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Questions tagged [json]

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a serializable data interchange format that is a machine and human readable. Do not use this tag for native JavaScript objects or JavaScript object literals. Before you ask a question, validate your JSON using a JSON validator such as JSONLint (

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Configuration in task.json and launch.json in Vs Code for showing execution time in terminal after running

I am a complete beginner in this, with the help of Chatgpt i configured my task.json and launch.json (i have no idea what are they), the programs are running fine but the terminal is not showing ...
anand's user avatar
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How do i convert in python this type <class 'llama_index.core.base.response.schema.Response'> into a josn format,or acces the score?

I need to make an llm which have a basic response when all the documents has a similarity score less then order to do that i use llama but i can t acces score to compare it and see if is ...
White Slayer's user avatar
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How to extract JSON array in PieCloudDB

I am new to JSON, in my PieCloudDB Database there is a json column as follows(example data): {"A001": ["123","124","125"],"A002": ["234",&...
Meliodas Dragon's user avatar
-1 votes
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Accessing the Internet Archive's Twitter Stream Grab

I have downloaded one day's worth of Twitter (X) data from the Internet Archive's Twitter Stream Grab here: The data is provided as JSON files. But when I ...
Ambar Nag's user avatar
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write/read to/from json a python dict that has a polars DF for one or more keys

I am new to Polars in python. I am trying to save a dict that contains single pl.DataFrames for the values of some of the keys. I am currently trying to save the dict in JSON format, but I am ...
Richard Kopcke's user avatar
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Getting HttpErrorResponse in Angular, Http failure during parsing

I am building a RESTful API with a Spring Boot Backend & Angular frontend. Utilizing a service meant to return a client list as shown below: @Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' }) export class ...
Shayne McPherson's user avatar
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How to count values from a column with JSON content?

I have a table with singers and each singer can be linked to many musical styles. Musical Styles are in a TEXT column, but the content of the column has JSON format. I want to count the number of ...
Sébastien Merour's user avatar
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could not train my data using the json file

I've trained a model and downloaded its trained data which is in the format JSON, later im trying to use the json for training but it shows error as even though it correctly contains all the ...
calvin rajesh's user avatar
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Optimizing json.Marshal in Go

I have a service that needs to marshal large JSONs (~50KB length). In the beginning, I used map[string]interface{} and encoded it but it consumed a lot of CPU. Then I tried to map the JSON into ...
dan245's user avatar
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Read Met Office Data Point JSON into Panda

I am using the MetOffice Datapoint API to download UK Weather data as a JSON. I would then like to read that JSON file into a pandas DataFrame. The format of the JSON file is as shown {"SiteRep&...
user284377's user avatar
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How can i get the Value property of a response from Powershell? [duplicate]

I make a REST call using Powershell and get a response of the following: { "@odata.context": "$metadata#directoryRoles", "value": [ ...
Jenny's user avatar
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Converting JSON list with multiple nested dictionaries to csv or excel

I have a JSON that I download from a website that has multiple nested dictionaries inside the main list. This is a very simplified version of it. [ { "id": 1, "...
TxHemi's user avatar
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Managing Repeated Data: Script Array vs External JSON

I'm working on a Nuxt project where I have a section with 8 <li> elements, each containing an image, alt text, class, and a link. I want to avoid repetitive code by using a loop to render these ...
Michael's user avatar
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deploy a react.js site with data .json file in netlify

I have a react.js QuizApp project with question json file in data folder. I try to deploy that in Netlify site,but in it's demo when it is deployed, data don't load. It's demo works as long as, Npm ...
mahdieh's user avatar
-2 votes
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Trouble using Post method in nest js

I used dto to recieve data with object with post in nestjs typeorm @Post(':userId/charge-amount') @HttpCode(HttpStatus.OK) async chargeUser( @Body() chargeAmountDTO : ChargeAmountDTO, ...
김민겸's user avatar
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Redshift COPY with JSON PATH Case Sensitivity

I want to copy a file from S3 to Redshift. Content is in camelCase: {"accountId":{"S:"1acb4"}} Redshift columns are in all lowercase. This is marshalled Dynamo JSON, so I am ...
Justin Newport's user avatar
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Json.Net How to Serialize and Deserialize custom types in custom way

