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Dynamically change the background color of the TileLayer attribution

I have created a component that contains the map and changes the map for dark or light mode. How can I dynamically change the color of the attribution? There's any props or style key that i can use ? ...
lucamir's user avatar
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Problem creating an L.Map instance with React-leaflet

There is a map state defined as const [map, setMap] = useState(null); Here is the snippet which is supposed to initialize the map: <MapContainer center={ areaOfInterest.latitude ? [...
EngineeringCheetah's user avatar
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Leaflet Map open popup in markercluster from outside with react-leaflet and react-leaflet-markercluster

I encountered an issue with combining two functionalities: placing Markers in a group using the MarkerCluster plugin (
Sebastian Tekieli's user avatar
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Obtaining visible Map Data as an Image in React-Leaflet

I'm working on a ReactJS application that utilizes react-leaflet to display maps, supporting both OpenStreetMap and TIFF formats. My goal is to implement an upscale/digital zoom feature when the zoom ...
DrunkenAvenger's user avatar
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React leaflet shows empty map

I have a problem with the map display in React Leaflet - I installed everything, but it still doesn't work... What do I have to change? I added css, added height but do not know what is missing ...
Skar's user avatar
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having ReferenceError: window is not defined error for react leaflet during build process

I am using react-leaflet in my nextjs project. The project works perfect on dev mode but when I try to build it it gives ReferenceError: window is not defined. I am also using ssr as false in dynamic ...
Mubashir Rehman's user avatar
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How to change the style of a geojson feature on a click event in react leaflet

I am working on a react app with react leaflet. When you click on a country on the leaflet map, the country is supposed to change style (turn a different colour). I can't get this to work. In the ...
Leonard's user avatar
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react-leaflet basic example rendering

I'm using leaflet and react-leaflet for the first time and using their basic example here and the map is broken in multiple sections with half not visible. <MapContainer center={[51.505, -0.09]} ...
pnk6's user avatar
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ReactJS executes both if and else statement

I'm trying to build this little project with React Leaflet in which by searching through the leaflet-geosearch search bar a certain city, after clicking on it, a form should pop up asking for some ...
Wicked's user avatar
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Leaflet for React: Converting overlay map for Leaflet into Leaflet for React

I have the following code meant for Leaflet: const TileLayerNOAA = L.TileLayer.extend({ getTileUrl(coords) { var z = coords.z -2; if (z<0) z=0; return 'https://gis.charttools....
Bryant Irawan's user avatar
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How to properly change a loaded KML in react-leaflet-kml

I am using react-leaflet-kml and the functionality I am trying to make is a list of buttons corresponding to a KML file, which will make the map load/render that KML. Currently, the buttons simply ...
yoavsnake's user avatar
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What is the recommended approach when dealing with irregularly shaped tiles in L.TileLayer (leaflet)?

I am currently working on a Plan Viewer for 2D plans in a react web-app. Once a plan is uploaded to our servers in pdf format, the creation of tiles at different zoom levels is triggered. Now I want ...
Pierre's user avatar
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Get dustbin locations near user's location and display on leaflet map

I am getting the type of garbage from the backend. Eg: plastic, glass, metal, paper, etc. I am showing the user's location on a map using Leaflet in React. How can I get dustbin locations based on the ...
Zahid Chandio's user avatar
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How can I make a programmatic click in react-leaflet?

I am working on a map webapp, that should react on navigation from another route in the following ways: fly to coordinates click on them programatically // fly const map = useMap(); ...
Andrija Vranić's user avatar
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Problem with using google earth engine api with react

I am creating a react app with google earth engine API and leaflet with a Django backend. The backend will be used for computer vision purposes, Google earth engine is to be used to add layers to the ...
Aditya Mishra's user avatar
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React-leaflet doesn't clear routes when adding additional waypoints

I'm trying to clear the route when I add a new waypoint. Only two waypoints should should show. However, when adding an additional waypoint, Leaflet will show the old route instead of clearing it. I ...
Christopher Lam's user avatar
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how to use RoutingMachine for creating path with manually added markers in reactleaflet map

as i have added the multiple markers but i want the create the path with RoutingMachine in reactleaflet map with those added markers anyone give me solution for this code below. in this we want to add ...
akshay kumar's user avatar
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How to get the address (street, house, etc.) when you click on a map in react-leaflet?

It is necessary that when you click on the map, the address (street, house, etc.) is displayed. Now when you click, I have latitude and longitude. How to implement this? Send request with latitude and ...
Smile_mask's user avatar
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Marker hiding after fitBounds in leaflet

fitBounds and flyToBounds are very good for changing the bounds of the map of different positions. The thing is that I have some markers on the map and when I call this function it sometimes hides the ...
Pichi Wuana's user avatar
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Draw polygon from API Data using React-leaflet and click event

I'm using react-leaflet and Geoman, to draw polygons on the map, I have an API that provides me with a GeoJSON. I can draw the shapes easily using const polygon = L.polygon(props.coordinates).addTo(...
talison Brendon's user avatar
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Object iterator to push into array with signal R websocket and Leaflet

I have an async function connected to a socket that i want to iterate over every object and then push to an array: interface ECSEquipmentLocationUpdate { X: number; Y: number; Phi: number; ...
Farid Guzman's user avatar
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Fixed-Size Square grid in Leaflet Map at Different Latitudes

I'm attempting to generate square-shaped grid on a Leaflet map, similar to what you can see on this example: My primary goal is to ensure that these squares remain a fixed ...
AmiReza's user avatar
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Changing the color of a Leaflet map polyline as I navigate from point A to B

I'm working on a project where I'm using Leaflet to create a map. I've defined a path from point A to B, and it's currently colored yellow. However, I want to change the color of the traveled path to ...
Sammith Gowda's user avatar
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How to achieve digital zooming on javascript or node Js or reactJs environment

What am I trying to achieve? I have image of map which is tiff image width and height is 1024x1024 px and it will over lap on our map application (React,React_leaflet) at certain zoom level (e.g.18) ...
Sammith Gowda's user avatar
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State not changing in leaflet map.on("click") function in React

I'm using Leaflet with React (not react-leaflet because there seems to be a lot more documentation for standard leaflet), and I want to add functionality in which a user can place Markers on the map. ...
GMoney's user avatar
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Icon Marker for Leaflet v4 not showing

I have tried to place custom marker and the default of Leaflet, but still getting crop image in the MapContainer. Here is my code of custom icon. import { TileLayer } from "react-leaflet/...
Manfre's user avatar
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Why L.vectorGrid.protobuf return undefined?

I'm using in React, Leaflet and react-leaflet. Random things in order to post the question: Leaflet is the leading open-source JavaScript library for mobile-friendly interactive maps. Weighing just ...
Kambei's user avatar
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React Modal not closing when used with react leaflet

After rendering the map container inside the modal component, everything works fine. But when we click on one of the zoom in and out buttons and then click on the overlay, the modal does not close on ...
noob_coder's user avatar
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Leaflet Map Rendering

My map didn't open completely, can anyone help me solve it? enter image description here I tried to recreate the code and install it again, I tried to get the code from the website itself and it didn'...
Gabriel Ortiz's user avatar
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Property 'onClick' does not exist on type 'IntrinsicAttributes & MapContainerProps & RefAttributes<Map>'

Onclick doesn't work on the mapcontainer, can anyone help with that? Function handleMapClick: function handleMapClick(event: LeafletMouseEvent ) { } MapContainer with onClick: <MapContainer ...
Irrigador's user avatar

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