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NextJS 14 not consistently loading scripts

On NextJS 14.1.3 I am seeing some strange behavior I do not understand. When I am visiting a page that loads JS from a file the application does not pull the JS every time. Like maybe doesn't load ...
Jiroscopes's user avatar
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terser-webpack-plugin and uglifyjs-webpack-plugin

Since webpack 4 is using terser-webpack-plugin by default in production mode or when we specify -p argument which is a shortcut for specifying --optimize-minimize --define process.env.NODE_ENV="...
Vikram's user avatar
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Change site name [duplicate]

I can’t change the site name, I tried adding a tag <meta property="og:site_name" content="sitename"> tried <head> <script type="...
proton's user avatar
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what could be causing hiding of columns after rendwering once in ag grid

I am using ag grid which has a side text This side bar contains 'columns' tab , on clicking of column name we can hide/unhide columns from ui So the issue I am facing is even tho I am providing hide:...
Meg's user avatar
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Struggling to upload to netlify

I'm struggling to upload a website onto netlify and I'd really appreciate some help. I'm trying to prep for applying to jobs and I'm rather new to programming in general. I'd really appreciate some ...
Red Mouse's user avatar
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How to submit data split into multiple children components without unnecessary re-renders

The challenge I'm facing in my React project is about submitting data that is split into multiple children. Basically, I'm developing a recipe app, and I have the sub-root component RecipeCreator. ...
GD1's user avatar
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Jest react test : API call failed TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'json')

I am going to test the components below through the jest and react test library. I want to test if the API is called normally when I press the button, So I made the API calling part mock. However, ...
yjyjy131's user avatar
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How to layout child elements so they will not move when parent element resizes or moves?

I have a parent div and place three svg ellipses and a image inside it. They need to have a certain position on top of the div. This position needs to be always the same no matter where the div moves ...
maja95's user avatar
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Animation | Transition in React JS

hope you are doing well. I have a question related to implementation of one interactive app. Here is th link to the effect I want to achieve: As you ...
Ilkhom Tashkulov's user avatar
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Why Sentry throws "Invalid token" (http status: 401) error for a valid token?

I've got a next.js application that connected to sentry and I'm confident about the token, But when I tried to run npm run build in my app to get output I faced Invalid token (http status: 401) error. ...
amirali erfani's user avatar
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How to prevent scroll-to-top on certain links in React-Router with a custom ScrollToTop component

I'm using React-Router with a custom ScrollToTop component to reset the scroll position to the top of the page on navigation. However, I have a specific use case where I need the scroll position to ...
Andrian's user avatar
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Unable to Sign In with Keycloak using NextAuth in Next.js Application [next-auth][error][SIGNIN_OAUTH_ERROR]

I'm trying to set up authentication for my Next.js application using NextAuth and Keycloak. Despite following the documentation, I'm encountering an issue when attempting to sign in with Keycloak. My ...
J.K.A.'s user avatar
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Error decoding .mov file on ios and macos - DOMException when processing audio data in React app

I am working on a React application that processes video files and extracts audio for analysis. The app works well on most platforms, but when I try to upload and process a .mov file on an iPhone and ...
dnrksd's user avatar
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Start X-axis from custom timestamp instead of 00:00:00 in lightningcharts js

I have a requirement where I have to show the old recorded data with timestamp. Since the x axis always starts from 00:00:00. Is there a way to start it from any time lets say 06:23:20 and then ...
Anish Arya's user avatar
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How do I add an external JS and use its function in my component in REACT?

I've been struggling on how to do this, I just want to import an external js and use it inside my function, however doing that gives a lot of errors whether React cant append child with async or the ...
Vency Degracia's user avatar
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Passport JS + React application internal 500 errro

I am creating a general chat application with react, and am stuck while trying to authenticate a user. The axios post request raises a 500 error that I cannot track anywhere. When I put in correct ...
Mac Pickle's user avatar
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Calculating the area of packaging dieline from DXF file using JavaScript

Here my dxd file dieline image dxd file dieline image I want to calculate the area of dieline in dxd file Heres my dxd file:
Hammad Nadir's user avatar
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vulnerability fix npm react js spring boot heeeelpp

PLEASEE HELP nth-check <2.0.1 Severity: high Inefficient Regular Expression Complexity in nth-check - fix available via npm audit fix --force Will ...
nice aah's user avatar
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What's the difference between component as prop or rendered component as prop (see examples below)

Let's say I have a conponent name Child: const Child =(props) => <div {...props}/> and a parent component Parent, getting this component as prop named ComponentProp. What is the difference ...
yoty66's user avatar
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Is this is right way to implement Thirdweb authentication with saving user in our backend database if user not present

// UserLoginProvider.js export const UserLoginProvider = ({ children }) => { const [walletAddress, setWalletAddress] = useState(""); const [loggedIn, setLoggedIn] = useState(false); ...
aditya rawat's user avatar
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Adding separator in list of items in reactjs

I was trying to render an list of items in react, and I need a separator between each element in this list. But I'm getting unique key error: Warning: Each child in a list should have a unique "...
mrz's user avatar
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Uncaught runtime errors: ERROR dispatcher is null

Trying to use chart.js, but everytime i try fetch the data it throws me 'Uncaught runtime errors: ERROR dispatcher is null' this error. The page doesn't render at all, everything on there is gone, ...
stan 's user avatar
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How can I make interactive text in Tiptap editor?

What I need is for the editor to mark specific words (for example underline it with a unique color), and make it interactive - clicking on the specific word would open a floating menu. So what I have ...
Hamor's user avatar
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It's possible to use Primereact components inside a library?

We have an application using Primereact Components to create more complex widget. Now we want to use this widget inside other application by moving them inside a library. My simple attempt doesn't ...
maborg's user avatar
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How to make autocomplete field with RadioGroup component

I have a text field (select mode) with options in RadioGroup like below: For "Service" field I can choose options from three categories. To choose an option I have to scroll down long list. ...
shukhrat's user avatar
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Using a CSV to set "fill" for SVG circles

I have SVG code that I would like to modify (with JavaScript?). I could use some help figuring out how to change the circles, as shown in the picture below, in accordance with values from a ...
Logan W.'s user avatar
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TypeError: Cannot create property '375' on number '1'

I'm trying to create an algorithm visualiser for heap sort. In order to keep track of the swaps that happen during the heap sort execution, I created an animations array that will include the indexes ...
user25034009's user avatar
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Not able to get inside the for loop in React js

I am making a To-Do App. I am using React frontend, Node backend, and Postgresql DB. I made a component called <TaskLists /> which takes three properties or props: startDate endDate allTasks ...
Aakarshit's user avatar
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I want to divide childrens by their props. but the result value of console.log is different by using "use client" [closed]

I want to divide childrens by their props. for example, if children has classname "ABC", It is not displayed. Not using "use client", enter image description here type is "div&...
 souldiary's user avatar
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Cannot update state from child element in React (functional components)

I want to have a child component reference and update a state; however, when I try to do so, it only works once or twice before breaking. Strangely, the parent element can still update the state. ...
Kyle Tennison's user avatar

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