I use the R3 reactive programming library and Newtonsoft. I'm trying to save object data to a file so that I can later read from it. The recording just works without problems. But when reading the ...
Maers's user avatar
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How to get raw json or other data for onecall ticket [closed]

I am trying to get the data that populates the ticket here: ...
FinishedManx843's user avatar
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S3 Sink Confluent Kafka Connector JsonParser feature

I have json data in kafka, getting below stack trace at org.apache.kafka.connect.json.JsonConverter.toConnectData( ... 18 more Caused by: com.fasterxml.jackson.core....
gaurav miglani's user avatar
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Serde doesn't see untagged enum variant in input ("data did not match any variant of untagged ...") [duplicate]

Using Serde, I want to parse JSON data like this: { "data_type": "uint8", "scales": [{ "encoding": "jpeg", "key": "4.0x4....
tomka's user avatar
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How to bind json data to FromBody Dto in ASP.NET Core Web API?

In my ASP.NET Core Web API, when I call a method that is a HttpPost and receives a DTO object in FromBody, and sends extra fields that are not in SourceUrlDto, I fail during binding on the code side. ...
Ahmet Kalem's user avatar
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Data analysis of JSON: Time vs Memory Optimization (Python)

I had a task about analysing data in a newline delimited JSON, using Python. I was asked to give 2 approaches, one that optimizes time spent, and one that optimizes memory used. Each line of the JSON ...
Juan Perez's user avatar
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Expand the json string to multiple columns in pyspark (python)

I need to expand the Json object (column b) to multiple columns. From this table, Column A Column B id1 [{a:1,b:'letter1'}] id2 [{a:1,b:'letter2',c:3,d:4}] To this table, Column A a b c d id1 1 ...
Jack9406's user avatar
-1 votes
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How do I query System.Text.Json.Nodes.JsonArray by value in .net core c#

I wanna query an System.Text.Json.Nodes.JsonArray by prop value , Is there any JsonArray function can query JsonObject in which array index without foreach/forloop or extra libray ? [ {"...
民麒張's user avatar
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I want my Jpos Server handle Json format message through TCP/IP or Postman, i don't know how to proceed

The final objective is to be able to take a JSON message from any client, convert it into ISOMsg, and send it to a destination server able to answer ISO 8583 messages ( I use Jpos Server to simulate a ...
Miguel Pascal's user avatar
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My VScode does not watch when I use "-w" flag in my package.json

I'm working on a SASS and Bootstrap project in VScode and facing an issue where SASS doesn't watch or compile when I use the "-w" flag. It compiles without the "-w" flag but doesn'...
Amin's user avatar
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CSV backslash create issue while procession file data

I am trying to process a CSV file in which one column contains JSON formatted data. In this JSON data, some fields use backslashes, which creates a problem when mapping fields with their values. Link ...
Siddhart hundare's user avatar
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How to invoke a cell magic inside a function?

Consider the following program, which I wrote in two Jupyter Notebook cells. Cell 1: import rumbledb as rmbl %load_ext rumbledb %env RUMBLEDB_SERVER= Cell 2: %%...
Evan Aad's user avatar
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How to extract incoming data from a http rest request in a service in Moqui?

I want to extract json data from incoming request in a Moqui Service I have created a service in Moqui which processes incoming data, the problem is data comes as a direct json insted of being nested ...
Ayan Farooqui's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to create a table from a JSON recordset in Firebird DB? [closed]

I am documenting how to create a table from a JSON recordset in multiple databases. So far I have figured out MySQL, SAP HANA, Oracle, Postgres, SQL Server, Snowflake, and SQLite. How would I do ...
Steve Lloyd's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Is there a way to read sequentially pretty-printed JSON objects in Python?

