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Questions tagged [legend]

A graph legend is commonly used when plotting several sets of data within the same diagram. The legend associates each plot with its corresponding data.

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1 answer

How to avoid overlapping legends for multiple geom_point layers in ggplot2

I'm trying to create a chart with 2 geom_points and a geom_text_repel layer. When I display my legend, the geom_points overlap. The main data points should be represented as empty circles, while the &...
NoNameBoyy's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to Add a Legend to a ggplot with two axes

I've put together this graph and I would like to be able to add a legend to it but can't seem to figure out why it's not showing up and how to easily add it. data <- data.frame(group = LETTERS[1:5],...
Patrick Jung's user avatar
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Centering a `ggplot2` Plot Legend in a Blank Plot

I have the following graph. ggplot() + geom_hline(aes(yintercept = 0, linetype = "Line 1"), color = "white", size = 1.25) + geom_hline(aes(yintercept = 0, linetype = "Line ...
David Moore's user avatar
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Changing the Legend Title in a `ggpointdensity` Density Scatterplot [duplicate]

I have the following data and the following graph. df <- data.frame(col1 = rnorm(1000, 0, 0.05), col2 = rnorm(1000, 0, 0.05)) ggplot(data = df, mapping = aes(x = col1, y = col2)) + ...
David Moore's user avatar
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Seaborn catplot legend's background color and border

MWE from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import seaborn as sb df = sb.load_dataset("titanic") g = sb.catplot( data=df, x="who", y="survived", hue="class", ...
Gaslight Deceive Subvert's user avatar
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Add legend after using

I have a data set with a big negative value, so I used package to make a discontinuous y-axis. The code worked well but after adding the function the legend was deleted. I tried adding a ...
Gonzalo de Quesada's user avatar
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How can I make the legend appear on this chart?

I've drawn this quartile for the runoff rate, and I'd like the legend to appear as: - Median and - Q25-Q75. Can you please help me? Runoff <- data.frame(Year = rep(1991:2002, each = 12), ...
Barre's user avatar
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Adapting the leaflet.js Choropleth example with non static legend

I am trying to use the beautiful base example Choropleth, but would like to have a second base map, with a second legend that would be linked to the base map used (therefore not anymore static), with ...
leparc's user avatar
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Plot X and Y chart with third column as legend for each point in Excel or Google Sheets [duplicate]

I am having difficulty understanding why it is so difficult to do something so simple in R or Python in Excel or Google Sheets. I want to plot Status1 versus Status2 in a simple X and Y plot. However, ...
Marcelo's user avatar
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2 answers

2 legends on graph matplotlib [duplicate]

I want to plot a number of curves for different models. I have curves for different structures. The structures need to have the same color and the different models a different linestyle. I then want 2 ...
Loes Vandenbroucke's user avatar
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Plotting problems in python script vs jupyter notebook

I am encountering issues with my plotting code when running it as a Python script in PyCharm. The plots overlap, and the legends are not displayed, which does not happen when I run the same code in a ...
JuanMuñoz's user avatar
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Why the legend merged with the d3.js line chart when zooming?

I am trying to add a legend to the d3.js example named Line chart with zoom in d3.js 1°) I added the script: // Add legend rectangle line.append('rect') .attr('x', width - 80) ....
Vincent Schoebrechts's user avatar
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I want to get two legends for two different groups in a two Y-Axis plot [closed]

so I have a two Y-Axis plot. Each Y-Axis is given a group of Data. I want to have two different legends for each group on left and right side of plot on the locations shown in the second picture. This ...
Nick Brown's user avatar
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Change Orientation and Order of Items in Legend ggplot2 r [duplicate]

Is there a way to change the orientation of the items in the legend of ggplot2 chart? I have a series of boxplots where I would like the individual items to oriented vertically opposed to horizontally....
Englishman Bob's user avatar
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Tableau: Can I have a button that the user can press to choose the color palette of a visual (map)

