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How to set an anchor and create polygons from shapefile

I am following up on the example here: How to make small polygons from shapefile and extract coordinates I am trying to adapt that example to a different shapefile but I am getting errors. The new ...
Salvador's user avatar
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How to make small polygons from shapefile and extract coordinates

I have a small shapefile here: called bay.RDS library(tmap) library(leaflet) library(mapview) bay <- readRDS('bay.RDS') mapview(...
Salvador's user avatar
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Add a title to the Leaflet map

I have a simple question but still do not know how to find the answer to it. All I need is to add a title to the leaflet map. I do not need it to me on the map, just above it as in a usual ggplot map. ...
Polina Ermolaeva's user avatar
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Show the aggregate value on markerClusterOptions in R

I want to do a map in R, that will show the points in clusters when you zoom in/zoom out and in the same time show a aggregate value. Now I have this code: m <- leaflet(acdt_1, width = "200%&...
Mary Nastase's user avatar
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RShiny display multiple leaflet maps on the same plot

I have a shiny app where the user can select to display a specific leaflet map (on 51 available), or all leaflet maps (the 51 on 11 columns and 5 rows). To display multiple leaflet maps on the same ...
Chika's user avatar
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Add Polygon Layers to Leaflet Map (with labels and legends)

I am trying to combine 4 leaflet maps into one, where you can filter the layers using addLayerControl. Each layer has popups when you hover over the polygon with the corresponding variable (numeric) ...
Cloudberries's user avatar
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Create a map in R and put some coordinates

I have a dataset with three variables related to coordinates: UTMX, UTMY and HUSO. I'd like to create a map where all the points were shown. Here an example of the dataframe: x y huso ...
Enrique's user avatar
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How to reduce incremental zooms in leaflet?

I am making maps in leaflet and cannot change the zoom increment for some reason. I don't have the option to use var map ='map', { zoomSnap: 0.25 }); I also don't have these functions ...
ASHooper93's user avatar
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R Displaying Points Twice?

I have this code for an interactive map in R: library(leaflet) library(inlmisc) Long = rnorm(1000, -71, 0.5) Lat = rnorm(1000, 42.3, 0.5) loc = rep("loc", 1000) Name = rep("Location&...
stats_noob's user avatar
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Error in UseMethod: no applicable method for 'metaData' applied to an object of class "NULL"

I'm trying to add different icon to the markers which I'm trying to show. I have different category like this category <- data() %>% dplyr::select(category) %>% distinct() and it looks ...
Siddhant Singh's user avatar
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Learning How to Use Shapefiles in R

I am trying to learn more about "shapefiles" and how to plot them in R. Ideally, I would like to make a "leaflet map" (interactive or static) that looks something like this: https:...
stats_noob's user avatar
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How to successfully save leaflet map in a .png image?

Out of geocoordinates, I want to draw simple plain points on a city map and save the output as a .png. I'm on Linux Ubuntu 22.04LTS. For the first part I found a pretty brief and straightforward ...
jay.sf's user avatar
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Tiny shiny app to monitor pollinators: leaflet map rendering locally but not rendering online

I work for a biodiversity monitoring project and I am trying to build a shiny app to better organize our fieldwork. I am basically trying to publish a map of our study area overlaid with a grid (our ...
Julian Wittische's user avatar
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R shiny renderLeaflet not rendering

I am trying to create an interactive map that displays locations only in the district chosen by the user in R shiny. rm(list=ls()) library(readxl) library(shiny) library(tidyverse) library(leaflet) ...
Dulguun314's user avatar
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Add axis to leaflet map

How can you add an x and y axis to a leaflet map figure -- in the case of a map how to add the longitude and latitude? For the figure below, how can axis be added please? library(leaflet) leaflet() %&...
user2957945's user avatar
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Trying to create a bubble map of Australia

Name Lat Long XX -20.6544 150.9149 This is how my data looks like with over 1000 entries The code I tried is below. # Library library(leaflet) # load example data (Fiji EarthPostcode) + ...
BeeLady's user avatar
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Reactive Leaflet Map Not Recognizing 2nd Color Palette

I posted a similar question, but didn't make my example minimal enough, so I tried to pare it down some. So here's the problem: I am working on a COVID19 project to visualize the spread of the virus ...
user2813606's user avatar
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Chinese province coordinates in r

Does anyone knows how to access the coordinates by regions for China. The code below shows the same thing that I am looking for China. Many thanks in advance require(maps) states_map <- map_data(&...
Seyma Kalay's user avatar
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Leaflet not rendering in dynamically generated R markdown html knitr

I've created a R markdown report where the sections and tabsets are dynamically created. I have an issue where the Leaflet maps are not being generated in the output, but rather a blank white space. ...
Jonathan West's user avatar
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R Shiny --> FillOpacity Argument in AddCircles Function Ignored

I am working on a R Shiny project to visualize all of the airports in the world. The code included below is a sample of my project. Functionally, the app works as expected - The data table and map ...
user2813606's user avatar
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how to plot a map only with lat, long without group in R

I am having issues with plotting a UK map. Indeed, I have issues plotting because maybe I do not have a group as a variable. This is the type of data I have. lft_j <- structure(list(journeydate = ...
GaB's user avatar
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Adding circle markers on leaflet R on to a map already plotted

bins <- c(0,10,20,30,40,50,Inf) pal <- colorNumeric( palette = c('Grey', '#C9E1F9', '#BCD2E8', '#86ACC6', '#73A5C6', '#528AAE', '#2E5984', '#1E3F66', '#152B46'), domain = ar_prov_objetivos$...
Sebastian's user avatar
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maps::map() returning region names instead of country names

I am trying to create a pop up for each country on a leaflet map showing the name of the country and a number. I have though come upon a similar problem in stack exchange here. country <- c("...
Nick's user avatar
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R-Leaflet : Merged Shapefile and Excel appeared successful, but highlight label reveals that the 31 polygons are only filled w/ 4 repeating values

I am working on a map for my internship. I have the shapefile of the city of Villeneuve d'Ascq's subdivisions (referred to as "IRIS" in France) that I am mapping, and separate CSVs with various ...
lowwasteluau's user avatar
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I cannot get slider inputs to modify a map in shiny

I cannot get the map to react with the sliders. THe data was from when i move the sliders the map "refreshes" like it resets itself as if something ...
Mathemagician's user avatar
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How to retrieve point location data from a WMS leaflet layer?

I am very new to working with maps and was given a task to collect data on points from this website: So far I have managed to ...
Ted's user avatar
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Get longitude and latitude from a shapefile with Leaflet in R

I've been trying to map with leaflet to add addCircles() but my shapefile doesn't seem to have the latitude lat and longitude lng parameters so I got the centroids for each city as is the code below ...
cdcarrion's user avatar
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Map Australia - no oultine

Got code from here: Map Australian cities - R spatial But when I run it, it gives the map shown: library(maps) df <- world.cities[world.cities$country.etc == "Australia",] library(leaflet) ## ...
chris's user avatar
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How can I plot individual data points in a map using R/ leaflet?

I am trying to show the individual points in a given place, like a map equivalent of dot plot. I tried with leaflet library in R, but I am only able to map the size of the marker to the continuous ...
karthik2k2's user avatar
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Wrapping the dropdownButton in an absolutePanel in R Shiny

I'm building an interactive map with Shiny and I'm currently trying to hide my UI elements in a dropdownButton from the shinyWidgets pkg. My problem is that so far I can either have the ...
Ziemowit Bućko's user avatar

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