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Questions tagged [node.js]

Node.js is an event-based, non-blocking, asynchronous I/O runtime that uses Google's V8 JavaScript engine and libuv library. It is used for developing applications that make heavy use of the ability to run JavaScript both on the client as well as on the server side and therefore benefit from the re-usability of code and the lack of context switching.

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Handling Form Data and User Registration in MERN Stack: Issues with FormData and Validation

I am working on a MERN stack application and I'm having trouble registering a new user. I have a form on the frontend that collects user data and sends it to the backend. The form data includes fields ...
yzkael's user avatar
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NodeJS/discord.js issue: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'id')

I am working on a bot and am building an Audit Logging system based on a tutorial from The North Solution on YouTube. I keep getting this error when an audit log event is generated. I've spent hours ...
Strafe Stopper's user avatar
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why is s3 returning null even though I have folders in the directory

I made this small code where the code finds the folder i write in the input box and displays it's content but aws is just sending no directory data to me Here is the function doing the work async ...
Divyansh Pathak's user avatar
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Firebase Functions deploy failed

I am developing an Firebase Functions. I've been following along with the following official documentation (HERE) However, I am getting an error when deploying the functions. > firebase deploy --...
dev.farmer's user avatar
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Facebook Server Sent Event for Live Comments error with status code 404

I'm trying to get comments from Facebook live_videos with Facebook SSE. Despite I can easily retrieve the comments with {live-video-id}/comments using my test app's page access token, I can't make the ...
manaclan's user avatar
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Error when trying to access property from MongoDB [closed]

When I console.log(entry), it outputs: ({ _id: new ObjectId('669c834c6e93a548837c6572'), shortId: 'NpreYDMaH', redirectURL: '', visitHistory: [], createdAt: 2024-07-21T03:41:00.236Z, ...
Eren's user avatar
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Nextjs and prisma: TypeError: Unknown file extension ".ts"

I am starting on the Nextjs world and i wanted to try the prisma ORM but i'm facing some errors. So basicaly other thing what i am in doubt here is the fact that prior this erros i was getting another ...
João Marcos's user avatar
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Unable to Fetch Data from Backend Server in Next.js SSR Production with Docker

Issue Frontend: Next.js Backend: Express.js While using Docker and running a Next.js server, I'm unable to fetch data from the backend server during Next SSR (Server-Side Rendering) in production. ...
Henderson's user avatar
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Why does my node.js server fetch files from a different location than what's in the url?

I have two websites on my Windows Server 2022 Datacenter (a VM on AWS). I set them up in sort of an unorthodox way. The first is at and the other is at http://www....
gib65's user avatar
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How to get react installed

Hello I am currently trying to get React library. Node.js is installed on my computer currently. When I enter the code npx create-react-app project-name to get react, it doesn't work. I get the ...
JPaulG333's user avatar
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CORS Error Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: It does not have HTTP ok status

Hello i've been developing a MERN app, instead of MongoDB is MySQL, so its MySQl ERN app. My site is a simple blog, post blogs with a name, and the content of the blog. So i implemented CORS while ...
mini1012's user avatar
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LinkedIn API (OAUTH 2.0)

In order to login with linkedIn and retrive some infos of the user logged, i used this code in my NodeJS / ExpressJS application. I'm having trouble to request an access token on the linkedIn ...
Amine Babaali's user avatar
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Check if string contains any item of array in mongoose find query [duplicate]

I'm trying to find entries where the title field contains any item of an array. Here is the relevant part of my schema: const blogSchema = mongoose.Schema({ title: { type: String, required: ...
Ali Hosam's user avatar
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Twilio Request URL Endpoint Returns json, but Twilio Says it Is Wrong Content-Type?

My javascript web app is using Twilio Voice API. I have this code running on my server. It is in an endpoint named "/make-call" It is in the endpoint on my server that is specified in my ...
VikR's user avatar
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Syntax on accessing authorization header of an API request in node

const authHeader = req.headers["authorization"]; Apologies if this question may seem basic, but I am curious why we use ["authorization"] and not just .authorization I did some ...
Taran's user avatar
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passport.deserializeUser function never getting called

Passport's deserialization just does not work no matter what I do. This is my passport.js: const passport = require('passport'); const GoogleStrategy = require('passport-google-oauth20').Strategy; ...
hypedstan's user avatar
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ReferenceError: process is not defined reactJs

I am new to react. Just trying to run application, Facing below issue showing in browser console: Error showing in browser I have tryied below solutions: react-scripts version : 5 did not worked &...
prashant.fepale's user avatar
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Node - `url.startWith()` is not a function [closed]

I have a url returned in url as a string. I want to check if the url sent start with a specific path. However, the console returns that url.startWith is not a function. I am using Node.js. function ...
PhilM's user avatar
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With Node.js, how to flush keypress events on the stdin?

