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Questions tagged [rcharts]

A package designed to draw interactive graphics using R and JavaScript libraries.

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rCharts autoscale width and height with Shiny's box

Is there any way to make the chart from the rCharts package shrink/increase with the Shiny application window? What I mean is that it should adjust in width and height to the box, and not go beyond ...
KacZdr's user avatar
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Access value stored in a JavaScript Variable with Shiny.onInputChange (rCharts) when clicking on highchart graph

I need to access the value of one of my parameters by clicking on the point representing it in a RShiny graph. For that I used the Javascript function Shiny.onInputChange, but I can't get the value of ...
Lilou Ptk's user avatar
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Donut plot with echatr and ggplot2

I have the following data and I need to make a graph similar to the one I made in tableau df<-data.frame(estado=c("Aprobado","Reprobado"), freq=c(551,7), ...
yefersonG's user avatar
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plot vline graph highcharts in r

I need to plot a vertical line on a graph, and write the texts "PRE" and "POS" as shown in the attached figure, using the package and highcharts. So far I have not been successful. ...
Francisco1988's user avatar
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Data Table Manipulation in R so that variables can be easily charted

I am trying to create a "MultiBarChart" from the rCharts package. I have a large data table with approx 50 variables and hundreds of observations. The example data frame used in the "...
Zachary McClean's user avatar
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How to add labels to x-axis when using nplot from the rChart package

I have tried require(rCharts); library(datasets); library(knitr); library(tidyverse) loan_data_set <- read_csv("loan_data_set.csv") loandata = loandata$Gender <-...
Roberto Luiz's user avatar
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Interactive faceted rCharts bar graph filled with a third variable (replicate ggplot2 aes(x=var1, fill=var2) + geom_bar + facet_wrap)

I want to make an interactive bar chart of one variable where the bars are filled in by a second variable and faceted by a third variable. I would like to embed it in a slidify deck. I am guessing ...
maleta's user avatar
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Removing decimals on yAxis in rCharts shiny

I am plotting an nPlot using rCharts in shiny dashboard.. on the yAxis, i have big numbers (9 digits) plus 1 decimal (zero), please see this screenshot yAxis labels I want to get rid of the zero (...
Jana Zuraik's user avatar
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CSS rCharts adjustments overlap the staggerLabel function in R renderChart{}

The names on the xAxis are too long, and are overlapping each other, and it can be seen in this image: xAxis Labels overlapping - Yaxis numbers are fine I am plotting a discreteBarChart with rCharts ...
Jana Zuraik's user avatar
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rCharts Zeros instead of numbers in the y Axis

I get 0 values on the y Axis while plotting a discreteBarChart inside renderChart(), However, the highest value of yAxis appears (not 0) but also with some wierd format and commmas (see 2nd screenshot ...
Jana Zuraik's user avatar
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rCharts spiderweb plot rendered in Shiny as line plot

The spiderweb plot created using the code below renders well within the Rstudio plot panel as shown below. However, it appears as line plot when rendered using Shiny as below. library(rCharts) ...
amo's user avatar
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R: rCharts rPlot does not display

I have the following dataframe below: QUINT1 QUINT2 n 1 1 0.19 1 2 0.01 2 1 0.01 2 2 0.17 2 3 0.02 2 4 0.001 ...
crayfishcray's user avatar
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rCharts - Hide all series EXCEPT selected series from legend

I like to do the reversal of the default logic. When I click on a series in the legend, I would like to hide all series except the selected one. I know I have to use JS for this. The solutions I found ...
Jensxy's user avatar
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rCharts - interactive matrix plot

I have a horizontally oriented matrix with x = time and y = stocks' returns. I'd like to plot it with rCharts to make it interactive but I can't find HOW anywhere... matrix is like: matTest <- as....
matcava's user avatar
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How to set certain columns to Bubble Chart dataLabel in highcharts (Rcharts)?

How to set "prd_nm" column to bubble chart's data label? I try to use "plot Options : format" option, but i can't find it. data <- top30 colnames(data) <- c('prd_rk', 'prd_nm', 'category', '...
ash's user avatar
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