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How to make Matlab legend show opaque plot symbols when scatter plot symbols are semi-transparent in the figure

I am trying to create a scatter plot cloud, of which I set the points are all "filled" and semi-transparent by setting "MarkerFaceAlpha=0.1". However, when I export the legend ...
Kevin's user avatar
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In a quiver plot with ShowArrowHead = 'off', how do I keep the arrowhead from displaying in the legend as well?

When plotting with quiver() and setting the 'ShowArrowHead' property to 'off', the arrowheads aren't shown in the plot (as expected). However, the legend entry still shows an arrowhead. I would expect ...
localhost's user avatar
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How to change the legend string for different subplots?

I would like to add a legend to every subplot as shown below each legend is theta_(1/2)=5, theta_(1/2)= 10, theta_(1/2)=15,...,theta_(1/2)=60. How can I change the number for each legend? Q = [16,32,...
SH_IQ's user avatar
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How to make two markers share same label in Matlab plots

I am building a MATLAB script to add two markers for a single label similar to below in Python. How to create two legend objects for a single plot instance? and Sharing the same label for two plots ...
techenthu's user avatar
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Is there a way to update the legend as the for goes on?

I've been thinking how I could update in Matlab the legend of my plots as the for goes on, basically, I have a for which creates a graph that is added to the plot (using hold on) in every iteration, I'...
Luca Dordoni's user avatar
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More line styles in Matlab - without markers?

Is there some way to plot more than 4 line styles in Matlab (as it is stated here, I mean line ...
nick_name's user avatar
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Adjusting the legend spacing in Matlab

I have slightly lengthy legend titles as shown in the figure below. Is there a way to adjust the location of 'a val' / 'b val' more towards the centre of their title name (move leftwards)? Similarly ...
Shiva's user avatar
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Change LineWidth of marker in MatLab

I would like to change the linewidth of the marker independent from the linewidth of the plotted solid line. By now (see code) I am able to change it in the plot itself. The legend however is a ...
WM_noob5's user avatar
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Change color graphic bar

I have two datasets of data printed on the same graph. What I want is to differentiate the information by putting a legend that indicates the color of each of the two pieces of information in the ...
Diego Monsalve's user avatar
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How to add plot labels loops in matlab [duplicate]

I have data that I am plotting using a for loop. I dont know how to add a label for each graph to form a legend. This data is a lot and the names will have to be added in a looped manner. Please ...
Kwang2846's user avatar
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How to distinguish multiple overlapping lines on MATLAB graphs?

How can I distinguish multiple overlapping lines on MATLAB graphs like this?
Furqan Zia's user avatar
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MATLAB R2019a won't show legend of primitive lines

I have recently changed to a newet version of Matlab (R2019) and when I try to add a legend on my graph I get the following error: '' Inputs must be the same size or either one can be a scalar.'' The ...
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Plot for loop legend with fraction

I am using MATLAB R2018b. I have a for loop plot. I am struggling with legend which has fraction in it. My code and present output: % Plot ColorVec = hsv(length(Phi)); markers = {'+','o','*','.','...
Mainland's user avatar
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How can I automatically display a legend so that it touches the border of a corner in a Matlab (R 2019b) plot?

I know how to use the 'Location' input of the legend function, but none of the options put the legend right in the corner, they all leave a small space between the legend and the border of the plots. ...
Max's user avatar
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How to prevent the legend from updating in R2017a and newer?

Since MATLAB R2017a, figure legends update automatically when adding a plot to axes. Previously, one could do this: data = randn(100,4); plot(data) legend('line1','line2','line3','line4') hold on ...
Cris Luengo's user avatar
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Matlab: wind rose plot: change legend

I want to plot a wind rose but my data for the wind speed is very low (0-20). I found the WindRose package here ( and it gives me ...
brtstph's user avatar
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How could I rotate in 90 degrees the legend of a plot on Matlab?

I'm creating some plots and I need to rotate in 90 degrees the legend to avoid the overlapping of the legend over the graphic. I've tried to use the 'Rotation' propriety but I receive the following ...
Timmit's user avatar
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matlab : suppress legend entry without removing from Plot Browser

One can suppress a legend entry for a line object h by executing h.HandleVisibility='off' or h.Annotation.LegendInformation.IconDisplayStyle='off'. However, both actions also prevent the curve from ...
user001's user avatar
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Legend; text/description before key/colour?

By default MATLAB puts the text part of a legend entry after the sample of what is used in the plot. Is there any way to reverse this? For example, using the below code the first entry in the legend ...
Steve's user avatar
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Matlab: Replicate legend location's 'outside' scaling behavior

The preceding figure was produced by the following code: hold on; plot([1,2,3,4],[1,2,3,4]); plot([1,2,3,4],[4,3,2,1]); legend('foo', 'bar', 'location', 'eastoutside'); Re-scaling the width of the ...
i3rendn4v05's user avatar
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Matlab; Pie chart with 2+ / split legends R2017b

I'm creating a pie chart and ideally want the legend to be displayed horizontally at the top and/or bottom. However, in almost all cases this isn't possible as the legend go off the figure. Therefore, ...
Steve's user avatar
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Display surplus legend entries for gscatter plot

how can i display surplus legend entries, that don't have a corresponding group in a gscatter plot? I.E. display the "Six" in following code: len = 100; x = zeros(len, 1); groups = randi(5, len, 1); ...
InfoMathze's user avatar
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Legend entries out of box

I am using semilogx to plot data. Whenever I save the generated graph as an eps or a pdf file, legend entries go out the legend box (see the attachment). However, for .jpg it works fine. Please advise....
Yogesh's user avatar
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Legend displayed wrongly, one entry is out of the box, one is inside

I just wanted to add a very simple legend to my plots. But every time I want to add a legend, it displays it as can be seen in the picture: One entry has a very long line and the second entry is on ...
ANova's user avatar
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How to input legend in figure with one variable?

I have a variable x, whose value is x=0:3:30; I want to input a legend as My code is like x = 0:3:30; figure(1); hold on; grid on; for i=1:length(Var) plot(f1(val(x))); end legend('input 0', '...
Danny_Kim's user avatar
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How to decrease the size of the legend in a figure?

The following code plots a figure. The code should work on Matlab >= R2014b. I want to remove the space within the legend. How to do this? x = 0:0.5:10; figure; hold on; plot(x,sin(x), 'Marker', 'o');...
aban's user avatar
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Group plots with error-bars

I have the following code that makes a plot: dfs = [0 5 10 15 20 25 ]; Intensities = [0.0593 0.0910 0.1115 0.0611 0.0975 0.0715] ; SE = [0.2165 0.2068 0.2555 0.2479 0.2340 0.2239]; errorbar(dfs, ...
Pugl's user avatar
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Creating a legend in MATLAB that includes scatter plots and normal plots

I want my legend to include the line from the plot and the marker from the scatterplot. For example, rest = importdata('test.xlsx'); x =,1); y =,2); xx = min(x):0.001:max(x);...
brad's user avatar
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Move line in legend

I have a cell array with four strings which is used as legend for four individual X,Y plots. One string is very long and therefore divided into a four-line legend by sprintf, The four plot legend is ...
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Putting one legend for many axes

I'm using three axes-Objects to scale my data on the x-axis. My problem is that i do not know how to get a nice legend for the three plots. I have to do this cause my real data is sampled with ...
himynameis's user avatar

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