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Connecting R Leaflet to esri vector tile service

I'm building a Shiny leaflet application that I want to use a ESRI vector tile map from my organization for. I can see that leaflet connects to it as the attribution is accurate. However the tiles ...
PhDavey's user avatar
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R Leaflet - Problem Highlighting Features Underneath Layer

I am encountering a problem where I can't see highlighted features underneath a transparent top layer. I have a simple map setup, where I have a US county choropleth layer with a transparent US state ...
outsidethebox93's user avatar
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Is there a way to pop out a leaflet map in an R Shiny app into a new browser tab?

I'm making an R Shiny application that includes a leafletOutput map that maps certain datapoints from a filtered dataframe. Is there any way to expand that map to a full screen size in a new browser ...
jjjjohnson's user avatar
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clusterOptions() displaying correct area of map but no markers or clusters

I am working on a Shiny app in R that creates a leaflet map and plots points. Plotting the points by themselves works fine. The issue arises when I try to implement even the most basic clusters. I can ...
z3r0summ's user avatar
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Leaflet proxy in r only shows latest added Layer

I want to visualise the development of fatal traffic accidents and accidents with severe injuries on state and community level in a leaflet map. As a solution i use a shiny app with a radio button for ...
Thomas231's user avatar
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Can leaflet layer controls be used to alter popup contents in a Shiny dashboard?

I am building a dashboard in R Shiny that includes a map rendered using R leaflet. There are popups associated with locations on the map and items in the popup are also used as layer controls. i.e., ...
user3900349's user avatar
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R Markdown flexdashboard shiny leaflet app

I'm trying to create an interactive leaflet map dashboard using R markdown and shiny runtime. I need to select multiple values from two fields based on which my map will draw. This works so far, but I ...
jaykay's user avatar
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Smooth transition between markers or polygons in R Leaflet

I have a Leaflet map in R Shiny with circle markers which change colour based on a time series slider. When a year is changed, the previously drawn circle marker is erased, and a new one is drawn. I ...
anorlondo's user avatar
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RShiny display multiple leaflet maps on the same plot

I have a shiny app where the user can select to display a specific leaflet map (on 51 available), or all leaflet maps (the 51 on 11 columns and 5 rows). To display multiple leaflet maps on the same ...
Chika's user avatar
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R Shiny Leaflet map doesn't center properly after expanding the container

I have a Shiny app that correctly collapses the datatable beneath a leaflet map, extends the map and then also brings back the datatable with a button click. The problem is something happens to the ...
rtb's user avatar
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Select marker by clicking on a map and update selected input

I am currently working on a Shiny app and I encountered some problems. My objective is to display temperature graphs for specific weather stations and selected years. Users can choose a station name ...
Yagmur's user avatar
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Only render leaflet map when zoom passes a threshold in Shiny

I have built a leaflet map in a Shiny application that shows different layers depending on what zoom you have. I have built this combining leafletProxy with observeEvent and leaflet's input$MAPID_zoom....
FilipW's user avatar
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Display coordinates in a table when markers are dragged in shiny app

In my simple shiny app, I'm able to drag the markers on the map and see their new coordinates in observe function : coords_data <- data.frame(id = 1:3, lng = c(2, 30, 50), lat = c(48, 40, 60)) ...
Haribo's user avatar
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leaflet map in shiny

I am new to shiny and try to pull up my map (which will eventually, be clickable to show data stored for particular sa4_code_2016 areas) The code i have works well alone, but in shiny it does not show ...
m45ha's user avatar
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Add lat lon coords to mini map leaflet rshiny

How to correctly implement lat/lon coordinates to a minimap, because I want the minimap to display at the location provided by each marker. It will open after clicking on the marker, however, I notice ...
Working dollar's user avatar
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Leaflet event on Shiny works only once

I'm developping a Shiny app including a leaflet map. On the Shiny app, I've one panel, that displays a button. If this button is clicked, this panel is reorganized and the map is replaced by other ...
Leaflet_shiny's user avatar
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Why is Leaflet issuing this warning in R/Shiny: Ignoring appended content; appendContent can't be used in a Shiny render call

I am using tmap with leaflet in a Shiny app as I want to draw on a thematic map. However, creating the leaflet object using tmap_leaflet seems to generate a warning which I cannot find an answer for: ...
Polonium's user avatar
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The map generated by the googleway package is not updated after pressing the other tabPanel