Suppose you have a JSON file like this: { "a": 0 } { "a": 1 } It's not JSONL, because each object takes more than one line. But it's not a single valid JSON object either. It'...
polm23's user avatar
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Podcast episode update [closed]

I am new to here and web development. I am building my first project and it happens to be a proper website for my podcast. It's been one of my top passion projects as I've always wanted to give my ...
odysseywow's user avatar
-1 votes
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Converting Memory Output from Ki to MB with JSON Path Query Output

I am running the below query to get two outputs across two columns : Name Memory But the memory output is shown in Ki. I would like to convert the output of the node memory into MB when it is ...
Pallab's user avatar
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API Pagination - Want to get the page from the URL and not from the Body

I am new to the API world and have a question. I am currently making an API custom connector call to plytix with Matillion Data Loader. The call works fine until I want to bring in all the records ...
user26426873's user avatar
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"display-override" field in my manifest.json flagging problem

"display_override": [ "standalone", "fullscreen", "minimal-ui", "window-controls-overlay", "browser" ], Above is a ...
userNameAsString's user avatar
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VS Code Custom Syntax Not Highlighting

I made a vs code syntax for calcscript but I cannot seem to get the hightlighting or the autocompetion working for my code. This is my package.json: { "name": "calcscript-syntax-...
Rylan Bosquez's user avatar
-2 votes
2 answers

"No operator '<<' matches these operands" error for JSON::Value, how to write it to cout? [duplicate]

My C++ program below is supposed to read a json file called english.json and display the "title" information. #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <json/value.h> ...
Anorak The Omniscient's user avatar
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Creation of a json in python with odd structuring going in using python

It is currently not producing the JSON I want there are many issues that I have listed but I am wondering what would make it produce what I want I know that there is probably a simple way to this but ...
Artificial_Float's user avatar
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How to prevent a React component from freezing the page after loading?

I am using the following library uiwjs/react-json-view, it is the typical library to view json. The issue is that I want it to load a large json. But when it does, it freezes the page in the process. ...
Jup's user avatar
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How to use JSONiq in a python program?

How can I use JSONiq to query JSON objects in a python program running on my PC? I have managed to use JSONiq in a Jupyter Notebook running inside Visual Studio Code, but I'm interested in using ...
Evan Aad's user avatar
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Export Pydantic model classes (not instances) to JSON

I understand that Pydantic can export models to JSON, see ref. But in practice, this means instances of a model: from datetime import datetime from pydantic import BaseModel class BarModel(BaseModel):...
jbuddy_13's user avatar
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Modify SharePoint List Schema with Python

I want to periodically add choices to a Sharepoint List with Python, but when I do so the choices are formatted in the same way. I tried to add random colors by Generating the json schema ...
Romero Azzalini's user avatar
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Creation of a dictionary with a list that keeps adding items instead of adding it as a new item

I have a function that is creating a dictionary but it is not giving me what I want I understand why it is giving me it but I am wanting it to slightly different I do not want it to add it like ...
Artificial_Float's user avatar
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Bad request error at server side when i receive a json object

I am just making a simple axios post request to server. But I cannot understand why am I getting a bad request error. I send the data in json and i expect the data in json. But I am still getting a ...
Samarth Gupta's user avatar
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How to check if key is in JSON sqlachemy

I am trying to select a segment if: settings dict is not null Has key user_parameters in it And user_parameters (dict) has key user_id in it Code below: user_id = '100952' select([self.db.segments])....
user16965639's user avatar
1 vote
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add JSON object keys and values to bash associative array

I want to loop through a JSON object and add the keys and values to a Bash associative array. Here's my JSON object that is in a file named deploy.json. "deploymentEnvs": { "dev":...
mdailey77's user avatar
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ReactJS: ResizeObserver loop completed with undelivered notifications

I'm seeing the following error when I submit a particular form: This is happening when I submit a edit form but I don't see this error when I submit a add form. I have checked thoroughly in my ...
aniket working's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Extract Unique Values from a Power BI JSON in Power Automate

I have the following JSON that comes from PowerBI (via the Power Automate button function) [ { "entity": { "Power BI values": [ { "G-DATEMO":...
BobsBugs's user avatar
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How to post multiple objects in oracle apex rest api?

I am trying to post data like below { "ORG_ID": "81", "TRX_DATE": "30-JAN-2024", "TRX_NUMBER": "240006078&...
Abdullah Al Mamun's user avatar
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How to read `DeclaringType` from `JsonPropertyTypeInfo` in System.Text.Json?

I want to customize serialization based on the type of the property. To do that I would like to read DeclaringType from JsonPropertyInfo. This is an example from Microsoft documentation on how to ...
Ilya Chernomordik's user avatar

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