My program starts a Readline on the stdin and listen for keypresses. Any keypress the user sends before my program initialize are replayed once I set the listeners. How can I flush all those ...
Simon Boudrias's user avatar
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Cant use '' method

I was scrapping a instagram downloader website using post method but it is showing >>> **cause: Error: write EPROTO 9C3B0000:error:0A000410:SSL routines:ssl3_read_bytes:sslv3 alert handshake ...
user26447760's user avatar
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Getting net::ERR_ABORTED 404 (Not Found) at http://localhost:5173/@vite/client in vite project

I have set up a Vite project for vuejs, following the quick start guide to learn the workflow of application development. However, upon launching the app on chrome (or any other browser for that ...
Amittras Pal's user avatar
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Running cron job only on 1 task instance in a multi instance AWS ECS Fargate container

I would like to run a cron job which runs everyday and do some operation. Now my nodejs server has 4 instances/tasks running simultaneously to handle the load. How can i ensure that my cron job is ...
Harshit Agarwal's user avatar
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Adding meta functions to my route.tsx files causes errors

I'm building a Remix application and added meta functions to each of my route.tsx files. They all look something like this: export const meta: MetaFunction = () => { return [ { title: "...
k00's user avatar
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multer ,images not showing on webpage but works on local host (node.js) [closed]

I'am using multer for file uploads and images are saved to an empty folder /images ,when users upload images ,the images are displaying on the webpage in local server but after deployed on render , ...
Mimi's user avatar
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In Node.js, fetching Label of file (Gdrive=> Sheet/Doc)but response gives id (Name is not there)

Used these: const labelListResponse = await service.files.listLabels({ fileId: 'FILE_ID', });
Lokesh Jha's user avatar
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running npm in jenkins gives different output

I made a pipeline where the script would clone a git repo and build the application in server where jenkins was hosted . I verified the node and npm versions with respect to server and jenkins ...
changembidar's user avatar
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Gemini API import issues in Javascript

I am new to JS and APIs in general. I was trying to create a chatbot using gemini's api and I followed the basic template that is on gemini's documentation i.e const { GoogleGenerativeAI } = require(&...
Muaz Ahmed's user avatar
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Make frontend maven plugin install node_modules in the same directory as the package.json, NOT in a /node directory

How it works currently: during the generate-resource phase of maven build the frontend maven plugin installs all the dependencies in /node directory created in the working directory specified in the ...
Zdrzalik Przemyslaw's user avatar
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Facing error in yarn install for isolated-vm on macOS

Trying to build Backstage App on my MacOS, one of its pre requisites is Yarn , But i am unsuccessful in trying to install it. Please help I am encountering an error when running yarn install for a ...
vidhi yadav's user avatar
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NodeJS Request exceeded the limit of 10 internal redirects on DirectAdmin shared hosting

I've a DirectAdmin shared hosting account that has NodeJS support with CloudLinux. I've deployed a simple ExpressJS app to test it but only index page works and when trying to view other routes or ...
Kazem Ma's user avatar
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Telegram bot geolocation

I'm creating telegram on Node js bot that should keep information of user's routes and give statistics: 1 - Max speed 2 - Avg speed 3 - How long ... may be show route on the map in future. I need to ...
Igor Meshalkin's user avatar
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ER_NOT_SUPPORTED_AUTH_MODE Error even though mysql2 is being used [duplicate]

I am receiving an error ERROR [ExceptionHandler] ER_NOT_SUPPORTED_AUTH_MODE: Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL client every time I try to ...
CairoMisr's user avatar
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Error Connecting to PostgreSQL Database in Multi-Container Azure Container Instances (ACI) Setup

I’m currently deploying a multi-container setup using Azure Container Instances (ACI) and I’m facing issues with connecting to a PostgreSQL database container from a Node.js application container. ...
Amar's user avatar
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Building a sendgrid competitor [closed]

