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12 votes
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How to retrieve LayerPoint (X, Y) from Latitude and Longitude coordinates using Leaflet API

If I use the following code to get the LayerPoint from a specified Lat/Lng: var latLng = new L.latLng(-37.81303878836989, 144.97421264648438); var point = map.latLngToLayerPoint(latLng); The output ...
gotnull's user avatar
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How to query Overpass area through leaflet?

I have a OpenstreetMap with leaflet. I'm using this Plugin for leaflet to query with Overpass. var opl = new L.OverPassLayer({ query: "(area['name'='Roma']; node(area)['amenity'='drinking_water']);...
Khan's user avatar
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increase query limitations at overpass api

I have an application with leaflet and overpass.api. I use this overpass-layer plugin to query to OSM data. My problem ist, when i query to0 often to overpass.api i get an Too Many request error after ...
Khan's user avatar
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Autoload lines in leaflet

I am trying to develop a map with openstreetmap and leaflet.js. I have a database that contains more than 150,000 data. I can not display them all simultaneously. So I developed a php script that will ...
Thibs's user avatar
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Leaflet Js: openPopup won't show

i've been reading around for a while and still haven't found a solution to my issue. I have a GeoJson that I load in a map. I use markers clusters to group all the features. I bind popups to those ...
xefiji's user avatar
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Where to get polygons for german postcodes (from OSM, in GeoJSON)?

I want to draw a choropleth map based on german zipcode areas and some data. It should look like this, just down to zipcodes: I asked the osm irc channel and ...
steros's user avatar
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What is the expected input for uninterestingTags in osmtogeojson?

I am currently working with Leaflet.js and Overpass API and I am using osmtogeojson to do the format change between the OSM-JSON that Overpass API outputs and the GeoJSON that Leaflet.js needs as ...
deiviz's user avatar
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I could not find json file in OSMBuilding

I make clickable buildings with OSM Buildings. When I click a building, I get Building ID. However, I could not get height of a building because I cannot fing JSON file to get this value. Codes are ...
alicant's user avatar
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create the map layer of a single country with open street map and leaflet geojson

I am trying to create the layer of the only country that is clicked earlier but without success. I managed to highlight it, but it shows me the highlighted country but also the rest of the world that ...
Rob0ut's user avatar
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Is there an easy way to collect LatLng coordinates as geojson?

I have a set of information as a csv-file that I want to bind in several pop-ups using Leaflet.js. For that I need to collect hundereds of city-coordinates mentioned in the csv-file. During my ...
Sebastian's user avatar
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Is there a way to cluster leaflet markers with similar properties ?

I create my layers from geoJson, which has specified adress among other things. I understand that grouping is done based on distance between them and current zoom to map. I want to achieve that ...
Lasto's user avatar
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How can i create GeoJSON for addressing it in an Layer URL by using geo data from postgres database?

I want to show administrative boundaries from a country on map with possability of user interaction(changing fillColor, show statistic data in a popup to a selected polygon, use events like ...
Nighthawk2k14's user avatar
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leaflet variable for import data geojson

I just used a leaflet. From the geoJSON demo page I saw if you want to include data you have to use <script src="data/us-states.geojson"></script> and if you open the files looks like ...
AdityaDees's user avatar
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Leaflet + GeoJson converted from OSM Data - Relations

I'm trying to display bicycle relations which I downloaded from geofabrik, converted with osmconvert, filtered with osmfilter and converted to geojson. At the moment Leaflet displays line strings and ...
Voyteck's user avatar
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How to update geojson markers periodically

What I am trying to do is to use Leaflet with OSM map, and load data from PHP in GeoJSON format + update periodically. I can manage to display a map, load data, but do not know how to update points ...
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