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Questions tagged [tailwind-css]

Tailwind CSS is a highly customizable, low-level CSS framework that gives you all of the building blocks you need to build bespoke designs without any annoying opinionated styles you have to fight to override.

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Grid System - Variable Card Height

I have been trying to make the card's height flexible according to the image but all my efforts have been in vain. enter image description here Above is the actual ...
Akshat Jaiswal's user avatar
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How to Init Flowbite functions when using it through CDN

I'm working on a website that is basically a CRUD. Since it's hosted on a managed server, I'm using HTML, Tailwind CSS/JS, Flowbite CSS/JS, jQuery with AJAX and PHP. Here's the structure of my page ...
Carmen's user avatar
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Broken Tailwind CSS with NextJS

I have been working on a project which uses NextJS (app router), typescript, tailwind, and all that jazz. I made some changes to one of my components, and the whole tailwind thing just kinda broke. I ...
Eddie Obrams's user avatar
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Create Tailwind Plugin Class That Generates Various Hover And Focus States

Currently I'm using the @apply like so to create a simple error class I can add to input elements to highlight them. .error{ @apply outline outline-red-500 focus:outline focus:...
Matte Crystal's user avatar
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Tailwind - Apply Justify-Between if multiple children else Justify-End

I have a Vuejs component with a flex div containing a slot. As I do not know how many elements will be in the slot, I would like the content to be 'justify-between' if there is more than 1 element, ...
WillC's user avatar
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Hi, I have only basic knowledge on web dev and I need help on my project to start a new intern job, I need to know where to start and steps to follow

Food recipe site The goal is to build attractive food recipe website that people can browse and can signup/login and share their recipe any user visiting the site should be able to browse recipes ...
league legends's user avatar
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how I can change position of react-slick arrows

I use react-slick and I pass custom arrows, but the default arrow position is right-left. but I want to change it to the bottom right side. also, we should consider that I use sliders on another page ...
david takidzew's user avatar
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How do I put an Image over another using TailwindCSS?

I'm trying to put one image over another on my InfoComponent, and I want it to look something like this: However, I just can't seem to do it. I need to make it responsive so I have no idea how to ...
Mike the Scripter's user avatar
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Animating a progress bar styled as a dotted line

I'm creating a progress/volume bar component with Angular/Tailwind where the percentage increments are colored circles. All gray circles means 0%, all blue means 100%, 10 out of 20 means 50%, etc. I ...
Michael Stowe's user avatar
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Text overflow ellipses are not showing, instead text just hidden

I am trying to add tabs to an app. The tabs get smaller the more I add, how the tab text is just hidden instead of showing ellipses. Can anyone help? enter image description here enter image ...
Ruthvik Konduru's user avatar
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Dinamically reposition buttons on image using Sveltekit and tailwind

I have created an html map by declaring an array <script> let areas = [ { shape: 'rect', left: '4.94%', top: '60.55%', width: '7.28%', height: '22.78%', title: 'EVK30-200', id: 1 }, { ...
Dorian's user avatar
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Dynamic Tailwind CSS Classes Not Applying Correctly on Initial Render in React Component [duplicate]

I am trying to achieve a rolling y-axis list which I successfully coded. Here is the behaviour. I'm working on a React component where I dynamically apply Tailwind CSS classes based on a prop (...
Ajinkya Bhushan's user avatar
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I want to change the color of the body, but it takes up the entire screen

I'm creating a web page about a weather app, but I have a problem with the background-color of the body. I gave the bodysuit the background color #191a38. Inside the body I have a main with the ...
Cuentas Internet's user avatar
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Why is the background image in my code not fitting up the screen completely?

