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Questions tagged [mermaid]

Mermaid is a markup language for generating diagrams and flowcharts.

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Edit line space in Mermaid without html

I am doing some SVG graphs for PDF with mermaid (so I desactivated the htmlLabels). I want to create a space in between the lines because they are to close to each other. I can't succeed to either ...
Enrra's user avatar
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How to fit mermaid diagram to fit into the parent container ngx-panzoom

We have a mermaid diagram data and we're rendering mermaid content using mermaid library in Angular. I have wrapped mermaid content within panzoom to exploit zoom-in and zoom-out functionality, the ...
Alisha Saxena's user avatar
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Hover mermaid node to have color changed

Is there a way to change node color when hover a node in mermaid flowchart? I know clickable node with tooltips but don’t see a way to have color changed. Many thanks in advance! I tried many times ...
Jin's user avatar
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Mermaid.js in a script file for Blazor

I have a Markdown Editor component for Blazor. In this component, I use an old version of Mermaid to display graphs. I added the Mermaid library using this script <script src="https://cdn....
Enrico's user avatar
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Unable to render mermaid diagrams using Jekyll spaceship

I'm using the jekyll spaceship plugin for my Jekyll website. In the Gemfile, I have gem 'jekyll-spaceship', group: :jekyll_plugins In my _config.yml, I have plugins: - jekyll-spaceship Then I ran ...
AlgoManiac's user avatar
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In mermaid diagram, how to make sure that the arrow is always attached to the top of a node?

e.g. if I need to draw a diagram like this: ..... : v \X/ : \Y/ : : :...: where \X/ and \Y/ are two nodes, and the only arrow link link from \X/ to \Y/ and attached to \Y/ on the ...
tribbloid's user avatar
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Outline for mermaid diagrams in VScode

When editing mermaid diagrams in VScode, is there a way to see an outline of the diagram objects. For instance, classes in a class diagram?
JohnRos's user avatar
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Possible to show charts in Azure Devops: Wiki based on query result?

I would like to show the results of a query as a chart in Wiki. I know that I can add a chart in the query itself and build a chart in Dashboard based on a query, but this is not what I want. How can ...
V Siemon's user avatar
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Mermaid Flowchart Alignment?

I made a Mermaid Flowchart in Notion, and I would like them to be aligned. I want the previous tier to get wider as the bottom tier adds up. More room between nodes would make my flowchart more ...
DH K's user avatar
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Mermaid Style Failure

I am using mermaid to generate a basic UML class diagram with style and import it to And I am trying to apply class definition styles to my classes however, I keep getting the error: Error: ...
Juan Sebastian Gonzalez Rojas's user avatar
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Transitioning into a state inside a composite group in mermaid statediagram

I'm making a transition from outside a composite group to a state inside a composite group. This works as expected if I declare the transition before I declare the composite group, but it fails with a ...
emmby's user avatar
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How to dynamically style a mermaid graph?

I have a simple mermaid graph in an html page: <html> <body> <pre class="mermaid"> stateDiagram OFF --> ON ON --> OFF classDef ...
emmby's user avatar
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Center mermaid in pdf Quarto

I would like to center a mermaid graph in pdf Quarto document. I tried using %%| fig-align in the code chunk, but this doesn't work. Here is some reproducible code: --- title: "Center mermaid in ...
Quinten's user avatar
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How do I create figure captions and references in Markdown for Mermaid generated figures?

I've been working on a Markdown document that uses Mermaid figures. As the document has grown, the importance of having captions on the figures such as "Figure 3. SRA flowchart" such that I ...
Ben Hocking's user avatar
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Click on 'arrow' in Merdaid JS Chart

I have an app that renders Mermaid JS Flowcharts. For example something like this: flowchart TD p1 -->|10.000| p2 p2 -->|10.000| p3 p1 -->|45| p3 p3 -->|9888| p4 ...
Rob Audenaerde's user avatar

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