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Why am I getting a plantUML syntax error with a statechart in a package? [closed]

I try to run the following code on plantuml webserver. @startuml package "CI/CD and Monitoring System" { state "CI/CD Pipeline" { [*] --> Idle state Idle {...
Pranay Batta 21BDS0100's user avatar
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Plantuml - Rearrangement of components and packages

I try to arrange the components and packages as shown on the first screenshot. Is there any chance to do it like this (Screenshot 1) Please find my current approach here (Screenshot 2) And uml ...
HKC72's user avatar
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Align packages vertically in PlantUML

I have a class structure of something like this: @startuml package "A" { ABase <|-- A1 ABase <|-- A2 ABase <|-- A3 } package "B" { BBase <|-- B1 BBase <|-- B2 BBase &...
petersohn's user avatar
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PlantUML: Packages next to each other, components in a list

I want to have 2 packages next to each other and the containing components among each other. Goal (Draft): Code: @startuml left to right direction () Mechanical () Hydraulical () Electrical ...
Human_BetaRelease's user avatar
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PlantUML and notes on packages

I am trying to figure out how PlantUML manages notes. Below you can see a small example where the behavior seems buggy. @startuml package package{ 'note bottom : this seems to be the correct ...
ekrempe's user avatar
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How to generate UML package diagram with nested packages which may contain same names in different level?

I want to generate a package diagram with hierarchical packages which may contain duplicated names but not in the same level. e.g.: @startuml package A { package B { package C } ...
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