I've written a code in React JS and used Tailwind CSS to insert a background image in my code but the image is not filling up to the whole screen. Instead, the image has a margin of the same size on ...
Apoorva Walia's user avatar
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How to deploy Laravel, Vue.js, Tailwind in online for free? [closed]

I created a project online chatting system using laravel, vue.js and tailwind. And I want it to deploy online but I don't have any money to do so. Can someone recommend or advise me how to do? Thank ...
Aurjohn Monte's user avatar
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tailwind apply doesnt work in tailwind version 3

I have installed tailwind successfully. When it comes to using the @apply, things are not working. <body> <!-- header --> <header class="bg-transparent absolute top-0 left-...
Kvme's user avatar
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Alling a menu to the right of a button positioned in a table column

I have a webpage with a table in which the last column is a button that opens a dropdown menu (for simplicity, the example does not include JS): <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> &...
mvaculisteanu's user avatar
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Struggling to get this scrollable table with fixed top and left side working

So I have this project where I have a page with a header and then a table. Now for the table I need to have the top most row to be fixed AND also have the left most column be fixed when I scroll. I ...
strangeQuirks's user avatar
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Scroll Animation Resets after Sometime

So I am making my own portfolio website. And I wanted to add scroll animation with technologies I know: I am using tailwind.css with next.js I have my own component on Scrool.jsx But scrolling stops ...
Bilgekaan Berberoglu's user avatar
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How to do the fluid typography trick in tailwind?

I have always used this line in my vanilla css projects html { font-size: calc(100vw / 1920px * 10px); } body { font-size: 3rem; } this makes my life easier to i design with figma at 1920 so if ...
Taste of Leaving's user avatar
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Tailwind gradient not working when using template literals

I'm trying to adjust the following gradient: bg-gradient-to-r from-rose-400 to-rose-50 from-${percentage}% to-${percentage}% where percentage is a changing variable. When I replace the template ...
Ido Kadosh's user avatar
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Is there a way to create different css files for dark/light tailwind

I have a NextJS project, I am using tailwind and my project suffers from ver large sized css files. Around 65KB. I want to split light and dark mode css files. Is there any webpack plugin for this? or ...
Bilal Javed's user avatar
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Tailwind max-w-[number] not working past a certain point

My stack is Svelte 5 / Sveltekit / Tailwind / Daisy UI I have a svelte component that uses a Daisy UI card and I am unable to get tailwind max-w-[number] class to work past a certain point to increase ...
NickyLarson's user avatar
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Why the hover class is not working on tailwind?

I'm trying to style a button with tailwind on Next.js. I want the button background color to change on hover. I'm trying to style a button doing something like this <button className="rounded-...
Otavio Nishimura's user avatar
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Images not displaying with correct source

I wanna display two images and some logos, also some bottom icons but no image is on screen whatsoever, also there's no error. I can't see what I'm doing wrong. All the assets are exported in a file ...
Caio's user avatar
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JS not opening a button as intended

I'm working on a header section in HTML and decided to learn JavaScript in this project. I'm also using TailwindCSS, with a few specifics I included in a different .css file. I got the JS code from ...
2MUCH's user avatar
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Tailwind CSS Styles Not Applying Automatically in React Project

I'm working on a React project and have integrated Tailwind CSS for styling. However, the Tailwind CSS styles do not apply automatically when I make changes to my CSS or component files. I have to ...
yo programing's user avatar
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Blended in background color's opacity does not change with bg-opacity

<html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <title>humhum</title> </head> <body class="min-h-...
Caner - sagopanin sag kolu's user avatar
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Tailwind CSS and Next.js: Local Images Not Rendering with Pseudo Elements

I'm working on a project using Tailwind CSS and Next.js. Despite extensive research, I've encountered an issue I can't resolve. The Problem: I am trying to use pseudo-elements ::before and ::after to ...
Viko's user avatar
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Is it possible to absolute position a container to the left of a scrollable container [closed]

My issue is that I have code similar to <div style={{ display: "flex" }} className="App"> <div style={{ height: "100vh", width: "200px&...
JIMMY JACOB's user avatar
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How do I extend the peer- modifier in Tailwind to allow it to work on any sibling?

I would like to extend the peer- modifier in Tailwind such that when I write this: <div class="peer peer-hover:opacity-50"></div> <div class="peer peer-hover:opacity-50&...
Zaytri's user avatar
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Disable browser/page navigation while horizontally scrolling iframes?

