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Questions tagged [traminer]

The R TraMineR library is a toolbox for exploring and rendering categorical sequence data such as sequences describing family life trajectories or professional careers. This "traminer" tag is intended for questions related to the usage including data preparation and output handling of TraMineR and its companion TraMineRextras, WeightedCluster, and PST packages.

3 votes
2 answers

Identifying pattern over time within observations (R)

I have data on transfer payments for thousands of people over several years with monthly entries whether an observation received a payment that month or not. I want to find out whether certain types ...
Flow's user avatar
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Looping across 10 columns at a time in R

I have a dataframe with 1000 columns. I am trying to loop over 10 columns at a time and use the seqdef() function from the TraMineR package to do sequence alignment across the data in those columns. ...
histelheim's user avatar
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I did a clusterward analysis - how to add a column with the results to my original data

I did a cluster ward analysis from OM (optimal matching) distances obtained with TraMineR. R>library (cluster) R>clusterward<- agnes (,dis=TRUE, method="ward") # where test is my ...
Jean-Francois Marchal's user avatar
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An "asymmetric" pairwise distance matrix

Suppose there are three sequences to be compared: a, b, and c. Traditionally, the resulting 3-by-3 pairwise distance matrix is symmetric, indicating that the distance from a to b is equal to the ...
POTENZA's user avatar
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Export Multi-factor ANOVA [TRAMINER] to latex

I try to export the result of a multi factor analysis of sequences in latex table form. I tried to do with xtable() but R says that it ## Heading ## cannot do it with this feature ... Someone would ...
Lmoul's user avatar
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How to create sequence index plots of a subset of groups in a sequence object?

I have a state sequence object with a grouping variable that has 6 levels. I would like to create 3 sequence index plots, one for levels 1 and 2, one for levels 3 and 4, and one for levels 5 and 6, ...
user13744's user avatar
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Printing several pieces of output to the same CSV in R?

I am using the TraMineR package. I am printing output to a CSV file, like this: write.csv(seqient(sequences.seq), file = "diversity_measures.csv", quote = FALSE, na = "", row.names = TRUE) write.csv(...
histelheim's user avatar
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5 votes
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Using "by" for creating multiple graph titles

I am trying to use "by" of "for" in order to create many subgraphs using one or two group variables. Both group variables are a factor variables (sex is a dummy and father's social status has multiple ...
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Rearranging a dataframe in R

I have a dataframe that looks like this: created_at actor_attributes_email type 3/11/12 7:28 [email protected] PushEvent 3/11/12 7:28 [email protected] PushEvent 3/11/12 7:28 ...
histelheim's user avatar
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Cutting a CSV file up into different columns using R

This is a follow up question to Pivoting a CSV file using R. In that question, I wanted to cut up a single column (type) into several columns based on the values in column (repository_name). The ...
histelheim's user avatar
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7 votes
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Displaying TraMineR (R) dendrograms in text/table format

I use the following R code to generate a dendrogram (see attached picture) with labels based on TraMineR sequences: library(TraMineR) library(cluster) clusterward <- agnes(, diss = TRUE, ...
histelheim's user avatar
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How to get several columns from BigQuery?

I am querying the github public dataset on BigQuery. Currently, my best query for what I need looks like the following. SELECT type, created_at, repository_name FROM [githubarchive:github.timeline] ...
histelheim's user avatar
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Pivoting a CSV file using R

I have a file that looks like this: type created_at repository_name 1 IssuesEvent 2012-03-11 06:48:31 bootstrap 2 IssuesEvent 2012-03-11 06:48:31 ...
histelheim's user avatar
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Using Time Diary Data with TraMineR

I am trying to do sequence analysis using time-diary data (American Time Use Survey) using TraMineR in R. I have the data as SPELL data (id, start time, stop time, event) but I receive the following ...
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