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Questions tagged [graphml]

File-format for graphs which consists of a language core to describe the structural properties of a graph and a flexible extension mechanism to add application-specific data

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Problems generating valid Graphml with osmnx

I want to generate a valid graph format with osmnx so that it can be later analyzed with igraph or similar. This is the minimal code: import osmnx as ox def __main__(): # Define the place name ...
jjmerelo's user avatar
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Turning a list of PyG Data objects into a PyG Dataset?

I have a python list of objects (each one representing a graph). There is no easy way for me to access original raw files for this data: I just have the list. I need to turn ...
td12345's user avatar
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Difficulty with read_graphml function from the Boost Graph library

I am trying to use the read_graphml function from the Boost library to read some .graphml files in a C++ application that I am developing. However, I am running into unexpected difficulties in reading ...
ibnyusuf's user avatar
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Error in DGL API with heterogeneous graphs

According to this page ( This code snippet g = dgl.graph((torch.tensor([0, 1]), torch.tensor([1, 2]))) hg = dgl.heterograph({ ('user',...
Jonathan's user avatar
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Identical code works in .ipynb but fails in .py

Using the OSMnx package, I am attempting to write a script which involves loading a .osm file. The .osm file was downloaded from Geofabrik. When building, I prefer using .ipynb on VS code, but I am ...
David Micallef's user avatar
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Can't read and query graphml file with lxml

I have an XML (GraphML) file which is loosely defined as follows: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <graphml xmlns:x="
user32882's user avatar
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How to neo4j to Tigergraph (file is in graphml format)

i'm trying to migrate the schema from neo4j to tigergraph where i exported the data from neo4j in graphml format and trying to parse the file and create schema in tigergraph. Do let me know if there ...
Aysha's user avatar
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I am playing around with DGL. In this specific case, I have a heterogenous graph, but the output of the RGCN is not what I expect

This is what my graph looks like: cust_prod_graph = Graph(num_nodes={'customer': 8813, 'product': 157466}, num_edges={('customer', 'browsed', 'product'): 860771, ('customer', 'purchased', '...
Vishal Chakravarthi's user avatar
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Why does NetLogo not show 'x' values when using nw:load-graphml with a different breed?

I'm working on a NetLogo project where I'm using the nw:load-graphml function from the NW extension to load data from a GraphML file into my NetLogo model. When I use nw:set-context turtles routes and ...
cconsta1's user avatar
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Load GraphML or GEXF file from S3 into AWS lambda

I have a graph stored as GraphML format in s3. I would like to load it into Lambda, to use it later with a Python library called networkx. I was trying to read it as instructed in the docs but it does ...
G. Macia's user avatar
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How to write GraphML file to Boost Graph with custom graph_bundle Property?

I am not able to compile below , where I want to use graph_bundle property of boost graph. struct VertexProps { std::string VertexName; }; struct EdgeProps { std::string edgeName; }; struct ...
apotropaic's user avatar
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How to export DAG in .gml format from Dagitty and input into dowhy?

I have just started exploring dowhy library for causal inference. In the user guide section there is a basic example to calculate the causal effect. A section here says that it is recommended to input ...
Anirban Chakraborty's user avatar
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Unable to write waxman graph using graphml in Networkx

I am trying to generate the Waxman random graph using the built-in function which works fine and generates the Waxman graph. Later in my code, I am writing the above-generated graph using graphml as: ...
Waqas Ahmad's user avatar
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Write multiple iteration of a networkx graph into .graphml format

I created a graph using the following code where I am getting number of nodes and probability as input from the user. def my_erdos_renyi(): erdos_renyi_nodes = int(input("Please enter the ...
Waqas Ahmad's user avatar
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How to read GraphML file to Boost Graph with custom Vertex Property?

I am trying to create a boost graph of robot joint configuration space. For that I am using custom VertexProperty. struct VertexProperties { std::vector<double> joint_angles; ...
Samarth Jain's user avatar

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