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L.markerClusterGroup is not a function

I'm trying to use leaflet cluster markers. I created a template for a WP page. First, I'm loading library and css : <link rel="stylesheet" href="[email protected]....
Monagraphic's user avatar
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How to access a local directory instead of URL of OSM server?

I am playing with the Leaflet.html demo provided on their website to try and build a offline map application. I am trying to change the following line of code // add the OpenStreetMap tiles ...
Fernando's user avatar
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How to set active region correctly in this Leaflet map?

I want to hightlight active region with nid=105. I did it in "color: feature.nid == 105 ? '#fa9f1a' : 'white'". But I have a problem, when I clicked to another region, region with nid=105 ...
user14846818's user avatar
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Is there a way to open a popup input text after a polygon is created in leaflet?

I'm trying to make a web app that uses leaflet to display a map, users should be able to draw and edit polygons over the map and they should have the ability to name each polygon they create. I want ...
Lucio Bottacin's user avatar
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Tiles don't render or it takes too long

The problem: tiles are being rendered extremly long time (1 day or never) The question: What to do to make tiles loading and loading quickly? How to solve this problem? The description: While trying ...
Aditya Igorevič's user avatar
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Leaflet - Zoom map to fit several circles leaves big gap on sides [duplicate]

On Leaflet, I have several circles in a map that I generate like this: let allData = [ ['Berlin', 52.5243700, 13.4105300, 'Germany'], ['Hamburg', 53.551086, 9.993682, 'Germany'], ...
Joe82's user avatar
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React leaflet map location glitches when not in App.js

I am trying to use a Leaflet map in my React application but I am running into a strange problem. I tell my map to pan to the user's current geolocation (if they have allowed access to their location) ...
Pimv_h's user avatar
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map.getCenter and map.getBounds are not functions inside'click') function

I am creating an app that makes use of the leaflet OpenStreetMap API but I am running into a problem. I am trying to get the center coordinates when I click my map, but i am getting the error: '...
yourivdloo's user avatar
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How to overlay a satellite mbtiles over a regular OSM map?

I'm using klokantech tileserver gl to serve OSM maps. These maps are consumed by a frontend developed using Vue and vue-leaflet. The OSM world mbtiles file works perfectly with the default config from ...
Corentin Donzelli's user avatar
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Use a local tile layer with leaflet

I'm creating a project with React and Leaflet. This project will run offline on a computer connected to nothing, so I need to have the tile layer stored on the same computer (no tile server). Since I ...
Oz Heymann's user avatar
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Mapping many data and drawing lines alone the roads on leaflet

I would like to do something like the traffic condition in Google Map in my web page, I use React and Leaflet (react-leaflet) in the front-end. I have millions points around the city, in the format ...
wing999's user avatar
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How to add municipalities to map?

I've successfully implemented a map of Denmark using Leaflet. However, I need to show the municipalities in Denmark, and this is surprisingly complicated. On this page, I gather that there are Mapbox ...
OZ1SEJ's user avatar
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Load large GeoJson files on demand on a leaflet map (checkboxes)

I have heavy Geojson files to display on a leaflet map. Because they are heavy, I would like them to be loaded only if the user checks a specific box on the map related to each of these Geojson files. ...
Paul Noon's user avatar
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React-Leaflet / OpenStreetMap: Detect if the marker is inside a circle

I have a marker and several zones (Circle). Now I want to detect if the marker is inside a zone. Any idea how I can do this? data.json { "name": "John Doe", "longitude&...
Berliner95's user avatar
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Leaflet bad performance with OverPassLayer Markers

Im currently encountering bad performance with my Leaflet Map while using the Overpass Library, especially when moving around on the Map although there are not a lot of Markers (less than 100). This ...
ez code ez life's user avatar
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How to change the administrative borders for Crimea

How can make changes to display Crimea as part of Ukraine. For leaflet I can't find anything like it
Tai's user avatar
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How to remove or empty the leaflet map based on the condition

I want to remove the map based on the selected condition. .component.ts dataChanged (selectsensor) { console.log(selectsensor) for( var j=0;j<selectsensor.length;j++){ for (var i =0; i< this....
user's user avatar
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How to add the text labels on the leaflet map

I want to show the text label to show the location name on the leaflet map(Not tool tip text, or popup text). .component.ts map[i] =[this.sensors[i].latitude,this.sensors[i]....
Haritha's user avatar
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Openstreetmap , Leaflet.js: Open all popup box on page load alwayes

is there any way popup always stay open ? Not having the need to click on it to open. Openstreetmap , Leaflet: Open all popup box on page load alwayes my full JS code: ...
joomla max's user avatar
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moving marker does not exist on type of import

moving marker does not exist on type of import please help me to solve this error. I have installed npm package npm install --save leaflet-moving-marker but it shows the error moving marker does not ...
Rajat Singla's user avatar
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Is there any tool or somehow to make a OpenStreetMap editor which can manage multi layer in it?

I need to build a web application that could draw, edit, import, export,.. map using OSM data. In that, I could add layers and manage like tree form. The layer can be toggled on/off on the map to edit....
nguyenthanhdat's user avatar
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Getting the error of map container not found in leaflet map

My requirement is to show the multiple leaflet maps(based on the backend data) on the page. map.component.ts for (var i = 0; i < this.mapleaf.length; i++) { map[i] =[i])....
Haritha's user avatar
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How to create the multiple leaflet maps on the page in angular

I have created the leaflet open street map given below. .component.ts map ='map').setView([12.876, 80.599], 12); L.tileLayer('https://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png', { ...
Haritha's user avatar
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How do I pull tiles from a custom OSM tile server? My URL string doesn't seem to be working

We have a custom OSM tile server set up on AWS and pointed to a subdomain URL. If I type the URL in a browser, the map appears fine. Now I need to access the tile server, both with Leaflet and ...
user3398945's user avatar
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Leaflet 1.7.1 popup on mobile Bug

I am working on a new Leaflet map with 1.7.1. I noticed on my mobile device browsers (on Safari and Chrome) that the popups are flickering (not displaying/not showing up). I went on the Leaflet ...
Refael's user avatar
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Drawing boundaries on a map with LeafletJS

I'm starting to play with code that can generate maps. I am now looking at OSM (OpenStreetMaps) as a great solution. Also LeafletJS makes it very easy to draw maps based on OSM. So far so good. I ...
santa's user avatar
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Offline map without a tile server

Tell me, please, I need to create an application that without the Internet will load an (offline) map of some area and it will be possible to indicate the path on it with points (points will be ...
Thr0TT1e's user avatar
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Leaflet animated marker not displaying the latitude and longitude

I am using this code it shows the message in a popup when I remove the and + e.latlng.lng var myMovingMarker = L.Marker.movingMarker([ [23.59582641820334, 58.439605236053474], [21....
salman m's user avatar

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