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Questions tagged [figure]

A container for images, plots or other graphical elements with some optional meta-information.

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How do I include figure text outside the plot in matplotlib animated chart?

I am trying to include a figure text outside the plot @(0.15, -0.25). This works in a normal chart. But when I try yo animate this, it gets eliminated. Basically anything that is outside the plot (...
Nitin's user avatar
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My LaTeX figure does seem appropriately even though I have used [h] after figure command [closed]

enter image description hereI have added my graph with the [h] and want these two graphs to appear in row but references part starts between them. How can I solve this? here is the screenshot for a ...
Çağan Okur's user avatar
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Latex annotations on plotly

Does anyone comes to know how can I add latex annotation into a plot displayed by plotly? I have searched and it says that using something likes this xaxis_title=r'$\sqrt{(n_\text{c}(t|{T_\text{early}}...
Mister M's user avatar
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Update figure - clear axis including secondary_y

I wrote a small PyQT6 program to get familiar with QT and matplotlib. In a tab, some graphs will be plotted and should be updated in a certain way after a pushButton is clicked. The program works fine ...
spam me's user avatar
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3 answers

Using plt.figure(figsize=()) results in multiple plots. How can I fix it?

My knowledge of python is very rudimentary, and I’m using it properly for the first for a summer project. I’m plotting the orbit diagram for a logistic map. In order to increase the size of my plot, I ...
A. Mukherjee's user avatar
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When using matplotlib, how can I make each figure always plot in the same location on the screen?

I have a Python script that plots 3 figures using matplotlib. When I run this script, and then close the 3 figures and rerun it, the figures appear in different locations on my screen in the second ...
SapereAude's user avatar
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Showing the results of each loop on the same figure after a small pause using Python

I am trying to show the result of each iteration of the for loop on the same figure after a small certain pause of time. This is my code: #import necessary libraries import numpy as np import ...
User123's user avatar
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How to show one figure in loop in Python?

I want to show a figure that is calculated in a loop, let say with 5 iterations. This is the code that I wrote import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt x = np.linspace(0,1,100) y = np....
Margi's user avatar
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Use figure returned from a function as a subplot in a new figure

I have a class where some methods generate and returns the figure it creates as an object with its axes. In a new method, I want to use the figures generated by the other functions as a subplot. How ...
Woodywoodleg's user avatar
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Adjusting figure to center plots along bottom row

I'm generating a figure with a variable number of plots. At the moment, if I use a number of plots that is not a multiple of three, the final plot(s) is left-aligned: Here's my plotting function: def ...
Jim421616's user avatar
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How to create a panel layout of plots from the eulerr [r] package

I am using the eulerr package to make venn diagrams/euler diagrams. However, I would like to add these plots to a panelled figure and I can't figure out how. Each time I make the euler plot, it ...
rrr's user avatar
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Adding a pushbutton to new figure in MATLAB

The app below allows me to open a figure with a push button. When I click on the push button, the callback generates a new figure with an imagesc plot on it. I'd like to be able to add another button ...
CircAnalyzer's user avatar
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<Figure size 640x480 with 0 Axes> problem during plotting in matplotlib (No figure shows)

I am trying to plot a PDP plot using Matplotlib, but I find an error that indicates that figures were created but nothing was drawn on it. enter image description here This is my code: def ...
KASHFI UDDIN 1912019's user avatar
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Octave - Simulating a 3D Animation with static and dynamic parts

I want to create a 3D animation with static parts (not changing over time) in it. With dynamic parts, which should be added over time and with parts, which should be shown just on one single step. I ...
dendrit's user avatar
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Am i able to replicate this heat map in ggplot?

Heat map displaying R0 and proportion of pre-symptomatic transmission I am trying to replicate this figure in R using ggplot, however I am having limited success. I am unable to replicate shaded ...
jward183's user avatar

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