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Questions tagged [reactjs]

React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It uses a declarative, component-based paradigm and aims to be efficient and flexible.

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0 answers

NextJs SSR - How can action on Client side dispatch action on Server side?

I have a theme switch toggle on the top AppBar which is a client component. The main layout is SSR and uses the nextjs App router. It has theme settings <ThemeProvider theme={lightOrDarkTheme}>....
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0 answers

What is it that useReducer can do that useState can't?

I have a set of product details stored in in Firestore. I've created a custom hook to fetch the product details. The product categories should be displayed in the matching url param. As I add more ...
7 votes
3 answers

React.js (Vite) application returns 404 on return in monorepository

I have a simple React.js application with wouter-based routing and Vercel deployments that drive me into a little issue where I have no idea about the solution. It always returns 404 after refresh (of ...
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0 answers

Docker compose creates Reactjs container, but does not run it

I am new to Docker and am attempting to have a single compose.yaml for my spring-react app. I created individual Dockerfiles for the backend (spring) and frontend (react) using docker init and some ...
1 vote
0 answers

React component re-rendering issue with redux-toolkit

I created a component const Audit = () => { let auditReducer = useSelector((state: State) => state?.auditReducer); let [isDataGridLoading, setIsDataGridLoading] = useState(true); ...
0 votes
0 answers

Errors when signing and sending transaction with Ethers

I get the error in the browser console when the function attempt to execute signTransaction, even though the transaction was successfully broadcasted to the blockchain. The loading variable never get ...
0 votes
0 answers

React doesn't renders its child components during batch state updates with child

React renders its child components when the parent renders. But if a render is triggered in both the components by a state change in the same batch then a render in parent component doesn't trigger a ...
-1 votes
1 answer

How can I make the URL of my Next.js application not change?

I have been asked that the Next.js project we are currently developing remains with the static URL, regardless of navigation between pages. The client has requested this, and we must do it. Could you ...
0 votes
1 answer

Does @preact/signals-react work with concurrent mode of React 18?

React 18 enables concurrent mode by default -- at least in the Creact React App generated starter index.js. However, tired with the complexity that comes with a hooks based application design, and the ...
0 votes
1 answer

Firestore snapshot realtime paging

currently i'm working on a Chat project using ReactJS and Firestore. Let say that i have a subcollection messages which contains multiple docs of message. I have a onSnapshot listener to listen newest ...
0 votes
2 answers

How to get react installed

Hello I am currently trying to get React library. Node.js is installed on my computer currently. When I enter the code npx create-react-app project-name to get react, it doesn't work. I get the ...
0 votes
0 answers

react native expo getting error _ExpoSQLiteNext.default.NativeDatabase is not a constructor in SQLite.openDatabaseAsync('db.testDb')

I'm getting below error when I used SQLite.openDatabaseAsync('db.testDb'); Error TypeError: _ExpoSQLiteNext.default.NativeDatabase is not a constructor Code snippets :- import * as SQLite from '...
-2 votes
0 answers

How to make browse code editor to run React and Tailwind [closed]

I am working on a Tailwind playground-like application for my Next.js project. It will simply write React and tailwind components and run it. Does anyone have any idea how to do it? I almost made the ...
1 vote
2 answers

favicon is not working in next js 13 why?

export const metadata = { title: "Pradeep's Resume", icons: { icon: "/icon.png", }, }; can anyone tell me why this is not working ? I try doing .ico still not working I ...
0 votes
2 answers

Part of my HTML elements are not being displayed, if I access the webapp from iPhone [closed]

I am a beginner and I am writing a webapp with React JS. For a certain part of my app, I need to dynamically create divs and I came up with this snippet: <div className="flex flex-col items-...

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