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How to drag a polygon when dragging a marker inside of it?

I have a map with polygons and markers, and a sidebar with tools buttons (like in this demo : My markers are linked to my polygons in my database and if I use the 'Drag layers'...
FE-P's user avatar
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React Leaflet Google Map Partial and Incomplete [duplicate]

I'm trying to learn something and develop a google map project with react-leaflet using JavaScript. I've made a simple React app and implemented the simple google map layer. Maps however are only ...
Raw Anger's user avatar
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Rewrite react-leaflet event

I have a similar problem as this question from almost 7 years ago: Rewrite Leaflet event Except I want to extend the boxZoom handler in react-leaflet. Specifically I want to modify the boxZoom....
shipurjan's user avatar
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webpage got freeze (browser message: page unresponsive) when doubleclick on leaflet map many times to show nearby resturants

I'm using a leaflet map with reactJs, The purpose of it is that when I double-click on a specific location the lat & lng of where I double-clicked are sent to API to bring nearby restaurants then ...
hadi muhammed's user avatar
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Leaflet rendering issue - map overflows

I have created a repo to reproduce the issue. I use Leaflet in React.js. The issue is that Leaflet map overflows in a mobile view and Navbar is not visible. It happens only when user logs in and is ...
Matt's user avatar
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React leaflet flyto function on table

Onclick tmp() on the table fetches location of point. I have tried UseMapEvents and UseRef method but get an error that map is called before initialization. Just want the map to fly to marker when ...
Avidqtaqtx's user avatar
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React leaflet make one marker ignore it's events, so other can be clicked

I have code like this: return <React.Fragment key={i + 100}> <MapMarker obj={object} key={i} ...
Jan Intelkor's user avatar
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Nextjs13 and react leaflet: Dynamic loaded Marker in FeatureGroup unable to call getBounds

I currently play around with the new nextjs13 and the app directory as well as server side only code. In my project i use React leaflet and this cannot be directly used anymore in Nextjs13 (with the ...
Marcel's user avatar
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In react-leaflet plotting Mbtiles in map

I am new to map technology and I am using react-leaflet to plot GEOJSON to map. It was all going well but then I m facing load time with massive GeoJSON data, so need to convert GeoJSON to mbtiles. ...
Silen's user avatar
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how to use leaflet-distortable image to georeference uploaded image

How can i use the methods in leaflet-distortableimage to georeference an image added to the map?
Malxruxes's user avatar
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map as props in DrawFToolbar does not work correctly

i tried to simplified my codes to get sooner a solution, I have a Map component and a DrawFToolbar component, I send map as props to DrawFToolbar component, there are some console lines in ...
ehsanpaknahad's user avatar
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Interacting with leaflet popup containing React components

I am trying to interact with a popup in Leaflet. However, when I try to click the CustomButton inside of the popup, nothing happens, it wont even console log. const popupContent = ( <div> ...
C RICH's user avatar
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How to iterate array on GeoJSON to draw polygon dynamically in react-leaflet

I'm currently working on project that user draw a polygon and save that data on SQL server and load that data from SQL to show on leaflet page. What I did so far is, saving drawing data on sql server ...
RunningKanguru's user avatar
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React-leaflet LeafletTrackingMarker does not work when it's under MarkerCLusterGroup

how to move smooth markers from old coordinate to new coordinate in MarkerCLusterGroup i have a code in reactjs that works perfectly for LeafletTrackingMarker lets assume that i have 10 position , ...
MR Int's user avatar
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How to make marker appear on the surface of image overlay onclicked in react-leaflet?

I am using React leaflet together with custom CRS, Leaflet CRS docs What I want to do is: A custom image is display at the map container as ImageOverlay When user clicked on a position on the Image, ...
ken's user avatar
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