The code below generates two maps, one being generated by the googleway package and the other by the leaflet package. See in the image that a region is selected in selectInput and automatically two ...
Carlo Soares's user avatar
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R Shiny: Can't run JS code in a leafletProxy instance

I have shinyapp where I have a leaflet map. I want users to be able to click on the polygons and highlight them right away - while unhighlighting the previous polygon. I successfully do this using ...
Kauê Braga's user avatar
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Make Tmap keep the same viewport when redrawing (R/Shiny)

I'd like to store the centre coordinates and zoom in Tmap so that when the map gets redrawn it uses the last known centre point and zoom level. The current behaviour is that it resets to the initial ...
Polonium's user avatar
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R Shiny Leaflet Show number of overlapping markers / polygons?

I'm working with a large set of location data, and it turns out a lot of my locations share longitude and latitude values. Is there a way to show the number of markers / polygons that overlap, either ...
rwjam's user avatar
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Multiple leaflet maps in separate tabs do not appear in R Shiny Dashboard

I am trying to render maps in separate tab items. When I render maps individually, it works perfectly. But I do not get any maps when I want the maps in separate tab items each is associated with a ...
Justin's user avatar
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Figure labels and references for tmap (leaflet) maps in a Shiny markdown document

Is it possible to create figure labels, and reference them within text, for interactive tmap objects in a R markdown that will be rendered/hosted using shiny runtime to make an interactive document? ...
BEVAN's user avatar
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Shiny leaflet map reactive

I am in the process of making a shiny app. I am trying to make my map interactive where the map shows only the selected Sites. Although, right now my map is showing the location of every single site ...
Dome's user avatar
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How to deal with factor values in a data frame when building a reactive map widget on shiny?

I am currently developing a reactive map on Shiny. This map is basically a US map where a selectors enables the user to display different quality variables. The data frame used (called data)looks as ...
Augustin's user avatar
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leaflet proxy does not update correctly with observeevent in shiny app

I have a shiny app that allow user select the project via checkboxGroupInput and show that on the map ! by default all options are selected. But when User de-selct all, the last group will remain on ...
Haribo's user avatar
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Select multiple items using map_click in leaflet, linked to selectizeInput() in shiny app (R) based on filtered data

I'm creating a shiny app (my first ever) that uses the solution offered by ismirsehregal to (de)select multiple items using map_click and selectizeInput. Select multiple items using map_click in ...
klmcdonald's user avatar
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How to add a Mapbox layer using R, Shiny, and Mapboxer?

I have an Shiny application using Leaflet. I will migrate it to Mapbox using mapboxer library. My main question is how to adapt the scenario below: The user can choose the data which will be ...
Paulo Marques's user avatar
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Leaflet map inside reactable table R Shiny

I would like to include maps in one of the columns of a reactable table, each map would be occupy a cell inside the table. Something like this: I've tried this: library(shiny) library(reactable) ...
CodingBiology's user avatar
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Is there a way to display R Leaflet label values in a separate box?

On the JS Leaflet page the population density is shown in a panel in the upper right hand corner when a state is hovered over. Is there a way to create a similar box in Leaflet using R? I created a ...
Liz's user avatar
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changing the destination on the map by the button shiny

I have a shiny app which displays a map and can choose a few countries based on the selectinput function. I'm trying to replace the selectInput with the button, so instead of choosing the country, ...
EnriqueGG's user avatar
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Why does the shiny app give me an error when trying to use osrm trip in a reactive()?

Hello and thanks for reading me. I am trying to make an app that generates a route to the closest location of the dataframe considering the current location, but when doing the calculations in shiny ...
Jorge Hernández's user avatar
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leaflet markers dissapear in r shiny tabsetPanel (when on mobile)

I'm working on a Shiny app that uses the leaflet package. My leaflet map is embedded in a tabsetPanel where the first tab shows a plot and when you click on the second tab you'll see the leaflet map ...
needs_more_jpeg's user avatar
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Using click events in leaflet to dynamically display grouped sums

I'm working on a shiny app with basic functionality like this: library(sf) library(DT) library(leaflet) library(shiny) library(tidyverse) nc <- st_read(system.file("shape/nc.shp", ...
tifu's user avatar
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R Shiny - how to to make leaflet render when switching menuItems?