I’m building a website like sendgrid and need to send email using a users domain name. Can anyone help me get started? What can I use to send emails using the users domain name like sendgrid does? I’m ...
Rue Vitale's user avatar
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Hosting Service for HTML, CSS, JS, Node.js, and MySQL Project [closed]

I have developed a fully functional website on my local machine using VS Code with HTML, CSS, SCSS, JavaScript, Node.js, and MySQL as the database. Now, I want to deploy this website on the internet ...
Roman Schesler's user avatar
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Multer s3 upload: File in s3 not playing and file increase

I am uploading a mp4 file to s3 via node.js s3. The code works and I see the file in the s3. However The original file is 860kb but when uploading it it turns to 1.4MB and when I download it from S3 ...
ThunD3eR's user avatar
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node.js v18 using babel - how to import module with extension and how to run from build folder (commonJS) while type:module is in package.json

I am using Node.JS v18.20.4 with Babel. Here is my babel.config.json { "presets": [ [ "@babel/preset-env", { "targets": { "node&...
Developer's user avatar
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How to flush Server-Sent Events (SSE) message without disconnecting in nodejs express

We would like to notify the frontend when new events arrive in the system, if they are part of the group that the event belongs to. We decided to use SSE to accomplish this over WebSockets since we ...
absthebarbarian's user avatar
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How to Upload Excel File in Node.js Using Express and Multer

I'm trying to upload an Excel file in my Node.js application using Express, Multer, and the XLSX library. I've put together the following setup, but I want to ensure I'm doing it correctly and ...
Gaurang Parante's user avatar
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Webpack module federation directory share

I'm starting a new project and I want to reuse my components from an existing project. Following tutorials, I was able to share js and react files, as well as images and other media. However, instead ...
Luana's user avatar
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what are this warnings encountered on installing the node packages? [closed]

On installing any package in node.js, we use to have the warnings and vulnerabilities, what are they ?? T:\OneDrive\Desktop\CODedit\online-editor>npm i uuid added 1 package, changed 1 package, and ...
Saumya Ramani's user avatar
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Knex js Making a helper function to get a table's query builder

I'm trying to make my knex code simpler by removing knex.from('table') or knex('table') from my queries to something like table.where(...).select() and by doing this I make sure I'm not pointing to a ...
AlfredoDaAs's user avatar
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I'm getting an error installing node-speaker on Mac

I'm getting the following error log when trying to install speaker. $ npm install speaker npm ERR! code 1 npm ERR! path /Users/username/code/play/node_modules/speaker npm ERR! command failed npm ERR! ...
stratospher's user avatar
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nodejs sequelize node beforeConnect hook not working

I am trying to retrieve creds and configure in this 2 ways but its not working. Now getting any logs from this when I run the lambda! import * as seq from 'sequelize'; import { retriveCredentials } ...
Akshay Bhanderi's user avatar
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elasticsearch updateByQuery is not working for large data

i have written a script that will create a key "source" on 4 indices of elasticsearch based on some condition . All of my 4 indices contain at least 2~3 million data . when i ran the script ...
Karan's user avatar
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Getting a lot of errors in this aws-sdk server mainly in websockets

I am getting multiple warning and errors but I am not able to debug them The delay between the input submitted and the server is extremely long (approx 90 sec) with increases with more emit functions ...
Divyansh Pathak's user avatar
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Subscriptions public on postgraphile

Currently I have a project that has a middleware where it checks that each subscription has in the request the jwt: ` if (config.graphileConfig?.subscriptions === true) { // Subscriptions have ...
Josthin Ayon's user avatar
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Having trouble running a project locally/ npm install, dependency issues

I am trying to run an example project locally. Its a full stack project so it needs to access a mongodb database. I downloaded the project files, and ran npm install so I could get everything set up, ...
tb444's user avatar
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Node js web app Auction how become more secure? [closed]

I don't know why my web app written in node.js with Express, and AXIOS give me multiple errors, this is the code: Client: document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => { const ...
user26435452's user avatar
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I can't import my User model on my new service files, it says undefined

I have an express.js application. It contains several models and the User model is one of them. When I tried to import the User model in my new service files, I got 'TypeError: Cannot read properties ...
kuraidesu's user avatar

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