My site has a container of iframes placed side-by-side, which creates a horizontal scroll. When users use a two-finger gesture/trackpad scroll outside the iframe, it scrolls as expected. However, when ...
Steve C's user avatar
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Tailwind width transition for non specific values

I got a button styled with Tailwind and Vue js 3. This button contains a classic "Login" text. I want to achieve that when the user clicks and a loading status is triggered, the button ...
dakairus's user avatar
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Tailwind CSS Grid doesn't seem to be working properly while using Nextjs. Somtimes works with 4 cols, sometimes doesn't

I was working on this project where i had to use grid on a small component. Main div :- import Feature from "@/components/Feature"; export default function WebsiteFeatures () { return ( ...
Shreshth Purohit's user avatar
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tailwindcss background not changing to correct color

There is a feature i implemented in the tiktaktoe wherein if a player wins the game, then the winning box gets green in color and if there is a draw , then all the box becomes red. The feature is ...
Arohan Gurung's user avatar
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How to make a tooltip for a column in a table if the text in the column is larger than 250 pixels

I am using tailwind and shadcn for development. My idea is that if the text in a column is larger than a certain number of pixels, it should be possible to see a tooltip from the shadcn library for ...
Артем Лебідь's user avatar
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tailwindCSS not working in nextJS and Shadcn project

None of the tailwind classnames are working in this project. I have one of each file like components.json, globals.css, and tailwind.config.ts, and the globals.css is imported in the layout.tsx file ...
beatmaister's user avatar
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In Deployment My Webpage's TailwindCSS is not working

I have created a Razorpay clone page using HTML and TailwindCSS but in local host its working absolutely fine. Why its not working in deployment please help in my repo I have pushed all the files in ...
Vipin Chandra Sao's user avatar
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Tailwind Classes not applying on certain components in NextTS project

For my blog website, I have different colors in the breadcrumb depending on the topic. The colors also do change respectively for light/dark mode. I set up the colors in the tailwind.config.ts file ...
salia_in_red's user avatar
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Next JS tailwind css how to set larger and fix input size

i would like to create a large input field for my homepage, just like the Google Search displaying a large search bar centered in page Here is my code <div className="flex justify-center items-...
icantcode's user avatar
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tailwind not working with nextjs, shadcn components

I have a NextJS project using shadcn-ui components, but after adding tailwindCSS, none of the styling shows up when trying classnames. I have configured the components.json, tailwind.config.ts, and ...
beatmaister's user avatar
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Why using both app router bundle size is big when used along with page router?

I have a working application that use Nextjs page router. I got a task to create new landing page, and decided to use app router. But when I create hello world page and build it, the bundle size is ...
principiorum's user avatar
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Passing In Tailwindcss Classes to Component Library Not Working

So, I am building a React component library (like the world needs another one) and an app on top of it. When I pass in Tailwind classes to the components from the app, the passed classes don't get ...
Collin Lucke's user avatar
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Tanstack Table: Clickable row except for 2 columns

A React solution will work, even though I'm using Solid because the implementation is virtually the same in this case. I'm also using Tailwind, if that matters to anyone (it shouldn't since it's ...
CSin84's user avatar
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Tailwind not compiling new classes [closed]

I'm doing a project with Express and Tailwind, and after sometime, i've noticed that tailwind wasn't compiling new utility classes, but only others who were already being used. Did someone already had ...
Bigborg's user avatar
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I need help fixing this. Any tailwind experts [closed]

so I have been exploring with tailwind to build a project on vs code. Anytime I run the project it opens but comes up with this after I have gone through my login page and profile choosing. Any advice ...
PrinceOduro35's user avatar
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render CSS on server side (Nextjs)

i have project writed on nextjs + tailwindcss. my main goal is to convert styles into row styles to get already formated html css content from server side so that will increase website speed ...
gigi shalamberidze's user avatar
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Content Overlaps with Footer in Printed Document [closed]

When printing a document using the provided Page component, some content of the page get displayed under the footer in the printed output. This causes the content to overlap with the footer, making it ...
Abdelghani Rizki's user avatar
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The vh is returning different values in different component in the same screen [closed]

these two have the same height of 9vh but are being displayed with different height <div className="flex items-center w-full h-[9vh] border-b-[0.5px] border-[#524FA4] cursor-...
Sujar Hada's user avatar
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Tailwind CSS: Grid with preset cols does not take up the space of its child (see live code) <main class="flex flex-col"> <div class="grid h-full w-full items-center justify-center gap-8 bg-red-500 grid-cols-2 p-...
Charley's user avatar
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