A basic R Shiny 'dashboard' app with 2 sidebar menu items, one containing a Leaflet widget output. The error to reproduce is - Run this code from R Studio (make sure your R Studio IDE is maximized to ...
kraggle's user avatar
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Error in UseMethod: no applicable method for 'metaData' applied to an object of class "NULL"

I'm trying to add different icon to the markers which I'm trying to show. I have different category like this category <- data() %>% dplyr::select(category) %>% distinct() and it looks ...
Siddhant Singh's user avatar
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How to save leaft map in shiny app that contain marker and some other filters

I Want to download the Map view that contains all my filters and markers and I want to upload it to the server so users can log in and download what they need I tried the solution to this question ...
HIXER's user avatar
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How to make slider inputs with Leaflet and shiny in R?

I have two dataframes as follows. I have only put partial data for simplicity: **order** Location Order_count Longitude Latitude New York 12 74.0060 40.7128 San Francisco ...
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Prevent user from moving beyond boundaries R Leaflet

I have a map which shows Australia. What I want to do is to prevent the user going outside of this view. I know that I can pass providerTileOptions a minZoom and a bounds function, but this still ...
anorlondo's user avatar
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Distinguish between input$map_click and input$map_shape_click in Leaflet R Shiny

What I would like to do is that if a user clicks on a line, it displays the line name in the box to the right of the map, and if a user clicks somewhere else on the map, it 'deselects' that line: The ...
anorlondo's user avatar
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Trigger click event on polyline in Leaflet R Shiny

I want to trigger a click event when a user clicks on a polyline in Leaflet, but I'm not sure on the exact syntax to have this occur, and I can't find a list of them anywhere. I know that for polygons ...
anorlondo's user avatar
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any good library to search on the basis of long and latitude?

I have a requirement where I have some cities' longitude and latitude. Bangalore - 12.9539974,77.6309395 Chennai - 13.0473748,79.9288083 Delhi - 28.6921165,76.8079346 Mumbai - 19.0821978,72.741098 I ...
Siddhant Singh's user avatar
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R Shiny Leaflet addLegend() Specify label order

Given the following example data mydata <- data.frame( lat = c(21.05939, 21.04305, 21.05977, 21.04336, 21.04434), lng = c(92.22692 ,92.23357 ,92.22733 ,92.23361 ,92.23478), X1 = c("...
r0bt's user avatar
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Tile provider with access token (Jawg) in R Leaflet

I am trying with the following code to get the Jawg.Light tiles on my map. However, i guess the passing of the access token fails. leaflet() %>% addProviderTiles("Jawg.Light", options = ...
c0bra's user avatar
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Shiny app disconnects from server after displaying leaflet map

I have created a simple app where an election officer can put in the names of the voters who came to the polling station voters and the votes that each candidate has. In addition, it renders a leaflet ...
Samuel Gachuhi's user avatar
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Displaying Information from Multiple Shapefiles in Label Leaflet R

I am currently building a shinyapp with leaflet with multiple shapefile layers. I would like the user to be able to hover over an area and see both the name of the census tract and zip code in the ...
alextripp's user avatar
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How to prevent BringToBack from reversing layers order of FeatureGroup in Leaflet

I have a Leaflet Map on a Shiny web-app. I have 3 Base Groups containing different circles, and 1 Overlay Group containing polylines crossing each other. The polylines are sorted so that the more ...
Mattéo Camin's user avatar
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Issues with Nested ifelse to determine color of AwesomeMarkers

I am trying to color awesomemarkers for leaflet in R by group according to unique(df$type), although the current code is not grouping the way I envisioned. For example in dfnight, I would like all the ...
ja2z20's user avatar
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Controlling choices for reactive selectinput with other Selectinput

I have two select inputs in my shiny app and I am trying to make it so that the first selectinput controls the dataset for both the leaflet map and for the other select input. When the "time"...
ja2z20's user avatar
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Making a leaflet map fullscreen in an RShiny dashboard

I'm working on creating an RShiny dashboard with a leaflet map; I want my map to be fullscreen, but I can't quite seem to get the borders/margins to go away. I have tried the solutions offered in a ...
metamorporpoise's user avatar

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