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Questions tagged [shadcnui]

Collection of JavaScript UI components that can be copied and pasted into applications.

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How to make a tooltip for a column in a table if the text in the column is larger than 250 pixels

I am using tailwind and shadcn for development. My idea is that if the text in a column is larger than a certain number of pixels, it should be possible to see a tooltip from the shadcn library for ...
Артем Лебідь's user avatar
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tailwindCSS not working in nextJS and Shadcn project

None of the tailwind classnames are working in this project. I have one of each file like components.json, globals.css, and tailwind.config.ts, and the globals.css is imported in the layout.tsx file ...
beatmaister's user avatar
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tailwind not working with nextjs, shadcn components

I have a NextJS project using shadcn-ui components, but after adding tailwindCSS, none of the styling shows up when trying classnames. I have configured the components.json, tailwind.config.ts, and ...
beatmaister's user avatar
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Open/Close a Sheet component from shadcn-vue using a button in a parent component

I am using Nuxt and have added a Sheet component from shadcn-vue ( into my project. The example provided in the documentation uses a SheetTrigger ...
Michael's user avatar
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the shacdn/ui install command not intepret @ correctly to /src

i want to ask and i need help with this i tried to follow the documentations of the latest shacn/ui using vite but when i ran this command npx shadcn-ui@latest init it seems not installing components ...
Eleazar Anthony's user avatar
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How to render shadcn drawer component in a container and not the entire viewport?

In my app I want to render the shadcn drawer component in a specific container and not the entire viewport, how can I achieve this? I've tried editing the CSS class applied and even looked at the vaul ...
Nelson Michael's user avatar
-2 votes
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Shadcn/UI custom checkbox [closed]

I'm trying to recreate the checkbox below using shadcn/ui and tailwind but I have no clue on how to do it. It's suposed to be the hover state of the checkbox. I know how to change the the BG, focus, ...
Rafael Aguiar Gomes's user avatar
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shadcn storing state in searchParam queries and nextjs 14

i have a shadcn form component that has Dialog, inside is is a form with Select,input, textArea, updloadPicture ( with uploadthing) and Switch. in another component i set a query to call a my api ...
Tarek H Ghosn's user avatar
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Next. JS 14 and Shadcn-ui set default theme as dark

so i got this error and not have a single idea to solve it. I used chatgpt and codeium, and both are not helping. error message : InvalidCharacterError: Failed to execute 'add' on 'DOMTokenList': The ...
Lucarus An's user avatar
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1 answer

Import aliasing won't work in Vite (React, Typescript) boilerplate

I installed shadcn/ui into my vite boilerplate following the docs. But the compiler didn't seem to recognize the aliasing. Note: typescript has more than one config file, namely: tsconfig.json, ...
DigitNerd's user avatar
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1 answer

Date Selection Issue with Shadcn Calendar Component in User Modal in Next JS

I'm encountering an issue with date selection in a modal using a custom Calendar component. Here's my setup: I have a UserModal component where I'm using react-hook-form for form management and zod ...
Luswepo Silumbwe's user avatar
-1 votes
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Tailwind CSS: Different Font Sizes for Laptop and Tablet

I'm working on a React project where I need to display different font sizes for specific elements depending on whether the user is on a tablet or a laptop. Here is a simplified version of my component:...
said al hendi's user avatar
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1 answer

onSelect not working on commandInput of shadcn

I am using shadcn for a React.js project of my own. I am trying to create a component with Popover and Command, Command items components from shadcn. However the onSelect inside the CommandItem are ...
Luciano Umpierrez's user avatar
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Opening Dialog Inside DropDownMenu Shadcn UI React JS

I am trying to have a button in my DropDownMenu from Shadcn UI that opens a Dialog component. I have two options. I trigger the Dialog from the DropDownMenuItem component I trigger the Dialog from a ...
David Henry's user avatar
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ShadCn Combobox on Form - onSelect (from CommandItem) does not connect the selected value from Combobox with the defined field on the form

my issue with the ShadCn Combobox on Form is that onSelect (from CommandItem) cannot connect the value from Combobox with the form's field. The constant for Combobox is called - serviceCategories. ...
Violeta Damjanovic-Behrendt's user avatar

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