How can i zoom on particular location or flyTo that particular location dynamically when location selected dynamically from list of cities dropdown and the getBounds around that location. I am trying to reference this answer but this can work after flyTo happens. So how can use flyTo with my code.

    useEffect(() => {
  const cityFilter = () => {
    let geocodes = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem('geocode'));
    let mapData = props.allEquipData.filter((filtered) => {
      return filtered.city === selectedCity;
      mapData.map(async (data) => {
        let selectedLocGeo = geocodes.filter((geo) => geo.zip == data.zipcode);
        if (selectedLocGeo.length > 0) {
          data.coordinates = [selectedLocGeo[0].latitude, selectedLocGeo[0].longitude];
        } else {
          data.coordinates = [0, 0];
        return data;
      .then((response) => {
        let markerData = [];
        let count = 1;
        response.map((resp, index) => {
          if (resp.coordinates[0] !== 0 && resp.coordinates[1] !== 0) {
            let existingPositionIndex = markerData.findIndex(
              (mark) =>
                mark.positions && mark.positions.length && mark.positions[0] === resp.coordinates[0] && mark.positions[1] === resp.coordinates[1]
            if (existingPositionIndex > -1) {
            } else {
              let obj = {
                positions: resp.coordinates,
                key: 'marker' + count,
                devices: [resp],
                location: resp.city + ', ' + resp.state,

        // let group = new L.featureGroup([markerData[0].positions]);
        // mapRef.firBounds(group.getBounds());
        // console.log('oth position : ', markerData[0].positions);

        // const map = mapRef.current;
        // // console.log('map : ',map.leafletElement.flyTo);
        // // var group = new L.featureGroup([L.marker(markerData[0].positions)]);
        // // if (map) map.leafletElement.fitBounds(group.getBounds());

        // if (map) {
        //   map.flyTo(markerData[0].positions, 10);

      .catch((err) => {
        console.log('Err', err);
}, [selectedCity]);

  <LayersControl position='topright'>
    <LayersControl.Overlay name='Markers' checked>
        <MyMarkersList markers={handleMarkers(markerData)} />

when city will be selected from dropdown, the useEffect will be called and then it will get you the markers position based on selected city e.g [lat,log]. from this point it should flyTo that location and getBounds around it if possible.

  • Could you provide a demo to reproduce it?
    – kboul
    Commented Nov 10, 2020 at 20:28
  • @kboul codesandbox.io/s/react-leaflet-demo-o7ix8 here you can find working demo. console will show filtered city coordinates when selected from dropdown and based on that need to use flyTo similar to this demo Commented Nov 11, 2020 at 7:22

1 Answer 1


Add these two lines of code before setFilteredMarkers(markerData);

const {latitude, longitude} = geoCodes.find(g => g.city === selectedCity)
 map.flyTo([ longitude,latitude], 12);

You want to find the coordinates of the selected city which is inside geoCodes Object[]. You use array.find using the value of th eselectedCity to achieve that. This will be triggered every time the value in the dropdown changes.

Updated Demo

  • flyTo is not working as it should, i am getting correct coordinates for selected location, although flyTo goes in wrong direction or always goes to botton of the map where nothing is visible. this issue i am getting with my working model, but with codepen is working fine. why so? Here's the video link demo Commented Nov 11, 2020 at 16:48
  • I am not sure why this is happening. In the demo I attached it works as it should. Probably it has to do with other part of the code in your application or something in the map setup or settings.
    – kboul
    Commented Nov 11, 2020 at 16:55
  • can you modify sandbox to use getBounds and fitBounds? Commented Nov 11, 2020 at 16:58
  • I think the result you get is sufficient. You need either a group of markers to get its bounds or another group of geographic entities to use effectively fitBounds around a group. I think you do not need it. Fly to centers the area around the coords of the city markers and its fine.
    – kboul
    Commented Nov 11, 2020 at 17:05
  • I am trying to reset map to initial bounds when my filteres are cleared. And also trying to setMaxBounds to not zoom out more than bounds. Can you help with this demo. It is same demo as above just little modification. demo Commented Dec 2, 2020 at 13:18

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