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Questions tagged [ggpattern]

Use this tag for questions related to the ggpattern package. The ggpattern package is an extension package for {ggplot2} which "provides geoms filled with various patterns".

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3 answers

Merge the legend from ggpattern and ggplot2

I have a world map where countries are colored and some colors also have stripes (so that it is ready when printed in black and white). I managed to add the stripes using the package ggpattern, but I ...
bixiou's user avatar
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Maps & scale_*_manual for multiple geom types (geom_polygon & geom_pattern_polygon)

I am trying to create a map where only counties with missing data have a striped pattern. Ideally, the background of this pattern would be white and the stripes would be blue, but I have gotten ...
sstewart's user avatar
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create legend from ggpattern

I have created a map that iterates through counties and adds a color and a pattern based on the great ggpattern r package, however I cannot figure out how to create a legend to add to the map with the ...
jsimpsno's user avatar
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Combine ggpubr and ggpattern packages

Has someone ever found a way to fill bareplot with stripes in ggbarplot (ggpubr package, one example below), using for example ggpattern package ? Thanks ! data <- mtcars data$cars <- rownames(...
guurmi's user avatar
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Cross hatches with ggplot2

I'm trying to make a bar plot, and for the treatments that include insecticide, I want there to be cross hatches, but the code I currently won't work and I cannot figure out how to fix it. Here is a ...
Moriah's user avatar
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Add texture/pattern to only one bar in ggplot

I am trying to modify the texture of only one bar and I am having issues in the legend. Here is my data and code Run3VsRun8_Savings <- data.frame( Category = factor(c("4", "5",...
Karthik's user avatar
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How do you remove pattern_fill legend?

I'm wondering how and if it's possible to remove the legend created by pattern_fill? This is my data: #To use non-english characters Sys.setlocale("LC_ALL", "nb-NO.UTF-8") library(...
Henning Åsheim's user avatar
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ggplot2 & ggpattern: How to specify legend columns/rows when fill and pattern are cobined?

In the following example, I use both pattern and fill. The legend has to be below the plot. How can force the legend in one row? I can't get guides(fill=guide_legend(nrow=1)), as used here, to work. ...
Becci's user avatar
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Not compilation when labelling x-axis ggplot2

I have a dataset with two facors (f1 and f2) and two responses (r1 and r2). For the f1, I although in the dataset it is coded with A, B, C, etc, I want to use specific names. However, when I tray to ...
David Moldes's user avatar
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Changing legend title in ggpattern R

So I am trying to visualize my data in R using the ggpattern package. The problem is that I can't seem to edit the legend's title using the guides function. Before I go further into that, let me show ...
pindakazen's user avatar
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Different pattern and colors two-way ANOVA barplot

I´m plotting two factors and two variables in the same graph. However, I want that the factor time not only appears each bar with a different color, but also with a different pattern (using ggpattern)....
David Moldes's user avatar
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Removing part of the legend in ggplot2

I have an overlapping of three stat_contour_filled functions using also ggpattern (you can see the "background" in my previous question). Here is my code: v<-ggplot(df, aes(pi1,pi2,z=val))...
DreDev's user avatar
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Manually changing the filling color in the legend of my R! ggplot boxplot

I have trouble to visualize the pattern distinction in my R! boxplot, for which I've used ggplot & ggpattern. I want to show the white stripes for the condition "s". But since the ...
Arabidopsis_Killer_3000's user avatar
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Patterns in filled contours and striped colors in R

Let me introduce you my big problem: I have to create two filled contour graphs and then overlap them in order to show where intersections happen. In order to be clear, I'd need to use "stripes&...
DreDev's user avatar
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changing line angle in scale_pattern_manual in ggplot

I would like change the patterns in my stacked barchart using scale_pattern_manual to have the last stack in my stacked barchart have vertical lines instead of horizontal 45 degrees. So I want them to ...
confusedindividual's user avatar

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