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increase query limitations at overpass api

I have an application with leaflet and overpass.api. I use this overpass-layer plugin to query to OSM data. My problem ist, when i query to0 often to overpass.api i get an Too Many request error after ...
Khan's user avatar
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How to query Overpass area through leaflet?

I have a OpenstreetMap with leaflet. I'm using this Plugin for leaflet to query with Overpass. var opl = new L.OverPassLayer({ query: "(area['name'='Roma']; node(area)['amenity'='drinking_water']);...
Khan's user avatar
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Autoload lines in leaflet

I am trying to develop a map with openstreetmap and leaflet.js. I have a database that contains more than 150,000 data. I can not display them all simultaneously. So I developed a php script that will ...
Thibs's user avatar
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Fetch polyline co-ordinates of a particular route from GeoJSON file

I have downloaded OSM file of an entire city from Mapzen. Then I have converted the OSM file into GeoJSON file format. Now I want to fetch the polyline points/co-ordinates (longitude, latitude) of ...
Ashikur Rahman's user avatar
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Is there an easy way to collect LatLng coordinates as geojson?

I have a set of information as a csv-file that I want to bind in several pop-ups using Leaflet.js. For that I need to collect hundereds of city-coordinates mentioned in the csv-file. During my ...
Sebastian's user avatar
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Leaflet Js: openPopup won't show

i've been reading around for a while and still haven't found a solution to my issue. I have a GeoJson that I load in a map. I use markers clusters to group all the features. I bind popups to those ...
xefiji's user avatar
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Is there a way to cluster leaflet markers with similar properties ?

I create my layers from geoJson, which has specified adress among other things. I understand that grouping is done based on distance between them and current zoom to map. I want to achieve that ...
Lasto's user avatar
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How to measure geometry efficiently in Google Map

I would like to add color to each house in the following google map example:,141.3479359,19z?hl=en I found an example in leaflet that add colors to US states ...
shapeare's user avatar
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Leaflet + GeoJson converted from OSM Data - Relations

I'm trying to display bicycle relations which I downloaded from geofabrik, converted with osmconvert, filtered with osmfilter and converted to geojson. At the moment Leaflet displays line strings and ...
Voyteck's user avatar
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What is the expected input for uninterestingTags in osmtogeojson?

I am currently working with Leaflet.js and Overpass API and I am using osmtogeojson to do the format change between the OSM-JSON that Overpass API outputs and the GeoJSON that Leaflet.js needs as ...
deiviz's user avatar
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How can i create GeoJSON for addressing it in an Layer URL by using geo data from postgres database?

I want to show administrative boundaries from a country on map with possability of user interaction(changing fillColor, show statistic data in a popup to a selected polygon, use events like ...
Nighthawk2k14's user avatar
12 votes
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How to retrieve LayerPoint (X, Y) from Latitude and Longitude coordinates using Leaflet API

If I use the following code to get the LayerPoint from a specified Lat/Lng: var latLng = new L.latLng(-37.81303878836989, 144.97421264648438); var point = map.latLngToLayerPoint(latLng); The output ...
gotnull's user avatar
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where to store information about routes and points?

I'm working on a project where I need to display maps. These maps are going to have routes and points of interest, there will be many maps to display in the future. At this moment, the project ...
mr_primate's user avatar

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