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Questions tagged [plantuml]

Open-Source tool in Java to draw UML Diagrams

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Is there a way to merge different path to the same Control block?

There are only two targeting block which is s1 and s2,but they come from different divergent path through many condtions,like: source code : @startuml !pragma useVerticalIf on :do sth1; if (cond1) ...
zionpi's user avatar
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PlantUml component relative posithion strange behaviour

Here is my simplified component diagram: @startuml component TopLeft component TopRight component BottomStretch { 'portin port_test } TopLeft -[hidden]r- TopRight TopLeft -[hidden]d- BottomStretch ...
user9893356's user avatar
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Is there a way in plantuml to force an element to be a tipe from an specific diagram after using "allow_mixing"?

I've been trying to make a diagram with both classes stereotypes and common classes, using "allow_mixing" I can put in my diagram elements "boundary" and "control" of a ...
RobinDev's user avatar
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How to create primary settings in one file and create another file using first file in plantuml?

I have puml file like this @startuml 'Start - This needs to be created in the 'primary.puml' file. skinparam defaultFontName Arial skinparam sequenceArrowThickness 2 skinparam roundcorner 20 ...
ANR's user avatar
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Running PlantUml Jar On IKVM fails with System.TypeInitializationException

I am attempting to run PlantUml in .Net rather than relying on a Java Virtual Machine installed locally/in docker/externally for it to run on. IKVM as I understand it creates a JVM that runs in .Net ...
LemonLion's user avatar
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Forcing net positions in nwdiag

I am having problems with the following diagram: @startuml !include <office/Concepts/firewall> !include <office/Devices/modem> !include <office/Devices/router> !include <office/...
ZioByte's user avatar
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PlantUML: need arrow from stop to start

I need the red arrow in figure below. It should go from stop of 1st partition to start of 2nd partition. So far my tries only got me syntax errors. UPDATE: the plantuml web site has an example which ...
vl106's user avatar
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Documenting Layered Architecture with PlantUML

I want to document layered software architecture with plantUML that at the end will look like this: What will be the best approach to create this type of diagram with plantUML? This is the initial ...
nix's user avatar
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PlantUML - is there an api doc kind of reference anywhere?

For programing languages like java/php/.net etc we always have api doc, by going through which we can find out what parameter/argument a method/constructor etc takes. I don't find anything like that ...
cbot's user avatar
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Use image attributes with plantuml and github_markdown

Is there a way to use link_attributes and filters with markdown_github? Consider the following minimal example: ```{ .plantuml height=0.2cm} Alice -> Bob: Authentication Request Bob --> Alice: ...
Sir l33tname's user avatar
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Is there anyway that this plantuml diagram can be made more comprehensible

The below plantuml code seems to be well defined. But after rendering I don't find the rendered image any comprehensible. I have asked for the company services to be rendered to the bottom but they ...
cbot's user avatar
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PlantUML - how to define the order in which the element are drawn?

In below plantuml code, i am defining [a] -> [b] after component A, still it is getting rendered before (i.e left of) component A. I want [a] -> [b] to be drawn after (i.e to the right side of) ...
cbot's user avatar
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PlantUML - Activity diagram : layout with activity labels is too complex, how to simplify?

When using connectors in an activity diagram, the layout is clean. However, when the connectors are replaced by activity labels, the layout become complex which makes the diagram less readable. See ...
Juljan's user avatar
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PlantUML - Component diagram with component with inner component in center

I want to have a component diagram with one component with an inner component (nested component) at the center and one component on each side (top, right, down, left) pointing to the center component. ...
jwi's user avatar
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Is it possible to specify starting item when rendering a PlantUML diagram?

I used a tool to auto-generate a puml file from a large codebase. I can render the whole thing as an svg, but is it possible to render only part of the puml file? Specifically, I have an interface ...
Scutterman's user avatar

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