboard by using parameter, but once I tried to change the sheets, it still won't work. what I did was creating ...
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0 answers

Bubbles inside Packed bubble all the same size

The packed bubble chart I am rendering, is rendering bubbles of the same size. The outer bubble is sizing correctly but the inner bubbles are all the same size. How to fix that issue? My code: ...
0 votes
1 answer

Vega via Deneb in Power BI sankey chart grouped source and target names

I d like to create a sankey chart chart using vega in Deneb. I found an article online and I have the following code, but I would like to show the countries grouped currently my result is like this, ...
-5 votes
0 answers

Mongo DB visualization [closed]

I need help currently I'm using mongo DB and wanted to fetch live data to the power BI My client wanted to see current data in dashboard if you have any ideas please feel free to mention any other ...
0 votes
0 answers

Highcharts heatmap is smushing the data and overlapping

I am trying to create a heatmap but the data is getting all smushed and overlapping. Not use what is wrong with my code. // Substring template helper for the responsive labels Highcharts....
0 votes
2 answers

How do I make elements show during an operation instead of after?

I am making a sorting algorithm visualizer using JavaScript. I have most of it down, but currently, the bars do not show up until the sorting is done, and at this point, it does show up sorted. ...
0 votes
1 answer

Plotly Treemap: Make color consistent with value

I want to set the variables value and color to the same column when generating a treemap with fig = px.treemap(df, path=sti, values='Size in kB', ...
1 vote
1 answer

How I make dissapper text value on Condition in VegaLite Chart

I am trying to create a group bar chart with text value over the bar, Chart seems good when there is no zero value, but when there is zero value in data then bar not make but label (text) are visible ...
1 vote
1 answer

plotly isosurface problem based on data size: it doesn't plot but also doesn't give an error message

I am a beginner in python and was playing around with data visualization for a task at my job. Simply, I need to visualize a cloud of 3D data points and I decided Isosurface function meets my ...
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0 answers

How do I display predicted class labels on the leaf nodes of an XGBoost decision tree?

I am working with an XGBoost classifier to predict types of exploitation. My dataset includes various features, and I have successfully trained a model. However, when I visualize the decision tree, ...
-1 votes
1 answer

How to See Evaluation Metrics in YOLOv6?

I have the following output but can't figure out how to evaluate because there is no F1 score or confusion matrix. Average Recall (AR) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area= small |maxDets=100] = -1.000 Average ...
0 votes
0 answers

Navigate to a different page after login streamlit

I am building a data analysis and visualization web app using streamlit with firebase authentication. The login is successfully but it has failed to switch to the main dashboard page. Here is the code....
3 votes
1 answer

How to visualize layout of C++ struct/class

What is the best way to visualize the memory layout of a C++ class/struct, compiled by GCC? I added the GCC switch -fdump-lang-class to my C++ compile options but it didn't output anything to stdout, ...
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0 answers

Creating a Comparative Performance Analysis Table with Filters in AWS QuickSight

I am a beginner in using Amazon QuickSight, and I have a dataset containing information about tasks performed by groups, including a performance score for each task. My goal is to create a table that ...
0 votes
2 answers

Sorting calendar plot with geom_segment() without overlapping

I am trying to do this calendar ggplot2. So far, it works fine, but I want to make one adjustment, and I am not finding the way: Overlapping of geom_segment() in num_months 2:5 in year 2021. For some ...

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