I am fairly new to Tableau. I have a map. I wonder if I can have a button or something that a user can interact to change the colour palette of the legend. This is useful for example, for color-blind ...
Catarina Ribeiro's user avatar
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Variable legend outlined in appropriate color, but filled with black dot

I have used ggplot in R to generate a dot plot with three "samples" (Adipocytes, BAT and WAT) which are colored by ""group". The plot is correct, but the "group" ...
Numbahs84's user avatar
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When converting a ggplot() using ggplotly(), the legend is distorted. How can I prevent this

Here's the plot as generated by ggplot() And here it is as mashed by ggplotly() How can I fix the second plot to look like the first with respect to the legend? Please ignore the differences in the ...
Charles Knell's user avatar
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Sorting rows of a matrix by column values in Power BI

I've created a matrix in Power BI similar to the one below. The entries are a calculated field. I can sort the rows by the "Total" column and the "Name" column by clicking on the ...
Chris J's user avatar
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3 answers

Legend is not shown using ggplot2 despite using color within aes()

I have a problem making the plot legend to show. I've checked other posts and most of them mention that color should be defined within the aes() of the ggplot. So I have the following dataset: date ...
Tassos Pan's user avatar
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Order of items in an R graph legend are different depending on different datasets of the same data

Newish to R and Stack Overflow but I wrote some R code to make grouped boxplots for chlorophyll data by season and site while including a water quality criteria reference line. It may not be the most ...
MrFury37's user avatar
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How to prevent hiding plotly chart bar on chart legend click

How to prevent hiding plotly chart bar on chart legend click in an angular application. <plotly-plot [divId]="" [data]="graph.selectedGraph....
vijesh's user avatar
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Why is the coding for legend on my barplot not working after update?

I updated Rstudio and suddenly none of my legends are working on my barplots. It's my first time asking for help on here, so hopefully I am providing the info needed to get answers? Coding is below. ...
Rebecca Connor's user avatar
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How to center legend text in ggplot

I have a plot that looks like this: I used these data and code to produce it: structure(list(zone = c("Zone 1", "Zone 2", "Zone 3", "Zone 4", "Zone 5&...
Ryan Gary's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Specify which legend to keep in wrap_plots

I'm looking to combine multiple graphs generated from different functions into a single display. Specifically, I want to only keep the legend of the first graph in the wrap. Here is a minimal version ...
NoNameBoyy's user avatar
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Legend is not reflecting symbol plotted in ggplot2

I have a dataframe that looks like this: structure(list(season = c("Fall", "Spring", "Summer", "Winter" ), effort = c(2559.85453311966, 4741.60449074074, 2014....
Ryan Gary's user avatar
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How to reverse legend order without affecting bar order in Plotly R? [duplicate]

I am creating a stacked bar chart using Plotly in R, and the order of the items in the legend is the reverse of the order that I want. library(dplyr) library(plotly) library(forcats) set.seed(1) df &...
Ernest Au's user avatar
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Visnetwork not displaying visLegend properly

I am using the package VisNetwork and one of the attributes of the nodes contains 9 different possibilities, as follows. This is just a minimal example. In my real dataset, the column "family&...
wigo's user avatar
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Order of ggplot ignoring order of legends

With the following data, I am trying to create a plot as shown, but the order of legends as: mgCST Group, CST Group, Treatment Status. However, ggplot is ignoring all attempts to order the legends ...
AWillz's user avatar
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Add horizontal lines with according color and legend to ggplot using R

I want to add horizontal lines so that the lines have y-intercept of period and colors according to their obj_name, ie the same colors as the line plot for each object. I succeeded in putting in these ...
Jason Liu's user avatar
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Multiple columns in legend using ggplot

I have a dataframe (wi_hist_df) that contains three columns (below I have printed a part of it): weights Frequency Criterion 1 0.2425 2 Criterion_1 2 0.2475 15 Criterion_1 3 0....

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