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Questions tagged [legend]

A graph legend is commonly used when plotting several sets of data within the same diagram. The legend associates each plot with its corresponding data.

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2 answers

Flex Chart Legend - how to get fine grained programmatic control?

I am looking to get access to individual legend items in actionscript (a Legend Item being the label and coloured block identifying a chart series). Does anyone know of a property of the Legend or ...
DannyC's user avatar
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ButtonClick -> ImageView on new screen?

I am developing an app that is gonna be like a "comicApp", but so far I've just created 2 buttons and then I got 2 .jpgs. So when I click the first button I want to show a .jpg file in a new screen. ...
Alex H.'s user avatar
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Eclipse - ButtonCLick --> new screen with text?

Im kinda new on developing for Android, and i've only completed apps like - hello world, paint pot etc. I know how to design the layout, but when it comes to the "activity" I alwats messes things up.....
Alex H.'s user avatar
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How to set fieldset border from legend bottom?

I have fieldset and legend. fieldset border is coming in the middle of the legend like below But I want border like below Border line should come below legend. I am using below css. .fieldSet { ...
James123's user avatar
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Add legend outside of axes without rescaling in MATLAB

I've got a GUI in MATLAB with a set of axes pre-placed. I'm using the location property of the legend to place it to the right hand side of the axes. However, by doing this the axes get re-scaled so ...
Doresoom's user avatar
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9 answers

Making a Legend/Key in GraphViz

I’d like to include a legend or key in my GraphViz diagram. I’m having trouble figuring out what code to use, though. I also want to put it in a corner, but the only coord I know for sure is the ...
Synetech's user avatar
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Javascript/jQuery legend widget

Is there a JS/jQuery widget that would allow me to display a simple legend that contains for example a small colored rectanlge and a text label next to it? In this specific case the legend would show ...
alh84001's user avatar
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Dojo 1.5.0 Charting Legend missing

I just upgraded from Dojo 1.4.3 to 1.5.0 and noticed that my legend is now missing. Anyone else have this problem?? I keep receiving the following error: o is undefined in dojo.js line 73 This ...
GoinOff's user avatar
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Matplotlib legend help

I am writing a script that plot's several points. I am also trying to create a legend from these points. To sum up my script, I am plotting several 'types' of points (call them 'a', 'b', 'c'). These ...
mathelp's user avatar
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Using the <legend> tag for input

So I've got a form, who's content will change based on a dropdown list of different reports. So the question is, how horrible would it be to include a select box as the legend tag for the fieldset? ...
Alex Larzelere's user avatar
10 votes
4 answers

Can any HTML element be styled as a fieldset/legend?

Using the display property, HTML elements become interchangeable from a styling perspective. This doesn't seem to be the case for fieldset and legend, however. Is it possible to style other HTML ...
Jakob's user avatar
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basic html css design of a box with image and title

I am not a very good designer. At least not with html and css. I have been using a very simple code like this: <fieldset style=\"color: #000000; border: 1px solid #000000; width: 225px; text-align:...
ganjan's user avatar
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Irrelevant legend information in ggplot2

When running this code (go ahead, try it): library(ggplot2) (myDat <- data.frame(cbind(VarX=10:1, VarY=runif(10)), Descrip=sample(LETTERS[1:3], 10, replace=TRUE))) ggplot(myDat,aes(VarX,VarY,...
Dan Goldstein's user avatar
114 votes
4 answers

How to move or position a legend in ggplot2

I'm trying to create a ggplot2 plot with the legend beneath the plot. The ggplot2 book says on p 112 "The position and justification of legends are controlled by the theme setting legend.position, ...
Dan Goldstein's user avatar
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Crystal Reports Legends

Is there a way to force a Bar Chart legend in Crystal Report 11.5 to display its objects in a particular order? For Example, say I am reporting on the consumption of "Bananas" and "Apples" by State. ...
AWinters's user avatar

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